test_that("style_text returns custom error", { expect_error(style_text("a <- 3 4"), "unexpected numeric constant") }) test_that("style_file returns custom error", { capture_output(expect_warning( style_file(testthat_file("exception_handling", "parser-error.R")), "When processing" )) }) test_that("style_text with no tokens returns empty string and warning", { expect_warning(style_text("\n\n"), "not contain any tokens.") }) test_that("style_file with no tokens returns empty string and warning", { capture_output(expect_warning( style_file(testthat_file("exception_handling", "empty_file.R"), dry = "on"), "not contain any tokens." )) }) test_that("warning is given when transformers does not contain a version", { sg <- create_style_guide(style_guide_version = NULL) if (packageVersion("styler") < "2.0") { expect_fun <- expect_warning } else { expect_fun <- expect_error } expect_fun( assert_transformers(sg), "name and a version field are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of styler" ) })