context("Testing suberbData()") test_that("TESTS (1/4)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') res <- superbData(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len", statistic = "mean" ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") expect_equal( res$summaryStatistics[1,3], 13.23) # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("TESTS (2/4)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') res <- superbData(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len", statistic = "mean", adjustments = list(purpose = "difference") ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") expect_equal( res$summaryStatistics[1,3], 13.23) # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("TESTS (3/4)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') res <- superbData(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len", statistic = "median" ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") expect_equal( res$summaryStatistics[1,3], 12.25) # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("TESTS (4/4)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') res <- superbData(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len", statistic = "sd" ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") expect_equal( round(res$summaryStatistics[1,3],5), 4.45971) # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) ######################################### # SYSTEMATIC TESTS OF THE STATISTICS ######################################### test_that("test 1a: 3 groupes inpependants", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') dta1a <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(3)", Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5) ) res <- superbData(dta1a, BSFactor = "Group", variables = "DV", statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE") expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("test 1b: factorielle a grps independants; 3 x 2", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') dta1b <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(3): Sex(2)", Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5)) res <- superbData(dta1b, BSFactor = c("Group","Sex"), variables = "DV", statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE" ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("test 2a: 1 facteur a 3 mesures repetees; (3)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = c('warnings')) dta2a <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5)) expect_message( res <- superbData(dta2a, WSFactor = "moment(3)", adjustments=list(decorrelation="CA"), errorbar = "CI", variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3") )) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("test 2b: 2 facteurs a mesures repetees; (3 x 2)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = "none") # to supress design confirmation; unneeded in tests dta2b <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3): Dose(2)", SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5, rho = .80)) res <- superbData(dta2b, WSFactor = c("moment(3)","Dose(2)"), variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"), statistic="mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = 0.90, adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM") ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("test 3: scheme mixte; 3 x (3)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = c('warnings')) dta3 <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(3)", WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5), Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5)) ) expect_message( res <- superbData(dta3, WSFactor = "Moment(3)", BSFactor = "Group", variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3"), statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE", adjustments = list(purpose="single", decorrelation="CM") )) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("test 4a: scheme a trois facteurs, 2 etant between 3 x 3 x (3)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = 'none') dta4a <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(3) : Dose(3)", WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 4, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5), Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5)) ) res <- superbData(dta4a, BSFactor = c("Group","Dose"), WSFactor = "Moment(3)", variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3"), statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE", adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="none"), factorOrder = c("Dose","Group","Moment")) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) }) test_that("test 5a: scheme a quatre facteurs; 5 x 4 (3 x 2)", { old <- options() on.exit(options(old)) options("" = "none") # to supress design confirmation; unneeded in tests dta5a <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(5) : Dose(4)", WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)", Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5, rho = .90), Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(10)) ) res <- superbData(dta5a, WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"), BSFactor= c("Group","Dose"), variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"), statistic = "mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = .9999, adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM") ) expect_output( str(res), "List of 2") # restores default information options("" = c('design','warnings','summary')) })