context("config") test_that("default unix config", { cfg <- docker_config_validate(api_version = NULL, host = NULL, cert_path = NULL, tls_verify = NULL, http_client_type = NULL, as_is_names = FALSE, data_frame = identity, is_windows = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, debug = FALSE) expect_null(cfg$api_version) expect_equal(cfg$addr, sub("unix://", "", DEFAULT_DOCKER_UNIX_SOCKET)) expect_equal(cfg$protocol, "socket") expect_false(cfg$use_tls) expect_false(cfg$tls_verify) expect_equal(cfg$http_client_type, "curl") expect_null(cfg$cert) expect_equal(cfg$base_url, "http://localhost") }) test_that("default windows config", { cfg <- docker_config_validate(api_version = NULL, host = NULL, cert_path = NULL, tls_verify = NULL, http_client_type = NULL, as_is_names = FALSE, data_frame = identity, is_windows = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, debug = FALSE) cmp <- docker_config_validate(api_version = NULL, host = NULL, cert_path = NULL, tls_verify = NULL, http_client_type = NULL, as_is_names = FALSE, data_frame = identity, is_windows = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, debug = FALSE) expect_null(cfg$api_version) expect_equal(cfg$addr, DEFAULT_DOCKER_WINDOWS_PIPE) expect_equal(cfg$protocol, "npipe") expect_false(cfg$use_tls) expect_false(cfg$tls_verify) expect_equal(cfg$http_client_type, "httppipe") expect_null(cfg$cert) expect_equal(cfg$base_url, "http://localhost") }) test_that("machine-compatible tcp", { tls_path <- fake_tls_dir() on.exit(unlink(tls_path, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) cfg <- docker_config_validate(api_version = NULL, host = "", cert_path = tls_path, tls_verify = TRUE, http_client_type = NULL, as_is_names = FALSE, data_frame = identity, is_windows = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, debug = FALSE) tls_files <- c("key.pem", "ca.pem", "cert.pem") expect_null(cfg$api_version) expect_equal(cfg$addr, "") expect_equal(cfg$protocol, "https") expect_true(cfg$use_tls) expect_true(cfg$tls_verify) expect_equal(cfg$http_client_type, "curl") expect_equal(cfg$cert, set_names(as.list(file.path(tls_path, tls_files)), sub(".pem", "", tls_files, fixed = TRUE))) expect_equal(cfg$base_url, "") }) ## Still not totally clear how to deal with overrides here! test_that("from environment", { skip_if_not_installed("withr") tls_path <- fake_tls_dir() on.exit(unlink(tls_path, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) cfg <- withr::with_envvar(list(DOCKER_API_VERSION = "1.36", DOCKER_HOST = "", DOCKER_CERT_PATH = tls_path, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY = "1"), docker_config()) tls_files <- c("key.pem", "ca.pem", "cert.pem") expect_equal(cfg$api_version, "1.36") expect_equal(cfg$addr, "") expect_equal(cfg$protocol, "https") expect_true(cfg$use_tls) expect_true(cfg$tls_verify) expect_equal(cfg$http_client_type, "curl") expect_equal(cfg$cert, set_names(as.list(file.path(tls_path, tls_files)), sub(".pem", "", tls_files, fixed = TRUE))) expect_equal(cfg$base_url, "") }) test_that("from machine", { info <- test_machine_info() cfg <- docker_config(machine = info$DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) expect_equal(cfg$addr, sub("^.+://", "", info$DOCKER_HOST)) expect_equal(cfg$tls_verify, !is.null(info$DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY)) }) test_that("error cases", { expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = TRUE, http_client_type = "curl", ignore_environment = TRUE), "The 'curl' http driver cannot connect to named pipes") expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = FALSE, host = DEFAULT_DOCKER_WINDOWS_PIPE, ignore_environment = TRUE), "Named pipe connections are only available on windows") expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = TRUE, host = DEFAULT_DOCKER_UNIX_SOCKET, ignore_environment = TRUE), "Socket connections are not available on windows") expect_error( docker_config(host = "", http_client_type = "httppipe", ignore_environment = TRUE), "The 'httppipe' http driver cannot connect to http servers") expect_error( docker_config(host = "ftp://noway", ignore_environment = TRUE), "Unknown protocol 'ftp' for host 'ftp://noway'") expect_error( docker_config(host = "noway", ignore_environment = TRUE), "Invalid address 'noway' - must match '://'", fixed = TRUE) tls_path <- fake_tls_dir() on.exit(unlink(tls_path, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) file.remove(file.path(tls_path, "key.pem")) expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = FALSE, ignore_environment = TRUE, host = "", cert_path = tls_path), "Certificate file missing within directory '.+': 'key.pem'") file.remove(file.path(tls_path, "ca.pem")) expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = FALSE, ignore_environment = TRUE, host = "", cert_path = tls_path), "Certificate files missing within directory '.+': 'key.pem', 'ca.pem'") expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = FALSE, ignore_environment = TRUE, host = ""), "cert_path not given, but tls_verify requested") expect_error( docker_config(is_windows = FALSE, ignore_environment = TRUE, host = "tcp://", tls_verify = TRUE), "cert_path not given, but tls_verify requested") }) test_that("machine parse", { output <- c( 'export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1"', 'export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"', 'export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/rich/.docker/machine/machines/extra"', 'export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="extra"', "# Run this command to configure your shell: ", "# eval $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env --shell bash extra)") expect_equal( machine_env_parse(output), list(DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY = "1", DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://", DOCKER_CERT_PATH = "/Users/rich/.docker/machine/machines/extra", DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME = "extra")) }) test_that("fake machine output", { skip_on_os("windows") skip_on_cran() tls <- normalizePath("tls") env <- c(DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY = "1", DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://", DOCKER_CERT_PATH = tls, DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME = "extra") p <- fake_docker_machine(env) on.exit(unlink(p, recursive = TRUE)) dat <- withr::with_path(p, get_machine_env("extra")) expect_equal( dat, list(DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY = "1", DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://", DOCKER_CERT_PATH = tls, DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME = "extra")) dat <- withr::with_path(p, docker_config(machine = "extra")) expect_true(dat$tls_verify) expect_equal(dirname(dat$cert$key), tls) expect_equal(dat$base_url, "") expect_equal(dat$protocol, "https") })