test_that("styler can style package", { capture_output(expect_false({ styled <- style_pkg(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzpackage")) any(styled$changed) })) }) test_that("styler can style package and exclude some directories", { capture_output( styled <- style_pkg(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzpackage"), exclude_dirs = "tests" ) ) expect_true(nrow(styled) == 1) expect_false(any(grepl("tests/testthat/test-package-xyz.R", styled$file))) }) test_that("styler can style package and exclude some sub-directories", { capture_output( styled <- style_pkg(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzpackage"), exclude_dirs = "tests/testthat" ) ) expect_true(nrow(styled) == 2) expect_true(any(grepl("tests/testthat.R", styled$file))) expect_false(any(grepl("tests/testthat/test-package-xyz.R", styled$file))) }) test_that("styler can style package and exclude some directories and files", { capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_pkg(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzpackage"), exclude_dirs = "tests", exclude_files = "\\.Rprofile" ) nrow(styled) == 1 })) capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_pkg(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzpackage"), exclude_dirs = "tests", exclude_files = ".*ofile" ) nrow(styled) == 1 })) capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_pkg(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzpackage"), exclude_dirs = "tests", exclude_files = "hello" ) nrow(styled) == 0 })) }) test_that("styler can style directory", { capture_output(expect_false({ styled <- style_dir(testthat_file("public-api", "xyzdir")) any(styled$changed) })) }) test_that("styler can style directories and exclude", { capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_dir( testthat_file("public-api", "renvpkg"), exclude_dirs = "renv" ) nrow(styled) == 2 })) capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_dir( testthat_file("public-api", "renvpkg"), exclude_dirs = c("renv", "tests/testthat") ) nrow(styled) == 1 })) capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_dir( testthat_file("public-api", "renvpkg"), exclude_dirs = "./renv" ) nrow(styled) == 2 })) capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_dir( testthat_file("public-api", "renvpkg"), exclude_dirs = "./renv", recursive = FALSE ) nrow(styled) == 0 })) capture_output(expect_true({ styled <- style_dir( testthat_file("public-api", "renvpkg"), recursive = FALSE ) nrow(styled) == 0 })) })