context("by") # use existing data for test data(datCancer) # continuous by variable <- survPen(~smf(fu,by=age),data=datCancer,t1=fu,event=dead) test_that("continuous by variables work", { expect_true(inherits(,"survPen")) }) mod.by2 <- survPen(~age + tint(fu,by=age,df=10),data=datCancer,t1=fu,event=dead) test_that("alternative 1 for continuous by variables work", { expect_true(inherits(mod.by2,"survPen")) }) test_that("alternative 1 leads to the same penalized likelihood", { expect_true(abs($ll.pen-mod.by2$ll.pen) < 1e-8) }) mod.by3 <- survPen(~tensor(fu,by=age,df=10),data=datCancer,t1=fu,event=dead) test_that("alternative 2 for continuous by variables work", { expect_true(inherits(mod.by3,"survPen")) }) test_that("alternative 2 leads to the same penalized likelihood", { expect_true(abs($ll.pen-mod.by3$ll.pen) < 1e-8) }) # factor by variable # creating sex variable for test purpose only set.seed(1) datCancer$sex <- factor(sample(rep(1:2,each=dim(datCancer)[1]/2))) <- survPen(~sex + smf(fu,by=sex),data=datCancer,t1=fu,event=dead) test_that("factor by variables work", { expect_true(inherits(,"survPen")) }) test_that("number of smoothing parameters for factor by variables work", { expect_equal(length($lambda),2) }) <- survPen(~sex + smf(fu,by=sex,same.rho=TRUE),data=datCancer,t1=fu,event=dead) test_that("factor by variables 2 work", { expect_true(inherits(,"survPen")) }) test_that("number of smoothing parameters for factor by variables 2 work", { expect_equal(length($lambda),1) }) # ordered factor for difference smooth datCancer$sex2 <- factor(datCancer$sex,ordered=TRUE) <- survPen(~sex2 + smf(fu) + smf(fu,by=sex2),data=datCancer,t1=fu,event=dead) test_that("ordered factor by variables work", { expect_true(inherits(,"survPen")) }) test_that("number of smoothing parameters for ordered factor by variables work", { expect_equal(length($lambda),2) })