context("util (client)") test_that("report warnings", { expect_silent(report_warnings(character(0), "doing a thing")) expect_warning(report_warnings("my warning", "doing a thing"), "1 warning produced while doing a thing.+- my warning") expect_warning(report_warnings(c("my warning", "another warning"), "doing a thing"), paste0("2 warnings produced while doing a thing.+", "- my warning.+", "- another warning")) }) test_that("pull status", { path <- tempfile_test() con <- file(path, "w+") on.exit(close(con)) p <- pull_status_printer(con) txt <- readLines("sample_responses/pull/ubuntu") cmp <- readLines("sample_responses/pull/ubuntu.out") for (i in txt) { p(from_json(i)) } close(con) on.exit() res <- readLines(path) expect_equal(res, cmp) unlink(path) }) test_that("build status: success", { ## To generate these, pop a browser call into after_build ## dir.create("sample_responses/build", FALSE, TRUE) ## writeBin(x$response$content, "sample_responses/build/success") ## writeBin(x$response$content, "sample_responses/build/failure") path <- tempfile_test() con <- file(path, "w+") on.exit(close(con)) p <- build_status_printer(con) txt <- readLines("sample_responses/build/success") cmp <- readLines("sample_responses/build/success.out") for (i in txt) { p(from_json(i)) } close(con) on.exit() res <- readLines(path) ## writeLines(res, "sample_responses/build/success.out") expect_equal(res, cmp) bin <- read_binary("sample_responses/build/success") expect_identical(build_status_id(bin), "8d9538fe3885") unlink(path) }) test_that("build status: failure", { path <- tempfile_test() con <- file(path, "w+") on.exit(close(con)) p <- build_status_printer(con) txt <- readLines("sample_responses/build/failure") cmp <- readLines("sample_responses/build/failure.out") for (i in txt) { p(from_json(i)) } close(con) on.exit() res <- readLines(path) ## writeLines(res, "sample_responses/build/failure.out") expect_equal(res, cmp) bin <- read_binary("sample_responses/build/failure") err <- get_error(build_status_id(bin)) expect_is(err, "build_error") unlink(path) }) test_that("streaming_text", { text <- character() callback <- function(x) { text <<- c(text, x) } p <- streaming_text(callback) expect_equal(hijacked_content(p), raw()) p(charToRaw("hello")) expect_equal(text, "hello") expect_equal(hijacked_content(p), charToRaw("hello")) p(charToRaw("goodbye")) expect_equal(text, c("hello", "goodbye")) expect_equal(hijacked_content(p), charToRaw("hellogoodbye")) }) test_that("streaming_json", { data <- list() callback <- function(x) { data <<- c(data, list(x)) } p <- streaming_json(callback) expect_equal(hijacked_content(p), raw()) p(charToRaw("[1,2,3]\r\n")) expect_equal(data, list(list(1, 2, 3))) expect_equal(hijacked_content(p), charToRaw("[1,2,3]\r\n")) p(charToRaw('"a"\r\n{"x":1}\r\n')) expect_equal(data, list(list(1, 2, 3), "a", list(x = 1))) expect_equal(hijacked_content(p), charToRaw('[1,2,3]\r\n"a"\r\n{"x":1}\r\n')) }) test_that("decode_chunked_string", { x <- read_binary("sample_responses/logs/simple") res <- decode_chunked_string(x) expect_is(res, "docker_stream") expect_equal(length(res), 5) expect_true(all(as.character(attr(res, "stream")) == "stdout")) }) test_that("docker_stream_printer: null", { p <- docker_stream_printer(NULL) expect_silent(p("anything")) }) test_that("docker_stream_printer: text", { path <- tempfile_test() con <- file(path, "w+") on.exit(close(con)) p <- docker_stream_printer(con) txt <- c("these", "are some lines", "of text") expect_silent({ for (i in txt) { p(i) } }) close(con) on.exit() res <- readLines(path) unlink(path) expect_identical(res, txt) }) test_that("docker_stream_printer: docker_stream", { path <- tempfile_test() con <- file(path, "w+") on.exit(close(con)) p <- docker_stream_printer(con, "prefix") txt <- paste0(c("these", "are some lines", "of text"), "\n") obj <- docker_stream(txt, c(1, 2, 1)) expect_silent(p(obj)) close(con) on.exit() res <- readLines(path) unlink(path) expect_identical(res, format(obj, style = "prefix", strip_newline = TRUE)) }) test_that("pull status: silent error", { path <- tempfile_test() con <- file(path, "w+") on.exit(close(con)) p <- pull_status_printer(con) txt <- readLines("sample_responses/pull/hello-world-macos") cmp <- readLines("sample_responses/pull/hello-world-macos.out") for (i in txt) { p(from_json(i)) } close(con) on.exit() res <- readLines(path) expect_equal(res, cmp) unlink(path) }) test_that("pull status: no print", { p <- pull_status_printer(NULL) txt <- readLines("sample_responses/pull/ubuntu") expect_silent(for (i in txt) p(from_json(i))) }) test_that("validate volumes", { expect_null(validate_volumes(NULL)) expect_null(validate_volumes(character())) expect_equal(validate_volumes("foo:bar"), "foo:bar") expect_equal(validate_volumes(c("foo:bar", "/a/b:/c/d:ro")), c("foo:bar", "/a/b:/c/d:ro")) expect_error(validate_volumes("foo"), "Volume mapping 'foo' does not match ':[:ro]", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( validate_volumes(c("foo", "bar")), "Volume mapping 'foo', 'bar' does not match ':[:ro]", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( validate_volumes(c("foo", "a:b", "bar")), "Volume mapping 'foo', 'bar' does not match ':[:ro]", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("validate ports", { expect_null(validate_ports(NULL)) expect_null(validate_ports(character())) expect_equal(validate_ports("22:33"), list(port_bindings = list( "33/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox(""), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox("22")))), ports = list("33/tcp" = NULL))) ## As reported in expect_equal(validate_ports("localhost:22:33"), list(port_bindings = list( "33/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox("localhost"), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox("22")))), ports = list("33/tcp" = NULL))) ## expect_equal(validate_ports("localhost::33"), list(port_bindings = list( "33/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox("localhost"), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox("")))), ports = list("33/tcp" = NULL))) expect_error( validate_ports("localhost"), "Port binding 'localhost' does not match '[:][:]'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( validate_ports("0:1:2:3"), "Port binding '0:1:2:3' does not match '[:][:]'", fixed = TRUE) ## Check serialisation: str <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(validate_ports("11022:22")$port_bindings)) cmp <- '{"22/tcp":[{"HostIp":"","HostPort":"11022"}]}' expect_identical(str, cmp) expect_error( validate_ports(""), "Port binding '' does not match '[:][:]'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error( validate_ports("111x"), "Port binding '111x' does not match '[:][:]", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("validate ports: random", { expect_equal(validate_ports("80"), list(port_bindings = list( "80/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox(""), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox("")))), ports = list("80/tcp" = NULL))) expect_equal(validate_ports(c("80", "90")), list(port_bindings = list( "80/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox(""), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox(""))), "90/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox(""), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox("")))), ports = list("80/tcp" = NULL, "90/tcp" = NULL))) expect_equal(validate_ports(c("80", "100:90")), list(port_bindings = list( "80/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox(""), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox(""))), "90/tcp" = list(list( HostIp = jsonlite::unbox(""), HostPort = jsonlite::unbox("100")))), ports = list("80/tcp" = NULL, "90/tcp" = NULL))) expect_true(validate_ports(TRUE)) expect_equal(validate_ports(c("111", "222")), validate_ports(c(111, 222))) }) test_that("parse image", { expect_equal(parse_image_name("foo"), list(repo = NULL, name = "foo", image = "foo", tag = NULL, registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name("foo:latest"), list(repo = NULL, name = "foo", image = "foo", tag = "latest", registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name("repo/foo"), list(repo = "repo", name = "foo", image = "repo/foo", tag = NULL, registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name("repo/foo:latest"), list(repo = "repo", name = "foo", image = "repo/foo", tag = "latest", registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name(""), list(repo = "", name = "foo", image = "", tag = NULL, registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name(""), list(repo = "", name = "foo", image = "", tag = "latest", registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name(""), list(repo = "", name = "foo", image = "", tag = NULL, registry = "")) expect_equal(parse_image_name(""), list(repo = "", name = "foo", image = "", tag = "latest", registry = "")) expect_error( parse_image_name("foo:bar:baz"), "'foo:bar:baz' does not match pattern '[/][:]'", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("validate image and tag", { ## Check that names propagate on error: img <- "foo:latest" t <- "3.1" expect_error(validate_image_and_tag(img, t), "If 'img' includes a tag, then 't' must be NULL") expect_equal(validate_image_and_tag("foo:xxx", NULL), list(repo = NULL, name = "foo", image = "foo", tag = "xxx", registry = "")) expect_equal(validate_image_and_tag("foo", NULL), list(repo = NULL, name = "foo", image = "foo", tag = "latest", registry = "")) expect_equal(validate_image_and_tag("foo", "3.1"), list(repo = NULL, name = "foo", image = "foo", tag = "3.1", registry = "")) }) test_that("validate stream", { path <- tempfile_test() d <- validate_stream(path) expect_is(d$stream, "connection") expect_equal(summary(d$stream)$mode, "wb") expect_true(isOpen(d$stream)) expect_true(d$close) expect_equal(validate_stream(d$stream), list(stream = d$stream, close = FALSE)) close(d$stream) unlink(path) expect_equal(validate_stream(stdout()), list(stream = stdout(), close = FALSE)) expect_equal(validate_stream(TRUE), list(stream = stdout(), close = FALSE)) expect_equal(validate_stream(NULL), list(stream = NULL, close = FALSE)) expect_equal(validate_stream(FALSE), list(stream = NULL, close = FALSE)) }) test_that("validate env", { expect_null(validate_env(NULL)) expect_null(validate_env(character(0))) expect_equal(validate_env(c(a = "value")), "a=value") expect_equal(validate_env(c(a = "value", b = "another")), c("a=value", "b=another")) expect_equal(validate_env(list(a = "value", b = 10)), c("a=value", "b=10")) ## Unset: expect_equal(validate_env(c(a = NA)), "a=") expect_equal(validate_env(list(a = NULL)), "a=") expect_equal(validate_env(list(a = "")), "a=") expect_equal(validate_env(c(a = NA, b = "value")), c("a=", "b=value")) expect_equal(validate_env(list(a = NULL, b = "value")), c("a=", "b=value")) expect_equal(validate_env(list(a = "", b = "value")), c("a=", "b=value")) expect_error(validate_env(c("value", "another")), "must be named") expect_error(validate_env(c("a=value", "b=another")), "must be named") x <- list(a = 1, b = 2:3) expect_error(validate_env(x), "All elements of 'x' must be scalar (or use atomic vector)", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("nonapi methods", { fn <- function() "" expect_error(docker_client_method_nonapi(fn, "no", "method"), "missing help for no$method", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(docker_client_method_nonapi(fn, "docker_image", "help"), "incorrect help for docker_image$help", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("drop_leading_slash", { expect_equal(drop_leading_slash("/a/b"), "a/b") expect_equal(drop_leading_slash("a/b"), "a/b") }) test_that("short_id", { expect_equal(short_id("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "abcdefghij") expect_equal(short_id("sha256:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "sha256:abcdefghij") }) test_that("image_name_with_tag", { expect_equal(image_name_with_tag("foo"), "foo:latest") expect_equal(image_name_with_tag("foo:bar"), "foo:bar") expect_equal(image_name_with_tag(""), "") expect_equal(image_name_with_tag(""), "") }) test_that("decode_chunked_string", { ## TODO: