test_that("line breaks involing curly brackets", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "curly", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("line breaks involing curly brackets", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "braces-fun-calls", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("line breaks involing curly brackets", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "edge_comment_and_curly", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("adding and removing line breaks", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "if", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("no line break after %>% if next token is comment", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "pipe_and", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("line break before comma is removed and placed after comma ", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "comma", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("line break before comma is removed and placed after comma ", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "pipe-line", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("Can handle base R pie", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "base-pipe-line", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("line break added for ggplot2 call", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "ggplot2", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("drop redundant line breaks in assignments", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "assignment", transformer = style_text, scope = I(c("line_breaks", "tokens")) ), NA) }) test_that("line is correctly broken around = ", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "around-eq-sub", transformer = style_text ), NA) }) test_that("comments are not moved down after {", { expect_warning(test_collection("line_breaks_and_other", "comment-around-curly", transformer = style_text ), NA) })