test_that("local_test_setup changes back to old cache location", { split_path <- function(x) { if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") { # not on other platforms as normalizePath messes up /private/var and /var x <- normalizePath(x, mustWork = FALSE) } unlist(strsplit(x, .Platform$file.sep, fixed = TRUE)) } withr::defer(cache_deactivate(verbose = FALSE)) old <- cache_info(format = "tabular") cache_activate(verbose = FALSE) test <- function() { local_test_setup() base <- split_path(tempfile())[2] expect_equal( split_path(cache_info(format = "tabular")$location)[2], base ) } test() expect_equal(cache_info(format = "tabular")$location, old$location) expect_true(cache_info(format = "tabular")$activated) }) test_that("local_test_setup changes back to old cache location", { old <- cache_info(format = "tabular") # don't activate split_path <- function(x) { if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") { # not on other platforms as normalizePath messes up /private/var and /var x <- normalizePath(x, mustWork = FALSE) } unlist(strsplit(x, .Platform$file.sep, fixed = TRUE)) } test <- function() { local_test_setup() base <- split_path(tempfile())[2] expect_equal( split_path(cache_info(format = "tabular")$location)[2], base ) } test() expect_equal(cache_info(format = "tabular")$location, old$location) expect_false(cache_info(format = "tabular")$activated) })