test_that("caching utils make right blocks with semi-colon", { blocks_simple_uncached <- compute_parse_data_nested(c("1 + 1", "2; 1+1")) %>% base::transform(is_cached = FALSE) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_simple_uncached, c(1, 1, 1, 1)) blocks_simple_cached <- compute_parse_data_nested(c("1 + 1", "2; 1+1")) %>% base::transform(is_cached = TRUE) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_simple_cached, c(1, 1, 1, 1)) blocks_edge <- compute_parse_data_nested(c("1 + 1", "2; 1+1")) %>% base::transform(is_cached = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_edge, c(1, 2, 2, 2)) }) test_that("caching utils make right blocks with comments", { text <- ' ### comment x = 1 ### comment y = 2 # comment x<-1 ###comment y <- 2 # comment "a string here" # something something tau1 = 1 # here? ' blocks_simple_uncached <- compute_parse_data_nested(text) %>% base::transform(is_cached = c( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE )) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_simple_uncached, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4)) text <- " ### comment x = 1 y = 2 # comment x<-1 y <- 2 # comment # something something tau1 = 1 # here? " blocks_simple_cached <- compute_parse_data_nested(text) %>% base::transform(is_cached = c( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE )) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_simple_cached, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)) }) test_that("blank lines are correctly identified", { local_test_setup(cache = TRUE) text <- c( "1 + 1", "", "", "f(x)", "", "", "", "x < 3", "function() NULL" ) # when not cached, all code in same block more_specs <- cache_more_specs_default() pd_nested <- compute_parse_data_nested(text, transformers = tidyverse_style(), more_specs = more_specs ) cache_by_expression(text, tidyverse_style(), more_specs = more_specs) expect_equal( pd_nested$block, rep(1, 4) ) expect_equal( find_blank_lines_to_next_block(pd_nested), 1 ) # when partly cached, not all code in same block text[4] <- "f (x)" pd_nested <- compute_parse_data_nested(text, tidyverse_style(), more_specs = more_specs) expect_equal( pd_nested$block, c(1, 2, 3, 3) ) expect_equal( find_blank_lines_to_next_block(pd_nested), c(1, 3, 4) ) }) test_that("caching utils make right blocks with comments", { blocks_simple_uncached <- compute_parse_data_nested(c("1 + 1", "2 # comment")) %>% base::transform(is_cached = FALSE) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_simple_uncached, c(1, 1, 1)) blocks_simple_cached <- compute_parse_data_nested(c("1 + 1", "2 # comment2")) %>% base::transform(is_cached = TRUE) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_simple_cached, c(1, 1, 1)) blocks_edge <- compute_parse_data_nested(c("1 + 1", "2 # 1+1")) %>% base::transform(is_cached = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)) %>% cache_find_block() expect_equal(blocks_edge, c(1, 2, 2)) }) ################################################################################ test_that("Individual comment expressions are not cached", { local_test_setup(cache = TRUE) style_text(c("# g", "1")) cache_info <- cache_info(format = "tabular") # because output text is cached as a whole, there should be 2 cached # expressions now expect_equal(cache_info$n, 2) }) test_that("cache is deactivated at end of caching related testthat file", { expect_false(cache_is_activated()) })