context("Extract correlations from string") # test if the following correlations are correctly retrieved ---------------------- # standard correlation test_that("correlations are correctly parsed", { txt1 <- "r(28) = .20, p = .03" result <- statcheck(txt1, messages = FALSE) expect_equal(nrow(result), 1) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_TYPE]]), "r") expect_true([[VAR_DF1]])) expect_equal(result[[VAR_DF2]], 28) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_TEST_COMPARISON]]), "=") expect_equal(result[[VAR_TEST_VALUE]], .2) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_P_COMPARISON]]), "=") expect_equal(result[[VAR_REPORTED_P]], 0.03) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_RAW]]), "r(28) = .20, p = .03") }) # standard correlations in text test_that("correlations are retrieved from sentences", { txt1 <- "The effect was very significant, r(28) = .20, p = .03." txt2 <- "Both effects were very significant, r(28) = .20, p = .03, r(28) = .23, p = .04." result <- statcheck(c(txt1, txt2), messages = FALSE) expect_equal(nrow(result), 3) expect_equal(as.character(result[[VAR_SOURCE]]), c("1", "2", "2")) }) # variation in spacing test_that("correlations with different spacing are retrieved from text", { txt1 <- " r ( 28 ) = .20 , p = .03" txt2 <- "r(28)=.20,p=.03" result <- statcheck(c(txt1, txt2), messages = FALSE) expect_equal(nrow(result), 2) }) # test if the following incorrect correlations are not retrieved ------------------ # do not extract correlations larger than 1 or smaller than -1 test_that("correlations with impossible values are ignored", { txt1 <- "r(16) = 26.05, p = .10" txt2 <- "r(28) = −59, p = .0008" expect_output(statcheck(c(txt1, txt2), messages = FALSE), "did not find any results") })