# Copyright 2015-2023 Province of British Columbia # Copyright 2021 Environment and Climate Change Canada # Copyright 2023-2024 Australian Government Department of Climate Change, # Energy, the Environment and Water # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. test_that("hc", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = FALSE, samples = TRUE) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc") }) test_that("hc estimate with censored data same number of 2parameters", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[c(3, 6, 8)] <- NA fit <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "right", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) hc <- ssd_hc(fit) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "censored_2ll") }) test_that("hc estimate with censored data same number of 5parameters", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[c(3, 6, 8)] <- NA fit <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "right", dists = c("lnorm_lnorm", "llogis_llogis")) hc <- ssd_hc(fit) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "censored_5ll") }) test_that("hc not estimate with different number of parameters", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[c(3, 6, 8)] <- NA fit <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "right", dists = c("lnorm", "lnorm_lnorm")) hc_each <- ssd_hc(fit, average = FALSE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_each, "censored_each") expect_warning( hc_ave <- ssd_hc(fit), "Model averaged estimates cannot be calculated for censored data when the distributions have different numbers of parameters." ) expect_snapshot_data(hc_ave, "censored_ave") }) test_that("ssd_hc list must be named", { chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_hc(list())) }) test_that("ssd_hc list names must be unique", { chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = NULL, "lnorm" = NULL))) }) test_that("ssd_hc list handles zero length list", { hc <- ssd_hc(structure(list(), .Names = character(0))) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot", "samples")) expect_identical(hc$dist, character(0)) expect_identical(hc$proportion, numeric(0)) expect_identical(hc$se, numeric(0)) }) test_that("ssd_hc list works null values handles zero length list", { hc <- ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = NULL)) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot")) expect_equal(hc$dist, "lnorm") expect_identical(hc$proportion, 0.05) expect_equal(hc$est, 0.193040816698737) expect_equal(hc$se, NA_real_) }) test_that("ssd_hc list works multiple percent values", { hc <- ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = NULL), proportion = c(1, 99) / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot")) expect_identical(hc$proportion, c(1, 99) / 100) expect_equal(hc$dist, c("lnorm", "lnorm")) expect_equal(hc$est, c(0.097651733070336, 10.2404736563121)) expect_identical(hc$se, c(NA_real_, NA_real_)) }) test_that("ssd_hc list works partial percent values", { hc <- ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = NULL), proportion = c(50.5) / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot")) expect_identical(hc$proportion, 50.5 / 100) expect_equal(hc$dist, "lnorm") expect_equal(hc$est, 1.01261234261044) expect_identical(hc$se, NA_real_) }) test_that("ssd_hc list works specified values", { hc <- ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = list(meanlog = 2, sdlog = 2))) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot")) expect_identical(hc$proportion, 0.05) expect_equal(hc$dist, "lnorm") expect_equal(hc$est, 0.275351379333677) expect_equal(hc$se, NA_real_) }) test_that("ssd_hc list works multiple NULL distributions", { hc <- ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = NULL, "llogis" = NULL)) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot")) expect_identical(hc$proportion, c(5, 5) / 100) expect_equal(hc$dist, c("lnorm", "llogis")) expect_equal(hc$est, c(0.193040816698737, 0.0526315789473684)) expect_equal(hc$se, c(NA_real_, NA_real_)) }) test_that("ssd_hc list works multiple NULL distributions with multiple percent", { hc <- ssd_hc(list("lnorm" = NULL, "llogis" = NULL), proportion = c(1, 99) / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot")) expect_equal(hc$dist, c("lnorm", "lnorm", "llogis", "llogis")) expect_identical(hc$proportion, c(1, 99, 1, 99) / 100) expect_equal(hc$est, c(0.097651733070336, 10.2404736563121, 0.0101010101010101, 98.9999999999999)) expect_equal(hc$se, c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)) }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists works zero length percent", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = numeric(0)) expect_s3_class(hc, class = "tbl_df") expect_identical(colnames(hc), c("dist", "proportion", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "nboot", "pboot", "samples")) expect_equal(hc$dist, character(0)) expect_identical(hc$proportion, numeric(0)) expect_equal(hc$est, numeric(0)) expect_equal(hc$se, numeric(0)) }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists works NA percent", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = NA_real_) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc114") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists works 0 percent", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = 0) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc122") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists works 100 