test_that("glanceSpinners() generates the correct HTML", { expect_snapshot(glanceSpinners()) }) test_that("spinners() generates the correct HTML", { expect_snapshot( spinners(uiOutput = plotOutput("plot"), type = 1, color = "#0275d8") ) }) test_that("spinners() generates the correct HTML when type is 2", { expect_snapshot( spinners(uiOutput = plotOutput("plot"), type = 2, color = "#0275d8") ) }) test_that("spinners() generates the correct HTML when type is 3", { expect_snapshot( spinners(uiOutput = plotOutput("plot"), type = 3, color = "#0275d8") ) }) test_that("spinners() generates the correct HTML when type is 4", { expect_snapshot( spinners(uiOutput = plotOutput("plot"), type = 4, color = "#0275d8") ) }) test_that("spinners() generates the correct HTML when type is 5", { expect_snapshot( spinners(uiOutput = plotOutput("plot"), type = 5, color = "#0275d8") ) }) test_that("spinners() generates the correct HTML when type is 8", { expect_snapshot( spinners(uiOutput = plotOutput("plot"), type = 8, color = "#0275d8") ) })