context("Extract p-values from string") # test if the following p-values are correctly retrieved ---------------------- # standard p-values test_that("p-values are correctly parsed", { txt1 <- "p = .05" txt2 <- "p < .05" txt3 <- "p > .05" result <- statcheck(c(txt1, txt2, txt3), messages = FALSE, AllPValues = TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(result), 3) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_P_COMPARISON]]), c("=", "<", ">")) expect_equal(result[[VAR_REPORTED_P]], rep(0.05, 3)) }) # non-significant results test_that("results reported as ns are correctly parsed", { txt1 <- "the result was not significant, ns" result <- statcheck(txt1, messages = FALSE, AllPValues = TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(result), 1) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_P_COMPARISON]]), "ns") expect_true([[VAR_REPORTED_P]])) }) # test if the following non p-values are not retrieved ------------------ # page number test_that("page numbers are not extracted", { txt1 <- "see p. 01" expect_output(statcheck(txt1, messages = FALSE, AllPValues = TRUE), "did not find any p-values") })