test_that("standardize with non-survival data (no bootstrap) gives the same as standardize_glm", { set.seed(6) n <- 100 Z <- rnorm(n) X <- rnorm(n, mean = Z) Y <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = (1 + exp(X + Z))^(-1)) dd <- data.frame(Z, X, Y) prob_predict.glm <- function(...) predict.glm(..., type = "response") y <- standardize_glm( formula = Y ~ X * Z, family = "binomial", data = dd, values = list(X = seq(-1, 1, 0.1)), reference = 0, contrasts = c("ratio", "difference") ) x <- standardize( arguments = list( formula = Y ~ X * Z, family = "binomial" ), predict_fun = prob_predict.glm, fitter = "glm", data = dd, values = list(X = seq(-1, 1, 0.1)), reference = 0, contrasts = c("ratio", "difference") ) expect_true(all(x$res$estimates[, 2] - y$res$estimates[, 3] < 1e-5)) }) test_that("standardize with survival data (no bootstrap) gives the same as standardize_coxph", { require(survival) prob_predict.coxph <- function(object, newdata, times) { fit.detail <- suppressWarnings(basehaz(object)) cum.haz <- fit.detail$hazard[sapply(times, function(x) max(which(fit.detail$time <= x)))] predX <- predict(object = object, newdata = newdata, type = "risk") res <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(times), nrow = length(predX)) for (ti in seq_len(length(times))) { res[, ti] <- exp(-predX * cum.haz[ti]) } res } set.seed(68) n <- 500 Z <- rnorm(n) X <- rnorm(n, mean = Z) time <- rexp(n, rate = exp(X + Z + X * Z)) # survival time C <- rexp(n, rate = exp(X + Z + X * Z)) # censoring time U <- pmin(time, C) # time at risk D <- as.numeric(time < C) # event indicator dd <- data.frame(Z, X, U, D) x <- standardize( arguments = list( formula = Surv(U, D) ~ X + Z + X * Z, method = "breslow", x = TRUE, y = TRUE ), fitter = "coxph", data = dd, times = 1:5, predict_fun = prob_predict.coxph, values = list(X = seq(-1, 1, 0.1)), reference = 0, contrasts = "difference" ) fit.std <- standardize_coxph( formula = Surv(U, D) ~ X + Z + X * Z, data = dd, values = list(X = seq(-1, 1, 0.1)), times = 1:5, reference = 0, contrasts = "difference" ) expect_equal(fit.std$res$est, unname(t(x$res$estimates[, -1]))) }) test_that("standardize generates output with survival data (single time point)", { require(survival) prob_predict.coxph <- function(object, newdata, times) { fit.detail <- suppressWarnings(basehaz(object)) cum.haz <- fit.detail$hazard[sapply(times, function(x) max(which(fit.detail$time <= x)))] predX <- predict(object = object, newdata = newdata, type = "risk") res <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(times), nrow = length(predX)) for (ti in seq_len(length(times))) { res[, ti] <- exp(-predX * cum.haz[ti]) } res } set.seed(68) n <- 500 Z <- rnorm(n) X <- rnorm(n, mean = Z) time <- rexp(n, rate = exp(X + Z + X * Z)) # survival time C <- rexp(n, rate = exp(X + Z + X * Z)) # censoring time U <- pmin(time, C) # time at risk D <- as.numeric(time < C) # event indicator dd <- data.frame(Z, X, U, D) x <- standardize( arguments = list( formula = Surv(U, D) ~ X + Z + X * Z, method = "breslow", x = TRUE, y = TRUE ), fitter = "coxph", data = dd, times = 3, predict_fun = prob_predict.coxph, values = list(X = seq(-1, 1, 0.1)), reference = 0, contrasts = "difference" ) expect_output(print(x)) })