context("mapPlot") ## Testing the exact plot output is difficult but since also the ggplot ## objects on which the plots are based are invisibly returned at least some ## checking can be done. ### TD map plot. test_that("TD map plot gives correct output types", { expect_error(plot(testTD, plotType = "map"), "should have latitude and longitude") p <- plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map") expect_is(p, "ggplot") }) test_that(paste("options minLatRange and minLongRange function properly for", "TD map plot"), { expect_error(plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", minLatRange = c(20, 20)), "minLatRange should be NULL or a single numerical value") expect_error(plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", minLongRange = c(20, 20)), "minLongRange should be NULL or a single numerical value") p <- plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", minLatRange = 20, minLongRange = 20, output = FALSE) expect_equal(p$coordinates$limits$x, c(-6.33333, 17.66667)) expect_equal(p$coordinates$limits$y, c(39.97, 63.97)) }) test_that("option colorTrialBy functions properly for TD map plot", { expect_error(plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", colorTrialBy = 1), "colorTrialBy should be a character string") expect_error(plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", colorTrialBy = "grp"), "colorTrialBy should be a column in TD") expect_error(plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", colorTrialBy = "Plot"), "colorTrialBy should be unique within each trial") expect_error(plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", colorTrialBy = "trial", colTrial = c("orange", "red")), "Number of colors provided doesn't match number of trial groups") expect_silent(p1 <- plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", colorTrialBy = "trial")) expect_silent(p2 <- plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", colorTrialBy = "trial", colTrial = "orange")) expect_equal(p1$plot_env$colTrial, "red") expect_equal(p2$plot_env$colTrial, "orange") }) test_that("option title overrides default title in TD map plot", { p1 <- plot(TDHeat05, plotType = "map", title = "test") expect_equal(p1$labels$title, "test") })