percent", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = 1) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc130") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists works multiple percents", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = c(1, 99) / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc138") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists works fractions", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = 50.5 / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc505") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists averages", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", multi_est = FALSE) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc145") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists correctly averages", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::aims_molybdenum_marine, dists = c("lgumbel", "lnorm_lnorm"), min_pmix = 0 ) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, average = FALSE, ci_method = "multi_free") expect_equal(hc$est, c(3881.17238083968, 5540.52003), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(hc$wt, c(0.0968427088339105, 0.90315729116609)) hc_avg <- ssd_hc(fits, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", multi_est = FALSE) expect_equal(hc_avg$est, sum(hc$est * hc$wt)) }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists averages single dist by multiple percent", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, average = TRUE, proportion = 1:99 / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc153") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists not average single dist by multiple percent gives whole numeric", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, average = FALSE, proportion = 1:99 / 100) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc161") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists not average", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, average = FALSE) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc168") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists correct for rescaling", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) fits_rescale <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, rescale = TRUE) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") hc_rescale <- ssd_hc(fits_rescale, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") expect_equal(hc_rescale, hc, tolerance = 1e-04) }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists cis", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", samples = TRUE) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_cis") }) test_that("ssd_hc fitdists cis level = 0.8", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, level = 0.8, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", samples = TRUE) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_cis_level08") }) test_that("ssd_hc doesn't calculate cis with inconsistent censoring", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc2 <- data$Conc data$Conc[1] <- 0.5 data$Conc2[1] <- 1.0 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") expect_equal(hc$se, 0.475836654747499, tolerance = 1e-6) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Conc2", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10), "^Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for censored data[.]$" ) expect_identical(hc$se, NA_real_) }) test_that("ssd_hc works with fully left censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc2 <- data$Conc data$Conc <- 0 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Conc2", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic"), "^Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for censored data[.]$" ) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "fullyleft") }) test_that("ssd_hc warns with partially left censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[c(3, 6, 8)] <- NA set.seed(100) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = FALSE), "Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for censored data\\." ) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "partialeft") }) test_that("ssd_hc works with fully left censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$right[data$Conc < 4] <- 4 data$Conc[data$Conc < 4] <- NA set.seed(100) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = FALSE), "^Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for censored data\\.$" ) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "partialeftfull") }) test_that("ssd_hc works with partially left censored data non-parametric", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[c(3, 6, 8)] <- NA set.seed(100) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = FALSE, parametric = FALSE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "partialeftnonpara") expect_gt(hc$ucl, hc$est) }) test_that("ssd_hc not work partially censored even if all same left", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc2 <- data$Conc data$Conc <- 0.1 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Conc2", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10), "^Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for censored data[.]$" ) }) test_that("ssd_hc doesn't works with inconsisently censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc2 <- data$Conc data$Conc <- 0 data$Conc[1] <- data$Conc2[1] / 2 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Conc2", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10), "^Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for censored data[.]