context("Check if statistics from an article are correctly retrieved and parsed") # tests concerning parsing stats from pdf files ------------------------------ # individual pdf files test_that("statistics from a pdf are correctly retrieved and parsed", { pdf_file <- system.file("test_materials/nuijten.pdf", package = "statcheck") # skip test if file is not available if(pdf_file == "") skip("Test file not available.") result <- checkPDF(pdf_file, messages = FALSE) result_1tailed <- checkPDF(pdf_file, messages = FALSE, OneTailedTxt = TRUE) # extract 4 tests from paper expect_equal(nrow(result), 8) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_TYPE]]), c("t", "Chi2", "t", "F", "F", "F", "Chi2", "t")) expect_equal(result[[VAR_TEST_VALUE]], c(-4.93, 6.9, 2, 1.203, 12.03, 23.95, 6.53, 2)) # check errors expect_equal(result[[VAR_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal(result[[VAR_DEC_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) # check errors with one-tailed test detection expect_equal(result_1tailed[[VAR_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(result_1tailed[[VAR_DEC_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) }) # pdfs in folder test_that("statistics from all pdfs in a folder are correctly retrieved and parsed", { pdf_folder <- system.file("test_materials", package = "statcheck") # skip test if files are not available if(!any(grepl(".pdf", list.files(pdf_folder)))) skip("Test files not available.") result <- checkPDFdir(pdf_folder, messages = FALSE, subdir = FALSE) # extract 53 tests from 4 papers expect_equal(nrow(result), 53) expect_equal(length(unique(result[[VAR_SOURCE]])), 4) }) # tests concerning parsing stats from html files ------------------------------ # individual html files test_that("statistics from a html are correctly retrieved and parsed", { html_file <- system.file("test_materials/nuijten.html", package = "statcheck") # skip test if file is not available if(html_file == "") skip("Test file not available.") result <- checkHTML(html_file, messages = FALSE) result_1tailed <- checkHTML(html_file, messages = FALSE, OneTailedTxt = TRUE) # extract 6 tests from paper expect_equal(nrow(result), 6) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_TYPE]]), c("t", "Chi2", "t", "F", "F", "t")) expect_equal(result[[VAR_TEST_VALUE]], c(-4.93, 6.9, 2, 1.203, 12.03, 2)) # check errors expect_equal(result[[VAR_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal(result[[VAR_DEC_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) # check errors with one-tailed test detection expect_equal(result_1tailed[[VAR_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) expect_equal(result_1tailed[[VAR_DEC_ERROR]], c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) }) # htmls in folder test_that("statistics from all htmls in a folder are correctly retrieved and parsed", { html_dir <- system.file("test_materials", package = "statcheck") # skip test if files are not available if(!any(grepl(".htm*", list.files(html_dir)))) skip("Test files not available.") result <- checkHTMLdir(html_dir, messages = FALSE, subdir = FALSE) # extract 6+33 tests from papers expect_equal(nrow(result), 39) }) # tests concerning parsing stats from all files ------------------------------ # pdfs and htmls in folder test_that("statistics from all pdfs and htmls in a folder are correctly retrieved and parsed", { dir <- system.file("test_materials", package = "statcheck") # skip test if files are not available if(!any(grepl(".htm*|.pdf", list.files(dir)))) skip("Test files not available.") result <- checkdir(dir, subdir = FALSE, messages = FALSE) # extract 92 tests (39 from html and 53 from pdf) expect_equal(nrow(result), 92) })