test_that("score_regression returns the correct results", { set.seed(43421) lm_data <- data_gen_lm(1000) indices <- split_data_prob(lm_data, .2) train <- lm_data[!indices,] test <- lm_data[indices,] model <- lm(Y ~ ., train) pred_lm <- predict(model, test) res_lm <- round(score(test$Y, pred_lm), 4) names(res_lm) <- NULL expect_equal(length(res_lm), 6) expect_equal(res_lm, c(0.9895, 0.7838, 0.9791, 0.8288, 0.1414, 1.3953)) expect_true(all(is.numeric(res_lm))) }) test_that("score_classification returns the correct results", { set.seed(43421) lm_data <- data_gen_lm(1000) lm_data$Y <- sample(c(0, 1), 1000, replace = TRUE, prob = c(.6, .4)) indices <- split_data_prob(lm_data, .2) train <- lm_data[!indices,] test <- lm_data[indices,] pred <- sample(c(0, 1), nrow(test), replace = TRUE) res_pred <- round(score(test$Y, pred), 4) names(res_pred) <- NULL expect_equal(length(res_pred), 7) expect_equal(res_pred, c(0.5591, 0.5599, 0.5455, 0.5934, 0.5684, 0.1199, 0.1195)) expect_true(all(is.numeric(res_pred))) })