test_that( desc = "parametric t-test works (between-subjects without NAs)", code = { set.seed(123) df1 <- suppressWarnings( two_sample_test( ToothGrowth, x = supp, y = len, effsize.type = "d", var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.99, digits = 5 ) ) set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(select(df1, -expression)) expect_snapshot(df1[["expression"]]) } ) test_that( desc = "parametric t-test works (between-subjects with NAs)", code = { set.seed(123) df1 <- suppressWarnings( two_sample_test( ToothGrowth, x = supp, y = len, effsize.type = "g", var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.90, digits = 3 ) ) set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(select(df1, -expression)) expect_snapshot(df1[["expression"]]) } ) test_that( desc = "parametric t-test works (within-subjects without NAs)", code = { set.seed(123) df1 <- suppressWarnings(two_sample_test( data = filter(iris_long, condition %in% c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")), x = condition, y = value, paired = TRUE, effsize.type = "g", digits = 4L, conf.level = 0.50 )) set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(select(df1, -expression)) expect_snapshot(df1[["expression"]]) } ) test_that( desc = "parametric t-test works (within-subjects with NAs)", code = { set.seed(123) df1 <- two_sample_test( data = filter(bugs_long, condition %in% c("HDHF", "HDLF")), x = condition, y = desire, paired = TRUE, effsize.type = "d", digits = 3 ) set.seed(123) expect_snapshot(select(df1, -expression)) expect_snapshot(df1[["expression"]]) } ) test_that( desc = "works with subject id", code = { df <- filter(data_with_subid, condition %in% c(1, 5)) set.seed(123) expr1 <- two_sample_test( data = df, x = condition, y = score, subject.id = id, paired = TRUE ) set.seed(123) expr2 <- two_sample_test( data = arrange(df, id), x = condition, y = score, paired = TRUE ) expect_equal(expr1, expr2, ignore_attr = TRUE) } )