test_that("styler tests did not use R.cache in user root", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_covr() skip_during_parallel() expect_true( length(list.files(R.cache::getCachePath("styler"), recursive = TRUE)) == 0L ) }) test_that("clear Cache", { # if R CMD CHECK is detected, R.cache root is set to a temp # directory by default. # https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/R.cache/commit/c7ac171f15f035674346d5504049c38cf07c268f # Hence, this clean up won't clean up the user directory. skip_during_parallel() cache_path <- R.cache::getCachePath("styler") R.cache::clearCache(cache_path, recursive = TRUE, prompt = FALSE) skip_on_cran() skip_on_covr() expect_true( length(list.dirs(R.cache::getCachePath("styler"))) == 1L ) })