# Copyright 2015-2023 Province of British Columbia # Copyright 2021 Environment and Climate Change Canada # Copyright 2023-2024 Australian Government Department of Climate Change, # Energy, the Environment and Water # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives error with unrecognized dist", { chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = "lnorm2")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if insufficient data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron[1:5, ] chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if less than 6 rows of data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron[1:5, ] chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if less than required rows of data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, nrow = 29)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if missing left column", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, left = "Conc2")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if missing right column", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Conc2")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if missing weight column", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Conc2")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if right call left", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$left <- data$Conc chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "left")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if left called right", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, left = "right")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists not happy with left as left by default", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$left <- data$Conc chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, left = "left")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if valid and more than one distribution", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron expect_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm", "invpareto"))) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists returns object class fitdists", { fit <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis"), rescale = FALSE ) expect_s3_class(fit, "fitdists") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists happy with left as left but happy if right other", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$left <- data$Conc data$right <- data$Conc expect_s3_class(ssd_fit_dists(data, left = "left", right = "right"), "fitdists") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists not affected if all weight 1", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm") data$Mass <- rep(1, nrow(data)) fits_right <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Mass", dists = "lnorm") expect_equal(estimates(fits_right), estimates(fits)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists not affected if all equal weight ", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm") data$Mass <- rep(0.1, nrow(data)) fits_right <- ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Mass", dists = "lnorm") expect_equal(estimates(fits_right), estimates(fits)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives correct chk error if zero weight", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Heavy <- rep(1, nrow(data)) data$Heavy[2] <- 0 chk::expect_chk_error( ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Heavy"), "^`data` has 1 row with zero weight in 'Heavy'\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if negative weights", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Mass <- rep(1, nrow(data)) data$Mass[1] <- -1 chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Mass")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if missing weight values", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Mass <- rep(1, nrow(data)) data$Mass[1] <- NA chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Mass")) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if missing left values", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc[1] <- NA chk::expect_chk_error( ssd_fit_dists(data), "^`data` has 1 row with effectively missing values in 'Conc'\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if 0 left values", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc[1] <- 0 chk::expect_chk_error( ssd_fit_dists(data), "^`data` has 1 row with effectively missing values in 'Conc'\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists all distributions fail to fit if Inf weight", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Mass <- rep(1, nrow(data)) data$Mass[1] <- Inf expect_error( expect_warning( ssd_fit_dists(data, weight = "Mass", dists = "lnorm"), "^Distribution 'lnorm' failed to fit" ), "^All distributions failed to fit\\." ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists not affected if right values identical to left but in different column", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm") data$Other <- data$Conc fits_right <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Other", dists = "lnorm") expect_equal(estimates(fits_right), estimates(fits)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives correct chk error if missing values in non-censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc[2] <- NA chk::expect_chk_error( ssd_fit_dists(data), "^`data` has 1 row with effectively missing values in 'Conc'\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives correct chk error if missing values in censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Other <- data$Conc data$Other[1] <- data$Conc[1] + 0.1 # to make censored data$Conc[2:3] <- NA data$Other[2:3] <- NA chk::expect_chk_error( ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Other"), "^`data` has 2 rows with effectively missing values in 'Conc' and 'Other'\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives chk error if negative left ", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc[1] <- -1 chk::expect_chk_error(ssd_fit_dists(data)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists all distributions fail to fit if Inf left", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Conc[1] <- Inf expect_error( ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm"), "^`data` has 1 row with effectively missing values in 'Conc'\\." ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives correct chk error any right < left", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Other <- data$Conc data$Other[2] <- data$Conc[1] / 2 chk::expect_chk_error( ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Other"), "^`data\\$Other` must have values greater than or equal to `data\\$Conc`\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists warns to rescale data", { data <- data.frame(Conc = rep(2, 6)) expect_error( expect_warning( ssd_fit_dists(data, dist = "lnorm", , rescale = FALSE), "^Distribution 'lnorm' failed to fit \\(try rescaling data\\):" ) ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists doesn't warns to rescale data if already rescaled", { data <- data.frame(Conc = rep(2, 6)) expect_error(expect_warning(ssd_fit_dists(data, rescale = TRUE, dist = "lnorm"), regexp = "^Distribution 'lnorm' failed to fit:" )) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists warns of optimizer convergence code error", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron expect_error( expect_warning(ssd_fit_dists(data, control = list(maxit = 1), dist = "lnorm"), regexp = "^Distribution 'lnorm' failed to converge \\(try rescaling data\\): Iteration limit maxit reach \\(try increasing the maximum number of iterations in control\\)\\.$" ) ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists estimates for ssddata::ccme_boron on bcanz dists", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, rescale = TRUE) tidy <- tidy(fits) expect_s3_class(tidy, "tbl") expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "tidy_stable_rescale") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists not reorder", { fit <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "llogis"), rescale = FALSE ) expect_identical(npars(fit), c(lnorm = 2L, llogis = 2L)) expect_equal(logLik(fit), c(lnorm = -117.514216489547, llogis = -118.507435324581)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists equal weights no effect", { fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron) data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$weight <- rep(2, nrow(data)) fits_weight <- ssd_fit_dists(data) expect_equal(estimates(fits_weight), estimates(fits)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists computable = TRUE allows for fits without standard errors", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$Other <- data$Conc data$Conc <- data$Conc / max(data$Conc) skip_on_cran() # did not throw the expected warning. expect_warning( ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Other", rescale = FALSE, at_boundary_ok = FALSE), "^Distribution 'lnorm_lnorm' failed to fit \\(try rescaling data\\)" ) set.seed(102) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, right = "Other", dists = c("lgumbel", "llogis", "lnorm"), rescale = FALSE, at_boundary_ok = TRUE) tidy <- tidy(fits) expect_s3_class(tidy, "tbl") expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "tidy_stable_computable", digits = 6) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists works with slightly censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc * 2 data$Conc <- data$Conc * 0.5 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right", rescale = FALSE) tidy <- tidy(fits) expect_equal(tidy$est, c(2.56052524750529, 1.17234562953404), tolerance = 1e-06) expect_equal(tidy$se, c(0.234063281091344, 0.175423555900586), tolerance = 1e-05) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists accepts 0 for left censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[1] <- 0 fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right", rescale = FALSE) tidy <- tidy(fits) expect_equal(tidy$est, c(2.54093502870563, 1.27968456496323), tolerance = 1e-06) expect_equal(tidy$se, c(0.242558677928804, 0.175719927258761), tolerance = 1e-06) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives same values with zero and missing left values", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$Conc[1] <- 0 fits0 <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") data$Conc[1] <- NA fitsna <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") expect_equal(tidy(fits0), tidy(fitsna)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists works with right censored data", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$right[1] <- Inf expect_error( fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right"), "^Distributions cannot currently be fitted to right censored data\\.$" ) # # tidy <- tidy(fits) # # expect_equal(tidy$est, c(2.54093502870563, 1.27968456496323)) # expect_equal(tidy$se, c(0.242558677928804, 0.175719927258761)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists gives same answer for missing versus Inf right", { data <- ssddata::ccme_boron data$right <- data$Conc data$right[1] <- Inf expect_error( fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right"), "^Distributions cannot currently be fitted to right censored data\\.$" ) data$right[1] <- NA expect_error( fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right"), "^Distributions cannot currently be fitted to right censored data\\.$" ) # fits0 <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") # # data$right[1] <- NA # # fitsna <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = "lnorm", right = "right") # # expect_equal(tidy(fits0), tidy(fitsna)) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists min_pmix at_boundary_ok FALSE", { set.seed(99) conc <- ssd_rlnorm_lnorm(1000, meanlog1 = 0, meanlog2 = 1, sdlog1 = 1 / 10, sdlog2 = 1 / 10, pmix = 0.1) data <- data.frame(Conc = conc) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm_lnorm", "llogis_llogis"), min_pmix = 0.1) tidy <- tidy(fits) expect_error( expect_warning(expect_warning(ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm_lnorm", "llogis_llogis"), min_pmix = 0.11, at_boundary_ok = FALSE))), "All distributions failed to fit." ) expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "min_pmix5") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists min_pmix", { set.seed(99) conc <- ssd_rlnorm_lnorm(1000, meanlog1 = 0, meanlog2 = 1, sdlog1 = 1 / 10, sdlog2 = 1 / 10, pmix = 0.1) data <- data.frame(Conc = conc) fits <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm_lnorm"), min_pmix = 0.11, at_boundary_ok = TRUE) tidy <- tidy(fits) expect_equal(tidy$est[tidy$term == "pmix"], 0.11) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists at_boundary_ok message", { set.seed(99) expect_warning( ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "burrIII3"), at_boundary_ok = FALSE), "one or more parameters at boundary[.]$" ) expect_warning( ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "burrIII3"), at_boundary_ok = TRUE, computable = TRUE ), "failed to compute standard errors \\(try rescaling data\\)\\.$" ) }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists bcanz with anon_e", { fit <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::anon_e) tidy <- tidy(fit) expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "tidy_stable_anon_e") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists unstable with anon_e", { expect_warning( fit <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::anon_e, dists = ssd_dists(bcanz = FALSE)), "gompertz" ) tidy <- tidy(fit) expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "tidy_unstable_anon_e") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists works min_pmix = 0.5 and at_boundary_ok = TRUE and computable = FALSE", { fit <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron, dists = c("lnorm", "lnorm_lnorm"), min_pmix = 0.5, at_boundary_ok = TRUE, computable = FALSE ) tidy <- tidy(fit) expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "min_pmix_05") }) test_that("ssd_fit_dists min_pmix 0", { set.seed(99) data <- data.frame(Conc = ssd_rlnorm_lnorm(100, meanlog1 = 0, meanlog2 = 2, pmix = 0.01)) fit <- ssd_fit_dists(data, dists = c("lnorm_lnorm", "llogis_llogis"), min_pmix = 0) tidy <- tidy(fit) expect_snapshot_data(tidy, "tidy_pmix0") })