# don't test data frames because the values vary across platforms, even with the # same seed # # for the same reason, don't change number of digits # to print all tibble columns in the snapshot; don't remove # between-subjects ------------------------------ skip_if_not_installed("rstantools") test_that( desc = "bayesian (between-subjects - anova)", code = { # with NA set.seed(123) df1 <- suppressWarnings(oneway_anova( type = "bayes", data = msleep, x = vore, y = brainwt )) expect_snapshot(dim(df1)) expect_snapshot(df1[["expression"]][[1]]) # without NA set.seed(123) df2 <- suppressWarnings(oneway_anova( type = "bayes", data = iris, x = Species, y = Sepal.Length )) expect_snapshot(dim(df2)) expect_snapshot(df2[["expression"]][[1]]) } ) # within-subjects ------------------------------ test_that( desc = "bayesian (within-subjects - anova)", code = { set.seed(123) df1 <- oneway_anova( type = "bayes", data = WRS2::WineTasting, x = Wine, y = Taste, paired = TRUE, bf.prior = 0.88 ) expect_snapshot(dim(df1)) expect_snapshot(df1[["expression"]][[1]]) # data with NA set.seed(123) df2 <- oneway_anova( type = "bayes", data = bugs_long, x = condition, y = desire, paired = TRUE ) expect_snapshot(dim(df2)) expect_snapshot(df2[["expression"]][[1]]) # with subject.id --------------------------------- set.seed(123) expr1 <- oneway_anova( type = "bayes", data = data_with_subid, x = condition, y = score, subject.id = id, paired = TRUE ) set.seed(123) expr2 <- oneway_anova( type = "bayes", data = arrange(data_with_subid, id), x = condition, y = score, paired = TRUE ) expect_equal(expr2, expr1, ignore_attr = TRUE) } )