R Under development (unstable) (2023-11-26 r85638 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ### "lazy" transition from "testthat" to "tinytest" > ### Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Sebastian Meyer > > if (!requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly = TRUE) + || packageVersion("tinytest") < "1.2.4") { + message("this test suite requires package 'tinytest' (>= 1.2.4)") + q("no") + } > > ## provide simple replacement for test_that() expectation bundles > test_that <- function (desc, code) { + eval(substitute(code), new.env(parent = parent.frame())) + invisible() + } > > ## show warnings as they appear > options(warn = 1) > > ## we use verbose = 1 to print_status() only after each test file, > ## not after each expression (verbose = 2) > tinytest::test_package("surveillance", testdir = "testthat", verbose = 1) Loading required package: sp Loading required package: xtable This is surveillance 1.22.1; see 'package?surveillance' or https://surveillance.R-Forge.R-project.org/ for an overview. test-algo.glrnb.R............. 1 tests OK 0.2s test-bodaDelay.R.............. 29 tests OK 0.3s test-calibration.R............ 9 tests OK 0.1s test-createLambda.R........... 17 tests OK 0.4s test-determineSources.R....... 3 tests OK 0.3s test-earsC.R.................. 9 tests OK 0.1s test-farringtonFlexible.R..... 55 tests OK 1.0s test-formatDate.R............. 9 tests OK 13ms Loading required namespace: numDeriv test-hhh4+derivatives.R....... 28 tests OK 4.2s test-hhh4_ARasNE.R............ 4 tests OK 0.1s test-hhh4_NA.R................ 13 tests OK 0.2s test-hhh4_NegBinGrouped.R..... 8 tests OK 3.3s test-hhh4_offsets.R........... 10 tests OK 61ms test-hhh4_weights.R........... 4 tests OK 9ms test-nbOrder.R................ 2 tests OK 2ms test-plapply.R................ 1 tests OK 0.4s 'F' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'F' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'F' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'F' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... siaf parameter 1: TRUE siaf parameter 2: TRUE 'F' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'F' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... siaf parameter 1: TRUE siaf parameter 2: TRUE 'F' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "SV" ... siaf parameter 1: TRUE siaf parameter 2: TRUE Loading required namespace: memoise 'F' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'Fcircle' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... TRUE 'deriv' vs. numerical derivative ... TRUE 'Deriv' vs. cubature using method = "midpoint" ... siaf parameter 1: TRUE siaf parameter 2: TRUE siaf parameter 3: TRUE test-siafs.R.................. 72 tests OK 1.6s test-sts.R.................... 21 tests OK 0.1s test-tiafs.R.................. 6 tests OK 0.3s test-toLatex.sts.R............ 12 tests OK 1.2s test-twinstim_score.R......... 6 tests OK 0.7s All ok, 319 results (14.6s) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 14.59 0.95 15.93