harvest some real values here? expect_equal(decode_chunked_string(raw()), character()) }) test_that("get_container_id", { expect_equal(get_container_id("aa"), "aa") expect_equal( get_container_id(structure(list(id = function() "bb"), class = "docker_container")), "bb") }) test_that("get_image_id", { expect_equal(get_image_id("aa"), "aa") expect_equal( get_image_id(structure(list(id = function() "bb"), class = "docker_image")), "bb") }) test_that("get_network_id", { expect_equal(get_network_id("aa"), "aa") expect_equal( get_network_id(structure(list(id = function() "bb"), class = "docker_network")), "bb") }) test_that("validate_tar", { skip_if_external_tar_unsupported() path <- tempfile_test() writeLines("hello", path) on.exit(unlink(path)) res <- validate_tar_input(path) expect_is(res, "raw") expect_identical(validate_tar_input(res), res) tmp <- untar_bin(res) on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) expect_identical(dir(tmp), basename(path)) expect_equal(readLines(path), readLines(file.path(tmp, basename(path)))) }) test_that("support_set_login", { cl <- null_docker_client() auth <- cl$.api_client$auth expect_null(auth$get("")) params <- list(body = jsonlite::toJSON(list(serveraddress = "", username = "foo", password = "bar"), auto_unbox = TRUE)) after_system_login(NULL, params, cl) expect_equal(auth$get(""), base64encode(params$body)) }) test_that("after_container_list", { data <- data_frame(names = I(list("/foo", "/bar")), other = c("a", "b")) res <- after_container_list(data) expect_equal(res$name, vcapply(res$names, identity)) expect_equal(res$name, sub("^/", "", vcapply(data$names, identity))) }) test_that("after_container_create", { response <- list(id = dummy_id()) cl <- null_docker_client() res <- after_container_create(response, NULL, cl) expect_is(res, "docker_container") expect_equal(res$id(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_container_create: warnings", { response <- list(id = dummy_id(), warnings = "here is a warning") cl <- null_docker_client() expect_warning(res <- after_container_create(response, NULL, cl), "here is a warning") expect_is(res, "docker_container") expect_equal(res$id(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_container_archive", { bytes <- as.raw(sample(0:255)) expect_identical(after_container_archive(bytes, list(), NULL), bytes) path <- tempfile_test() on.exit(unlink(path)) expect_identical(after_container_archive(bytes, list(dest = path)), path) expect_identical(read_binary(path), bytes) }) test_that("after_exec_create", { cl <- null_docker_client() res <- after_exec_create(list(id = dummy_id()), NULL, cl) expect_is(res, "docker_exec") expect_identical(res$id(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_container_logs", { bin <- as.raw(0:10) expect_identical(after_container_logs("hello", NULL, NULL), "hello") expect_identical(after_container_logs(bin, NULL, NULL), bin) response <- list(content_handler = rawToChar, response = list(content = charToRaw("hello"))) params <- list(query = list(follow = TRUE)) expect_identical(after_container_logs(response, params), "hello") }) ## For now this is identical to the tests for `after_container_logs` - ## the functions could be merged together but that's not essential ## really. test_that("after_task_logs", { bin <- as.raw(0:10) expect_identical(after_task_logs("hello", NULL, NULL), "hello") expect_identical(after_task_logs(bin, NULL, NULL), bin) response <- list(content_handler = rawToChar, response = list(content = charToRaw("hello"))) params <- list(query = list(follow = TRUE)) expect_identical(after_task_logs(response, params), "hello") }) test_that("after_container_path_stat", { data <- list(a = 1, b = "hello") str <- jsonlite::toJSON(data, auto_unbox = TRUE) response <- list(docker_container_path_stat = base64encode(str)) expect_equal(after_container_path_stat(response, NULL, NULL), data) }) test_that("after_container_top", { d <- read_sample_response("sample_responses/v1.29/container_top.R") cmp <- data_frame( UID = "root", PID = c("13642", "13735"), PPID = c("882", "13642"), C = "0", STIME = c("17:03", "17:06"), TTY = "pts/0", TIME = "00:00:00", CMD = c("/bin/bash", "sleep 10")) opts <- list(data_frame = identity, as_is_names = FALSE) self <- list(.parent = list(.api_client = list(output_options = opts))) expect_equal(after_container_top(d$reference, NULL, self), cmp) }) test_that("after_image_commit", { cl <- null_docker_client() img <- after_image_commit(list(id = dummy_id()), NULL, cl) expect_is(img, "docker_image") expect_equal(img$id(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_image_build", { cl <- null_docker_client() bin <- read_binary("sample_responses/build/success") id <- "8d9538fe3885" prev <- set_dummy_id(id) on.exit(set_dummy_id(prev)) response <- list(response = list(content = bin)) img <- after_image_build(response, NULL, cl) expect_is(img, "docker_image") expect_equal(img$id(), id) }) test_that("after_image_pull", { cl <- null_docker_client() params <- list(query = list(fromImage = "ubuntu", tag = "latest")) id <- sprintf("%s:%s", params$query$fromImage, params$query$tag) prev <- set_dummy_id(id) on.exit(set_dummy_id(prev)) img <- after_image_pull(NULL, params, cl) expect_is(img, "docker_image") expect_equal(img$id(), id) }) test_that("after_image_push", { f <- function(x) { list(response = list(content = charToRaw(jsonlite::toJSON(x, auto_unbox = TRUE)))) } expect_equal(withVisible(after_image_push(f(list(status = TRUE)))), list(value = TRUE, visible = FALSE)) e <- get_error(after_image_push(f(list(error = "my error")))) expect_is(e, "push_error") expect_is(e, "error") expect_is(e, "condition") expect_equal(e$message, "my error") }) test_that("after_network_create", { cl <- null_docker_client() res <- after_network_create(list(id = dummy_id()), NULL, cl) expect_is(res, "docker_network") expect_equal(res$id(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_volume_create", { cl <- null_docker_client() res <- after_volume_create(list(name = dummy_id()), NULL, cl) expect_is(res, "docker_volume") expect_equal(res$name(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_volume_list", { response <- list(volumes = mtcars) expect_identical(after_volume_list(response), response$volumes) response$warnings <- "something happened" expect_warning(res <- after_volume_list(response), response$warnings) expect_equal(res, response$volumes) }) test_that("after_exec_start", { str <- "this is a string" response <- list(response = list(content = charToRaw(str))) res <- withVisible(after_exec_start(response)) expect_identical(res, list(value = str, visible = FALSE)) }) test_that("after_container_update", { cl <- null_docker_client() self <- docker_container(dummy_id(), cl) response <- NULL expect_identical(after_container_update(response, NULL, self), self) response <- list(warnings = "this is a warning") expect_warning(res <- after_container_update(response, NULL, self), "this is a warning") expect_identical(res, self) }) test_that("invisible_self", { r <- runif(20) expect_identical(invisible_self(NULL, NULL, r), r) expect_silent(invisible_self(stop("untouched"), stop("untouched"), r)) }) test_that("docker_container_image", { cl <- null_docker_client() self <- docker_container(dummy_id(), cl) id <- random_hex(32) prev <- set_dummy_id(id) on.exit(set_dummy_id(prev)) update_dummy_attrs(self, list(image = paste0("sha256:", id))) img <- docker_container_image(self) expect_is(img, "docker_image") expect_equal(img$id(), id) }) test_that("docker_image_tags", { f <- function(...) { list(repo_tags = c(...)) } expect_equal(docker_image_tags(f(character(0))), character(0)) expect_equal(docker_image_tags(f("foo:bar")), "foo:bar") expect_equal(docker_image_tags(f(":", "foo:bar")), "foo:bar") cl <- null_docker_client() image <- docker_image(dummy_id(), cl) update_dummy_attrs(image, f(character(0))) expect_equal(image$tags(FALSE), character(0)) update_dummy_attrs(image, f(":", "foo:bar")) expect_equal(image$tags(FALSE), "foo:bar") }) test_that("docker_network_containers", { cl <- null_docker_client() nw <- docker_network(dummy_id(), cl) expect_identical(nw$containers(), list()) id <- random_hex(32) prev <- set_dummy_id(id) on.exit(set_dummy_id(prev)) update_dummy_attrs(nw, list(containers = set_names(list(NULL), id))) res <- nw$containers(FALSE) expect_is(res, "list") expect_equal(length(res), 1L) expect_is(res[[1]], "docker_container") expect_identical(res[[1]]$id(), id) }) test_that("docker_volume_map", { attrs <- list(name = "foo") expect_equal(docker_volume_map(attrs, "dest", FALSE), "foo:dest") expect_equal(docker_volume_map(attrs, "dest", TRUE), "foo:dest:ro") id <- "myvolume" prev <- set_dummy_id(id) on.exit(set_dummy_id(prev)) cl <- null_docker_client() vol <- docker_volume(dummy_id(), cl) expect_equal(vol$map("/dest"), "myvolume:/dest") expect_equal(vol$map("/dest", TRUE), "myvolume:/dest:ro") }) test_that("after_service_create", { cl <- null_docker_client() res <- after_service_create(list(id = dummy_id()), list(detach = TRUE), cl) expect_is(res, "docker_service") expect_equal(res$id(), dummy_id()) }) test_that("after_secret_create", { expect_equal(after_secret_create(list(id = 1)), 1) }) test_that("after_secret_list", { id <- replicate(2, rand_str()) name <- replicate(2, rand_str()) other <- runif(2) spec <- lapply(name, function(x) list(name = x, value = runif(1))) d <- data.frame(id = replicate(2, rand_str()), other = other, spec = I(spec)) d2 <- after_secret_list(d) expect_equal(names(d2), c("id", "name", "other", "spec")) expect_equal(d2$name, name) d3 <- after_secret_list(d[integer(0), ]) expect_equal(d3, d2[integer(0), ]) }) test_that("validate_secret_data", { expect_equal(validate_secret_data("hello"), base64encode("hello", TRUE)) bytes <- serialize(iris, NULL) expect_equal(validate_secret_data(bytes), base64encode(bytes, TRUE)) expect_error(validate_secret_data(1), "'data' must be a scalar character or raw", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("validate_service_secrets", { cl <- function(id, name) { secrets <- data.frame(id = id, name = name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) list(secret = list(list = function() secrets)) } f <- function(secrets) { cl <- null_docker_client() cl$types$task_spec( cl$types$container_spec( image = "foo", secrets = secrets)) } expect_equal(validate_service_secrets(f(NULL), NULL), f(NULL)) expect_error(validate_service_secrets(f("foo"), cl("a", "b")), "Unknown secret: 'foo'") expect_error(validate_service_secrets(f(c("foo", "bar")), cl("a", "b")), "Unknown secrets: 'foo', 'bar'") u <- jsonlite::unbox s <- validate_service_secrets(f("foo"), cl("foo", "bar"))$ContainerSpec$Secrets cmp <- list(list(SecretID = u("foo"), SecretName = u("bar"), File = list(Name = u("bar"), UID = u("0"), GID = u("0"), Mode = u(292L)))) expect_equal(s, cmp) u <- jsonlite::unbox s <- validate_service_secrets(f("bar"), cl("foo", "bar"))$ContainerSpec$Secrets expect_equal(s, cmp) }) test_that("validate_service_configs", { cl <- function(id, name) { configs <- data.frame(id = id, name = name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) list(config = list(list = function() configs)) } f <- function(configs) { cl <- null_docker_client(api_version = "1.30") cl$types$task_spec( cl$types$container_spec( image = "foo", configs = configs)) } expect_equal(validate_service_configs(f(NULL), NULL), f(NULL)) expect_error(validate_service_configs(f("foo"), cl("a", "b")), "Unknown config: 'foo'") expect_error(validate_service_configs(f(c("foo", "bar")), cl("a", "b")), "Unknown configs: 'foo', 'bar'") u <- jsonlite::unbox s <- validate_service_configs(f("foo"), cl("foo", "bar"))$ContainerSpec$Configs cmp <- list(list(ConfigID = u("foo"), ConfigName = u("bar"), File = list(Name = u("bar"), UID = u("0"), GID = u("0"), Mode = u(292L)))) expect_equal(s, cmp) u <- jsonlite::unbox s <- validate_service_configs(f("bar"), cl("foo", "bar"))$ContainerSpec$Configs expect_equal(s, cmp) }) test_that("validate_service_replicas", { expect_null(validate_service_replicas(NULL, FALSE)) expect_equal( validate_service_replicas(2L, FALSE), list(Replicated = list(Replicas = jsonlite::unbox(2L)))) expect_error( validate_service_replicas(pi, FALSE), "'replicas' must be a scalar integer (non-NA)", fixed = TRUE) expect_equal( validate_service_replicas(NULL, TRUE), list(Global = NULL)) expect_error( validate_service_replicas(pi, TRUE), "Cannot use 'replicas' with 'global'", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("docker_service_tasks (offline)", { expect_error(docker_service_tasks(NULL, list(service = "foo")), "'service' is not a valid filter name for this method") }) test_that("service progress: null", { pr <- make_service_start_progress(NULL) expect_is(pr, "function") expect_silent(ans <- pr("running")) expect_null(ans) }) test_that("service progress", { txt <- capture.output({ pr <- make_service_start_progress(stdout()) pr(c("assigned", "ready")) }) expect_equal( txt, c("new > alloc > pend > assign > accept > prep > ready > start > running", "=========================>1---------------------->1")) txt <- capture.output({ pr <- make_service_start_progress(stdout()) pr("new") pr(rep("new", 10)) pr(c("assigned", "ready", rep("preparing", 12))) }) expect_equal( txt, c("new > alloc > pend > assign > accept > prep > ready > start > running", "=>1", ">10", "=========================>1------------->12------>1")) }) test_that("validate_plugin_privileges", { dat <- data_frame( name = c("network", "mount", "mount", "device", "capabilities"), description = c( "permissions to access a network", "host path to mount", "host path to mount", "host device to access", "list of additional capabilities required"), value = I(list("host", "/var/lib/docker/plugins/", "", "/dev/fuse", "CAP_SYS_ADMIN"))) f <- function(i) { list(Name = jsonlite::unbox(dat$name[[i]]), Description = jsonlite::unbox(dat$description[[i]]), Value = dat$value[[i]]) } cmp <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(lapply(seq_len(nrow(dat)), f))) expect_message( res <- validate_plugin_privileges(NULL, "vieux/sshfs:latest", TRUE, dat), "Plugin 'vieux/sshfs:latest' is requesting permissions:", fixed = TRUE) expect_message( res <- validate_plugin_privileges(NULL, "vieux/sshfs:latest", TRUE, dat), " - host path to mount (mount): [/var/lib/docker/plugins/]", fixed = TRUE) expect_equal(res, cmp) expect_error( validate_plugin_privileges(NULL, "vieux/sshfs:latest", FALSE, dat), "Not installing plugin 'vieux/sshfs:latest'") }) test_that("after_plugin_install", { cl <- null_docker_client() p <- list(query = list(name = dummy_id(), remote = "xxx"), disable = TRUE) res <- after_plugin_install(NULL, p, cl$plugin) expect_is(res, "docker_plugin") expect_equal(res$name(), dummy_id()) p <- list(query = list(name = NULL, remote = dummy_id()), disable = TRUE) res <- after_plugin_install(NULL, p, cl$plugin) expect_is(res, "docker_plugin") expect_equal(res$name(), dummy_id()) p <- list(query = list(name = NULL, remote = dummy_id()), disable = FALSE) expect_error(after_plugin_install(NULL, p, cl$plugin), "Can't make requests with the null client") }) test_that("validate_plugin_configure_body", { expect_equal(validate_plugin_configure_body(NULL), "{}") expect_equal( validate_plugin_configure_body(c(foo = "xxx")), as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(list(foo = "xxx"), auto_unbox = TRUE))) }) test_that("after_plugin_create", { cl <- null_docker_client() params <- list(query = list(name = dummy_id())) res <- after_plugin_create(NULL, params, cl$plugin) expect_is(res, "docker_plugin") expect_equal(res$name(), dummy_id()) })