$" ) }) test_that("ssd_hc same with equally weighted data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Weight <- rep(1, nrow(data)) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = "lnorm") set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10) data$Weight <- rep(2, nrow(data)) fits2 <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = "lnorm") set.seed(10) hc2 <- ssd_hc(fits2, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10) expect_equal(hc2, hc) }) test_that("ssd_hc calculates cis with equally weighted data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Weight <- rep(2, nrow(data)) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = "lnorm") set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hcici") }) test_that("ssd_hc calculates cis in parallel but one distribution", { local_multisession() data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm") set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hcici_multi") }) test_that("ssd_hc calculates cis with two distributions", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") expect_equal(hc$se, 0.511475169043532, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("ssd_hc calculates cis in parallel with two distributions", { local_multisession() data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") expect_equal(hc$se, 0.511475169043532, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("ssd_hc doesn't calculate cis with unequally weighted data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Weight <- rep(1, nrow(data)) data$Weight[1] <- 2 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = "lnorm") expect_warning( hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10), "^Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for unequally weighted data[.]$" ) expect_identical(hc$se, NA_real_) }) test_that("ssd_hc no effect with higher weight one distribution", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Weight <- rep(1, nrow(data)) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = "lnorm") data$Weight <- rep(10, nrow(data)) fits_10 <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = "lnorm") set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10) set.seed(10) hc_10 <- ssd_hc(fits_10, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10) expect_equal(hc_10, hc) }) test_that("ssd_hc effect with higher weight two distributions", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Weight <- rep(1, nrow(data)) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) data$Weight <- rep(10, nrow(data)) fits_10 <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Weight", dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", multi_est = FALSE) set.seed(10) hc_10 <- ssd_hc(fits_10, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", multi_est = FALSE) expect_equal(hc$est, 1.6490386909599, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(hc_10$est, 1.68117856793665, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(hc$se, 0.511475588315084, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_equal(hc_10$se, 0.455819671683407, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("ssd_hc cis with non-convergence", { set.seed(99) conc <- ssd_rlnorm_lnorm(100, meanlog1 = 0, meanlog2 = 1, sdlog1 = 1 / 10, sdlog2 = 1 / 10, pmix = 0.2) data <- data.frame(Conc = conc) fit <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm_lnorm", min_pmix = 0.15) expect_identical(attr(fit, "min_pmix"), 0.15) hc15 <- ssd_hc(fit, ci = TRUE, nboot = 100, min_pboot = 0.9, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") attr(fit, "min_pmix") <- 0.3 expect_identical(attr(fit, "min_pmix"), 0.3) hc30 <- ssd_hc(fit, ci = TRUE, nboot = 100, min_pboot = 0.9, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") expect_s3_class(hc30, "tbl") expect_snapshot_data(hc30, "hc_30") }) test_that("ssd_hc cis with error and multiple dists", { set.seed(99) conc <- ssd_rlnorm_lnorm(30, meanlog1 = 0, meanlog2 = 1, sdlog1 = 1 / 10, sdlog2 = 1 / 10, pmix = 0.2) data <- data.frame(Conc = conc) fit <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis_llogis"), min_pmix = 0.1) expect_identical(attr(fit, "min_pmix"), 0.1) set.seed(99) skip_on_cran() # did not throw the expected warning. expect_warning(hc_err_two <- ssd_hc(fit, ci = TRUE, nboot = 100, average = FALSE, delta = 100)) expect_snapshot_boot_data(hc_err_two, "hc_err_two") set.seed(99) expect_warning(hc_err_avg <- ssd_hc(fit, ci = TRUE, nboot = 100, delta = 100, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic" )) expect_snapshot_boot_data(hc_err_avg, "hc_err_avg") }) test_that("ssd_hc with 1 bootstrap", { fit <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm") set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fit, ci = TRUE, nboot = 1, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_1") }) test_that("ssd_hc parametric and non-parametric small sample size", { fit <- ssd_fit_burrlioz(ssddata::ccme_boron) set.seed(47) hc_para_small <- ssd_hc(fit, nboot = 10, ci = TRUE, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_para_small, "hc_para_small") set.seed(47) hc_nonpara_small <- ssd_hc(fit, nboot = 10, ci = TRUE, parametric = FALSE, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_para_small, "hc_para_small") }) test_that("ssd_hc_burrlioz gets estimates with invpareto", { fit <- ssd_fit_burrlioz(ssddata::ccme_boron) set.seed(47) hc_boron <- ssd_hc(fit, nboot = 10, ci = TRUE, min_pboot = 0, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_boron, "hc_boron") }) test_that("ssd_hc_burrlioz gets estimates with burrIII3", { set.seed(99) data <- data.frame(Conc = ssd_rburrIII3(30)) fit <- ssd_fit_burrlioz(data) expect_identical(names(fit), "burrIII3") set.seed(49) hc_burrIII3 <- ssd_hc(fit, nboot = 10, ci = TRUE, min_pboot = 0, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_burrIII3, "hc_burrIII3") }) test_that("ssd_hc_burrlioz gets estimates with burrIII3 parametric", { set.seed(99) data <- data.frame(Conc = ssd_rburrIII3(30)) fit <- ssd_fit_burrlioz(data) expect_identical(names(fit), "burrIII3") set.seed(49) hc_burrIII3 <- ssd_hc(fit, nboot = 10, ci = TRUE, min_pboot = 0, parametric = TRUE, samples = TRUE ) expect_snapshot_data(hc_burrIII3, "hc_burrIII3_parametric") }) test_that("ssd_hc passing all boots ccme_chloride lnorm_lnorm", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_chloride, min_pmix = 0.0001, at_boundary_ok = TRUE, dists = c("lnorm_lnorm", "llogis_llogis") ) set.seed(102) expect_warning(hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 1000, average = FALSE)) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl_df") expect_snapshot_boot_data(hc, "hc_cis_chloride50") }) test_that("ssd_hc save_to", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = "lnorm") set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 3, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", save_to = dir, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to") expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "data_000000002_lnorm.csv", "data_000000003_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000002_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000003_lnorm.rds" )) data <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000000_lnorm.csv")) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to1data") boot1 <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to1") ests <- readRDS(file.path(dir, "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds")) ests1 <- readRDS(file.path(dir, "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds")) expect_identical(names(ests), names(ests1)) expect_identical(names(ests), c( "meanlog", "sdlog" )) }) test_that("ssd_hc save_to ci_method = weighted_samples", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = "lnorm") set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 3, ci = TRUE, save_to = dir, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to_not_multi") expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "data_000000002_lnorm.csv", "data_000000003_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000002_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000003_lnorm.rds" )) data1 <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to1_not_multi") }) test_that("ssd_hc save_to ci_method = weighted_samples default", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 1, ci = TRUE, save_to = dir, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", multi_est = FALSE, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to_not_multi_default") expect_identical( sort(list.files(dir)), sort(c( "data_000000000_gamma.csv", "data_000000000_lgumbel.csv", "data_000000000_llogis.csv", "data_000000000_lnorm_lnorm.csv", "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000000_weibull.csv", "data_000000001_gamma.csv", "data_000000001_lgumbel.csv", "data_000000001_llogis.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_weibull.csv", "estimates_000000000_gamma.rds", "estimates_000000000_lgumbel.rds", "estimates_000000000_llogis.rds", "estimates_000000000_lnorm_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000000_weibull.rds", "estimates_000000001_gamma.rds", "estimates_000000001_lgumbel.rds", "estimates_000000001_llogis.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_weibull.rds" )) ) boot1 <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to1_not_multi_default") }) test_that("ssd_hc save_to rescale", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = "lnorm", rescale = TRUE) set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 3, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", save_to = dir, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to_rescale") expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "data_000000002_lnorm.csv", "data_000000003_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000002_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000003_lnorm.rds" )) boot1 <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to1_rescale") }) test_that("ssd_hc save_to lnorm 1", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = "lnorm") set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 1, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", save_to = dir, samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_save_to11") expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds" )) boot1 <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) fit1 <- ssd_fit_dists(boot1, dist = "lnorm", left = "left", right = "right", weight = "weight") est <- ssd_hc(fit1)$est expect_equal(hc$lcl, est, tolerance = 1e-6) expect_identical(hc$lcl, hc$ucl) }) test_that("ssd_hc save_to replaces", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = "lnorm") set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 1, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", save_to = dir) expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds" )) boot <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) hc2 <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 1, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", save_to = dir) expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds" )) boot2 <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "data_000000001_lnorm.csv")) expect_snapshot_data(boot, "hc_boot1_replace") expect_snapshot_data(boot2, "hc_boot2_replace") }) test_that("ssd_hc fix_weight", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = c("lnorm", "lgumbel")) set.seed(102) hc_unfix <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 100, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_free", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_unfix, "hc_unfix") set.seed(102) hc_fix <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 100, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_fix, "hc_fix") }) test_that("ssd_hc multiple values", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = c("lnorm", "lgumbel")) set.seed(102) hc_unfix <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = c(5, 10) / 100, nboot = 100, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_free", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_unfix, "hc_unfixmulti") set.seed(102) hc_fix <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = c(5, 10) / 100, nboot = 100, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed", samples = TRUE) expect_snapshot_data(hc_fix, "hc_fixmulti") }) test_that("ssd_hc multiple values save_to", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = c("lnorm", "lgumbel")) set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = c(5, 10) / 100, nboot = 2, save_to = dir, ci = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed") expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_multi.csv", "data_000000001_multi.csv", "data_000000002_multi.csv", "estimates_000000000_multi.rds", "estimates_000000001_multi.rds", "estimates_000000002_multi.rds" )) }) test_that("ssd_hc not multi_ci save_to", { dir <- withr::local_tempdir() fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dist = c("lnorm", "lgumbel")) set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, nboot = 2, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", save_to = dir, ci = TRUE) expect_identical(list.files(dir), c( "data_000000000_lgumbel.csv", "data_000000000_lnorm.csv", "data_000000001_lgumbel.csv", "data_000000001_lnorm.csv", "data_000000002_lgumbel.csv", "data_000000002_lnorm.csv", "estimates_000000000_lgumbel.rds", "estimates_000000000_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000001_lgumbel.rds", "estimates_000000001_lnorm.rds", "estimates_000000002_lgumbel.rds", "estimates_000000002_lnorm.rds" )) }) test_that("ssd_hc identical if in parallel", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis")) set.seed(10) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 500) local_multisession(workers = 2) set.seed(10) hc2 <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 500) expect_equal(hc, hc2, tolerance = 1e-6) }) test_that("hc multi_ci false weighted", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "gamma")) set.seed(102) hc <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, samples = TRUE, ci_method = "weighted_samples", multi_est = FALSE, min_pboot = 0.8) expect_s3_class(hc, "tbl") expect_snapshot_data(hc, "hc_weighted_samples") }) test_that("hc multis match", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "gamma")) set.seed(102) hc_tf <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, multi_est = TRUE, ci_method = "weighted_samples") set.seed(102) hc_ft <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, multi_est = FALSE, ci_method = "multi_fixed") set.seed(102) hc_ff <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, multi_est = FALSE, ci_method = "weighted_samples") set.seed(102) hc_tt <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, multi_est = TRUE, ci_method = "multi_fixed") expect_identical(hc_tf$est, hc_tt$est) expect_identical(hc_ft$est, hc_ff$est) expect_identical(hc_ft$se, hc_tt$se) expect_identical(hc_ff$se, hc_tf$se) }) test_that("hc weighted bootie", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) set.seed(102) hc_weighted2 <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, multi_est = FALSE, ci_method = "weighted_samples", samples = TRUE ) set.seed(102) hc_unweighted2 <- ssd_hc(fits, ci = TRUE, nboot = 10, average = TRUE, multi_est = FALSE, ci_method = "weighted_arithmetic", samples = TRUE) expect_identical(hc_weighted2$est, hc_unweighted2$est) expect_identical(length(hc_weighted2$samples[[1]]), 11L) expect_identical(length(hc_unweighted2$samples[[1]]), 60L) expect_snapshot_boot_data(hc_weighted2, "hc_weighted2") expect_snapshot_boot_data(hc_unweighted2, "hc_unweighted2") }) test_that("hc percent deprecated", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) lifecycle::expect_deprecated(hc <- ssd_hc(fits, percent = 10)) hc2 <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = 0.1) expect_identical(hc2, hc) lifecycle::expect_deprecated(hc <- ssd_hc(fits, percent = c(5, 10))) hc2 <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = c(0.05, 0.1)) expect_identical(hc2, hc) }) test_that("hc proportion multiple decimal places", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) hc2 <- ssd_hc(fits, proportion = 0.111111) expect_identical(hc2$proportion, 0.111111) })