test_that("long strings are parsed correctly", { expect_warning( test_collection("parsing", "long_strings", transformer = style_text), NA ) }) test_that("0x number representation is preserved with(out) L", { text <- "0x00000002L" expect_true(all(tokenize(text)$text == text)) text <- "0x00000002" expect_true(all(tokenize(text)$text == text)) text <- "a <- 0x2L" pd <- get_parse_data(text) expect_equal(gsub("0x2L?", "0x2L", pd$text), tokenize(text)$text) }) test_that("CRLF EOLs fail with informative error", { expect_error( style_text("glück <- 3\r\n glück + 1"), "Please change the EOL character in your editor to Unix style and try again." ) expect_error( style_text(c("glück <- 3", "glück + 1\r\n 3")), "Please change the EOL character in your editor to Unix style and try again." ) }) test_that("mixed CRLF / LF EOLs fail", { error_msg_stem <- if (getRversion() < "4.4") "unexpected input" else "unexpected invalid token" expect_error( style_text("a + 3 -4 -> x\nx + 2\r\n glück + 1"), error_msg_stem ) }) test_that("unicode can't be propprely handled on Windows for R < 4.2", { msg <- ifelse(getRversion() < "4.2" && is_windows(), "Can't parse input due to unicode restriction in base R\\.", NA ) expect_error(style_text('suit <- "♠"'), msg) })