data("salmonella.agona") # sts object lala <- paste(salmonella.agona$start[1],salmonella.agona$start[2],"1",sep=" ") firstMonday <- as.POSIXlt(lala, format = "%Y %W %u") salm.ts <- salmonella.agona$observed dates <- as.Date(firstMonday) + 7 * 0:(length(salm.ts) - 1) start=c(salmonella.agona$start[1],salmonella.agona$start[2]) salm <- new("sts",epoch = as.numeric(dates), start = start, freq = 52, observed = salm.ts, epochAsDate = TRUE) ### ## WEIGHTS FUNCTION ### test_that("gamma = 1 if everything below the threshold",{ s <- rep(0,10) weightsThreshold <- 0 weights <- algo.farrington.assign.weights(s,weightsThreshold) expect_equal(weights,rep(1,10)) }) test_that(" A case that was checked by hand",{ s <- rep(2,10) s[1:5] <- 0 weightsThreshold <- 0 weights <- algo.farrington.assign.weights(s,weightsThreshold) expect_equal(weights[1:5],rep(1.6,5)) expect_equal(weights[6:10],rep(0.4,5)) }) ### ## RESIDUALS FUNCTION ### test_that(" residuals should be zero",{ x <- rpois(10,1) y <- exp(x) model <- glm(y~x,family = quasipoisson(link="log")) phi <- max(summary(model)$dispersion,1) s <- anscombe.residuals(model,phi) expect_equal(as.numeric(s),rep(0,10)) }) test_that(" residuals should not be zero",{ x <- rpois(1000,1) y <- exp(x)+runif(1) model <- glm(y~x,family = quasipoisson(link="log")) phi <- max(summary(model)$dispersion,1) s <- anscombe.residuals(model,phi) expect_true(mean(s)>0) }) ### ## FORMULA FUNCTION ### test_that("We get the right formula",{ expect_identical(surveillance:::formulaGLM(populationOffset=FALSE,timeBool=TRUE,factorsBool=FALSE), "response ~ 1+wtime") expect_identical(surveillance:::formulaGLM(populationOffset=FALSE,timeBool=FALSE,factorsBool=FALSE), "response ~ 1") expect_identical(surveillance:::formulaGLM(populationOffset=TRUE,timeBool=TRUE,factorsBool=FALSE), "response ~ 1+wtime+offset(log(population))") expect_identical(surveillance:::formulaGLM(populationOffset=TRUE,timeBool=TRUE,factorsBool=TRUE), "response ~ 1+wtime+offset(log(population))+seasgroups") }) ### ## REFERENCE TIME POINTS FUNCTION ### test_that("We get the expected timepoints with weekly data",{ # Case with weekly data with dates dayToConsider <- as.Date("2013-06-06") b <- 3 freq <- 52 epochAsDate <- TRUE epochStr <- "week" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.referencetimepoints(dayToConsider,b=b,freq=freq,epochAsDate,epochStr) # Do we get the same day as dayToConsider? expect_equal(as.numeric(format(lala, "%w")),rep(4,4)) # Actually for this example I know the dates one should get expect_equal(sort(lala),sort(c(as.Date("2010-06-03"),as.Date("2013-06-06"),as.Date("2012-06-07"),as.Date("2011-06-09")))) }) test_that("We get the expected timepoints with monthly data",{ dayToConsider <- 48 b <- 3 freq <- 12 epochAsDate <- FALSE epochStr <- "month" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.referencetimepoints(dayToConsider,b=b,freq=freq,epochAsDate,epochStr) expect_equal(lala,c(48,36,24,12)) }) test_that("We get an error when going too many years back",{ dayToConsider <- 48 b <- 3 freq <- 12 epochAsDate <- FALSE epochStr <- "month" expect_true(any(surveillance:::algo.farrington.referencetimepoints(dayToConsider,b=8,freq=freq,epochAsDate,epochStr) < 1)) # apply code control1 <- list(range=250,noPeriods=10,populationOffset=FALSE, fitFun="algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible", b=10,w=3,weightsThreshold=2.58, pastWeeksNotIncluded=26, pThresholdTrend=1,trend=TRUE, thresholdMethod="muan",alpha=0.05,glmWarnings=FALSE) expect_error(farringtonFlexible(salm,control=control1),"Some reference") }) ### ## FIT GLM FUNCTION ### # Case with convergence control<- list(range=250,noPeriods=10,populationOffset=TRUE, fitFun="algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible", b=40,w=3,weightsThreshold=2.58, pastWeeksNotIncluded=26, pThresholdTrend=1,trend=TRUE, thresholdMethod="muan",alpha=0.05,glmWarnings=FALSE) response=salm@observed[1:120] dataGLM <- data.frame(response=response,wtime=1:120, population=runif(120)*100, seasgroups=as.factor(rep(1:12,10))) arguments <- list(dataGLM=dataGLM, timeTrend=TRUE, populationOffset=TRUE, factorsBool=TRUE,reweight=TRUE, weightsThreshold=0.5,glmWarnings=control$glmWarnings, control=control) model <-, args=arguments) test_that("The fit glm function gives the right class of output",{ expect_inherits(model, "glm") }) test_that("The fit glm function gives as many coefficients as expected",{ expect_equal(dim(summary(model)$coefficients)[1], length(levels(dataGLM$seasgroups))-1+1+1) }) test_that("wtime, response, phi and weights were added to the model",{ expect_false(is.null(model$phi)) expect_false(is.null(model$wtime)) expect_false(is.null(model$response)) expect_false(is.null(model$population)) expect_false(is.null(model$weights)) }) test_that("reweighting was done",{ expect_true(all(model$weights!