# This file is part of the 'stringx' project. # Copyleft (c) 2021-2022, Marek Gagolewski # Runs all unit tests for the package this_package <- "stringx" set.seed(123) library(this_package, character.only=TRUE) if (require("realtest", quietly=TRUE)) { f <- file.path(path.package(this_package), "realtest") r <- test_dir(f, ".*\\.R$") x <- summary(r) names(r) <- row.names(x) fails <- x[x[["match"]] == "fail", , drop=FALSE] if (nrow(fails) > 0) { fails2 <- as.data.frame(fails[, !(names(fails) %in% ".expr") & !sapply(fails, function(x) all(is.na(x))), drop=FALSE]) for (i in row.names(fails2)) { cat(sprintf("%s:%d:\n", fails2[i, ".file"], fails2[i, ".line"])) cat(" value: "); str(r[[i]][["object"]][["value"]], indent.str=" ") cat(" sides: "); str(r[[i]][["object"]][["sides"]], indent.str=" ") } if (require("stringi", quietly=TRUE)) cat(sprintf("%s; %s\n", stri_info(TRUE), Sys.getlocale())) stop("some tests failed") } }