=1)) }) test_that("there are no weights if very high threshold",{ arguments$reweight <- TRUE arguments$weightsThreshold <- 100000 model <-, args=arguments) expect_true(all(model$weights==1)) }) test_that("there is not a too small overdispersion",{ expect_true(model$phi>=1) }) ### ## BLOCKS FUNCTION ### referenceTimePoints <- c(as.Date("2010-06-03"),as.Date("2013-06-06"),as.Date("2012-06-07"),as.Date("2011-06-09")) firstDay <- as.Date("1990-06-07") vectorOfDates <- dates <- as.Date(firstDay) + 7 * 0:1300 freq <- 52 dayToConsider <- as.Date("2013-06-06") b <- 3 w <- 3 epochAsDate <- TRUE # p=1 p <- 1 lala <- surveillance:::blocks(referenceTimePoints,vectorOfDates,freq,dayToConsider,b,w,p,epochAsDate) test_that("the reference window has the right length",{ expect_equal(length(vectorOfDates[]),w+1+b*(2*w+1)) # p>1 p <- 8 lala <- surveillance:::blocks(referenceTimePoints,vectorOfDates,freq,dayToConsider,b,w,p,epochAsDate) # reference windows expect_equal(length(vectorOfDates[]),w+1+b*(2*w+1)) }) lili <- as.factor(lala[]) test_that("there are as many levels as expected",{ expect_equal(length(levels(lili)),p) }) p <- 8 lala <- surveillance:::blocks(referenceTimePoints,vectorOfDates,freq,dayToConsider,b,w,p,epochAsDate) lili <- as.factor(lala[]) lolo <- lili[lili!=p] test_that("periods of roughly the same length each year",{ expect_equal(as.numeric(abs(diff(table(lolo))[1:(p-2)])<=b),rep(1,(p-2))) }) ### ## THRESHOLD FUNCTION FARRINGTON ### predFit <- 5 predSeFit <- 0.2 wtime <- 380 skewness.transform <- "2/88" alpha <- 0.05 y <- 8 method <- "delta" phi <- 1 test_that("the function recognizes wrong exponents",{ expect_error(surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.farrington( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ), "proper exponent") }) test_that("some results we know are found",{ skewness.transform <- "none" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.farrington( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) # Should always be ok lala <- as.numeric(lala) expect_true(lala[3]<=1&lala[1]>=0) expect_true(lala[2]>lala[1]) expect_true(lala[1]>=0) # Here we know the results expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(1.3073128, 8.6926872, 0.0907246, 0.8124165), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) # Here we calculated some examples skewness.transform <- "1/2" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.farrington( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(1.9891097, 9.3744842, 0.1189986, 0.6857951), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) skewness.transform <- "2/3" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.farrington( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(1.8084477, 9.1154825, 0.1094727, 0.7289546), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) }) ### ## THRESHOLD FUNCTION NOUFAILY ### predFit <- log(5) predSeFit <- log(2) wtime <- 380 skewness.transform <- "none" alpha <- 0.05 y <- 11 phi <- 1.5 method <- "muan" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) test_that("some results we know are found",{ # Should always be ok lala <- as.numeric(lala) expect_true(lala[3]<=1&lala[1]>=0) expect_true(lala[2]>lala[1]) expect_true(lala[1]>=0) # Here we calculated some examples expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(8.0000000, 24.0000000, 0.8597797, 0.4193982), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) phi <- 1.0 method <- "muan" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(9.0000000, 22.0000000, 0.9093099, 0.4605347), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) phi <- 1.5 method <- "nbPlugin" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(1.00000000, 10.00000000, 0.03763657, 1.11918153), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) phi <- 1.0 method <- "nbPlugin" lala <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.threshold.noufaily( predFit, predSeFit, phi, skewness.transform, alpha, y, method ) expect_equal(as.numeric(lala), c(2.00000000, 9.00000000, 0.01369527, 1.27061541), tolerance = 1e-6, scale = 1) }) ### ## DATA GLM FUNCTION ### b <- 3 freq <- 52 dayToConsider <- as.Date("2013-05-30") epochAsDate <- TRUE epochStr <- "week" firstDay <- as.Date("1990-06-07") vectorOfDates <- dates <- as.Date(firstDay) + 7 * 0:1300 w <- 3 noPeriods <- 10 observed <- rnorm(1301)+runif(1301)+30 population <- rnorm(1301)+10 verbose <- FALSE pastWeeksNotIncluded <- w k <- 1200 lala <-, b, freq, epochAsDate,epochStr, vectorOfDates,w,noPeriods, observed,population, verbose,pastWeeksNotIncluded,k) test_that("the output is a data.frame",{ expect_inherits(lala, "data.frame") }) test_that("the data frame contains all variables",{ expect_identical(names(lala), c("response", "wtime","population","seasgroups","vectorOfDates")) }) test_that("the time variable is ok with diff 1",{ expect_equal(diff(lala$wtime), rep(1,length(lala$wtime)-1)) }) test_that("the factor variable has the right number of levels",{ expect_equal(nlevels(lala$seasgroups), noPeriods) }) observed[1150] <- NA lala <-, b, freq, epochAsDate,epochStr, vectorOfDates,w,noPeriods, observed,population, verbose,pastWeeksNotIncluded,k) test_that("the data frame has the right dimensions",{ expect_equal(dim(lala),c(156,5)) }) ### ## GLM FUNCTION ### dataGLM <- lala timeTrend <- TRUE populationOffset <- TRUE factorsBool <- TRUE reweight <- TRUE weightsThreshold <- 1 pThresholdTrend <- 1 b <- 3 noPeriods <- 10 typePred <- "link" fitFun <- "algo.farrington.fitGLM.flexible" glmWarnings <- FALSE epochAsDate <- TRUE dayToConsider <- as.Date("2013-05-30") diffDates <- 7 populationNow <- 10 test_that("the output has the needed variables",{ finalModel <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.glm(dataGLM,timeTrend,populationOffset,factorsBool, reweight,weightsThreshold,pThresholdTrend,b, noPeriods,typePred,fitFun,glmWarnings,epochAsDate, dayToConsider,diffDates,populationNow,verbose=FALSE) expect_identical(names(finalModel), c("pred","doTrend","coeffTime","phi")) }) test_that("no time trend in no time trend",{ pThresholdTrend <- 1 b <- 2 finalModel <- surveillance:::algo.farrington.glm(dataGLM,timeTrend,populationOffset,factorsBool, reweight,weightsThreshold,pThresholdTrend,b, noPeriods,typePred,fitFun,glmWarnings,epochAsDate, dayToConsider,diffDates,populationNow,verbose=FALSE) expect_false(finalModel$doTrend) }) ### ## ALARMS ### test <- farringtonFlexible(salm,control=list(thresholdMethod="nbPlugin",alpha=0.1)) test_that("there are only alarms when expected",{ # No alarm when observed is 0 expect_true(sum(test@alarm[test@observed==0])==0) # No alarm when the observed counts are UNDER the threshold expect_true(sum(observed(test)>upperbound(test),na.rm=TRUE)==sum(test@alarm==TRUE)) }) ### ## NO CONVERGENCE ### timeSeries <- rep(0,698) timeSeries[696] <- 1 algoControl <- list(noPeriods=10,alpha = 0.01,verbose = F, b=5,w=4,weightsThreshold=2.58,pastWeeksNotIncluded=26, pThresholdTrend=1,thresholdMethod='nbPlugin',limit54 = c(4,5), range = (length(timeSeries) - 1):length(timeSeries), glmWarnings = FALSE) seriesSTSObject <- new('sts', observed = timeSeries, epoch = as.numeric(seq(as.Date('2001-01-01'),length.out=length(timeSeries), by='1 week')), epochAsDate = TRUE) test_that("The code does not produce any error",{ # It is ok if the code does not produce any error expect_warning(farringtonFlexible(seriesSTSObject, control = algoControl)) }) ### ## NA ### timeSeries <- rnorm(698)*10+runif(698)*100+30 algoControl <- list(noPeriods=10,alpha = 0.01,verbose = F, b=5,w=4,weightsThreshold=2.58,pastWeeksNotIncluded=NULL, pThresholdTrend=1,thresholdMethod='nbPlugin',limit54 = c(4,5), range = (length(timeSeries) - 1):length(timeSeries), glmWarnings = FALSE) seriesSTSObject <- sts(timeSeries, epoch = seq(as.Date('2001-01-01'), length.out=length(timeSeries), by='1 week')) test_that("The code does not produce any error",{ farringtonFlexible(seriesSTSObject, control = algoControl) results1 <- farringtonFlexible(seriesSTSObject, control = algoControl) expect_inherits(results1, "sts") seriesSTSObject@observed[680:690] <- NA results2 <- farringtonFlexible(seriesSTSObject, control = algoControl) expect_inherits(results2, "sts") }) ### ## multivariate example with populationOffset ### msts <- sts(cbind(series1 = timeSeries, series2 = timeSeries), population = c(1,2)*10000) algoControl$populationOffset <- TRUE out <- farringtonFlexible(msts, control = algoControl) test_that("population offsets of multivariate sts are handled correctly", { ## resulting upperbounds must be the same as different offsets just rescale the intercept expect_equal(out@upperbound[,1], out@upperbound[,2]) }) ## failed in surveillance <= 1.19.1 (used series 1 offset for both fits)