set.seed(123454) test_that("corner cases work as expected", { expect_identical( unclass(sps(numeric(0), 0)), structure(integer(0), weights = numeric(0)) ) expect_identical( unclass(sps(0, 0)), structure(integer(0), weights = numeric(0)) ) expect_identical( unclass(sps(1:10, 0)), structure(integer(0), weights = numeric(0)) ) expect_identical( unclass(sps(1:10, 10)), structure(1:10, weights = rep(1, 10)) ) expect_identical( unclass(sps(1:10, c(5, 0), gl(2, 5))), structure(1:5, weights = rep(1, 5)) ) expect_identical( unclass(ps(numeric(0), 0)), structure(integer(0), weights = numeric(0)) ) expect_identical( unclass(ps(0, 0)), structure(integer(0), weights = numeric(0)) ) expect_identical( unclass(ps(1:10, 0)), structure(integer(0), weights = numeric(0)) ) expect_identical( unclass(ps(1:10, 10)), structure(1:10, weights = rep(1, 10)) ) expect_identical( unclass(ps(1:10, c(5, 0), gl(2, 5))), structure(1:5, weights = rep(1, 5)) ) }) test_that("argument checking works", { expect_error(sps(-1:4, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(c(NA, 1:5), c(2, 2), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(numeric(0), c(2, 2), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(numeric(0), 0, factor(integer(0)))) expect_error(sps(c(0, 0, 1:4), c(2, 2), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(c(0, 0, 1:4), 5)) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(-2, 2), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(NA, 2), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(1:6, integer(0), gl(2, 3))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 2))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3)[c(1:5, 7)])) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), alpha = c(0, 1.5))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), alpha = c(0, NA))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), alpha = c(0, 0, 0))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), alpha = integer(0))) expect_error(sps(1:6, 2, alpha = c(0, 0))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), prn = c(0, runif(4), 1))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), prn = 1:7 / 10)) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), prn = -1:4 / 10)) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), prn = c(NA, 1:5) / 10)) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), prn = numeric(0))) expect_error(sps(1:6, c(2, 2), gl(2, 3), cutoff = 2)) }) test_that("results are sorted", { x <- c(20, 1:10, 100, 0, 0) samp <- sps(x, c(3, 2, 2), c(1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1)) expect_identical( as.integer(samp), sort(samp) ) # weights should be monotonic expect_identical( order(weights(sps(0:10, 4))), 4:1 ) }) test_that("two rounds of TA removal works", { x <- c(20, 1:10, 100, 0, 0) samp <- sps(x, 5) expect_equal(samp[c(1, 5)], c(1, 12)) expect_equal(levels(samp), c("TA", rep("TS", 3), "TA")) expect_true(all(weights(samp)[c(1, 5)] == 1)) expect_true(all(weights(samp)[-c(1, 5)] > 1)) samp <- ps(x, 5) last <- length(samp) expect_equal(samp[c(1, last)], c(1, 12)) expect_equal(levels(samp), c("TA", rep("TS", last - 2), "TA")) expect_true(all(weights(samp)[c(1, last)] == 1)) expect_true(all(weights(samp)[-c(1, last)] > 1)) # use alpha to make all units TAs expect_identical( levels(sps(c(0:5, 0:5), c(3, 3), rep(1:2, each = 6), alpha = c(0.51, 0))), c(rep("TA", 3), "TS", "TS", "TA") ) # does nothing when units are already TAs expect_identical( sps(0:5, 5), sps(0:5, 5, alpha = 0.9) ) }) test_that("strata sizes add up", { s <- c(1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2) s <- factor(s, 1:4) x <- c(1:10, 10:0) alloc <- prop_allocation(x, 11, s) samp <- sps(x, alloc, s) expect_identical( tabulate(s[samp], nbins = 4), as.vector(alloc) ) }) test_that("permanent random numbers work", { set.seed(4321) prn <- runif(11) x <- c(100, 1:9, 100) expect_identical( sps(x, 5, prn = prn), sps(x, 5, prn = prn) ) set.seed(4321) expect_identical( sps(x, 5, prn = prn), sps(x, 5) ) set.seed(4321) expect_identical( ps(x, 5, prn = prn), ps(x, 5) ) expect_identical( as.integer(sps(c(x, x), c(5, 4), gl(2, 11), prn = c(prn, prn))), c(sps(x, 5, prn = prn), (12:22)[sps(x, 4, prn = prn)]) ) }) test_that("extending a stratified sample works", { set.seed(1432) u <- runif(100) x <- c(runif(98), 100, 200) samp <- sps(x, c(5, 6), rep(1:2, each = 50), u) drop <- c(10, 100, 54) samp2 <- sps(x[-drop], c(4, 4), rep(1:2, each = 50)[-drop], u[-drop]) expect_identical( x[samp[-match(drop, samp)]], x[-drop][samp2] ) }) test_that("top-up sampling works", { set.seed(15243) u <- runif(10) x <- 1:10 expect_true(all(sps(x, 4, prn = u)[1:4] %in% sps(x, 5, prn = u))) }) test_that("pareto order sampling works", { pareto <- order_sampling(function(x) x / (1 - x)) u <- runif(20) expect_identical( as.vector(pareto(rep(1, 20), c(5, 6), rep(1:2, 10), u)), sort( c( seq(1L, 20L, 2L)[order(u[seq(1L, 20L, 2L)])[1:5]], seq(2L, 20L, 2L)[order(u[seq(2L, 20L, 2L)])[1:6]] ) ) ) # shift prns u <- 1:9 / 10 v <- (u - 0.49) %% 1 expect_identical( as.integer(pareto(rep(1, 9), 5, prn = u)), 1:5 ) expect_identical( as.integer(pareto(rep(1, 9), 5, prn = v)), 5:9 ) }) test_that("ties are broken by position", { x <- c(4, 1, 3, 2, 4) expect_identical( as.vector(sps(x, 3, prn = inclusion_prob(x, 3))), 1:3 ) }) test_that("cutoff units are included", { x <- c(4, 1, 3, 2, 4) expect_true(all(c(1, 5) %in% sps(x, 3, cutoff = 4))) }) test_that("attributes get removed", { samp <- sps(1:5, 3) # mathematical functions should treat 'sps' objects as numeric vectors expect_true(inherits(log(samp), "numeric")) expect_true(inherits(1L + samp, "integer")) expect_true(inherits(samp / 2, "numeric")) expect_true(inherits(samp > samp, "logical")) expect_true(inherits(-samp, "integer")) # and replacement methods expect_true(inherits(replace(samp, 1, 1), "numeric")) expect_true(inherits(replace(samp, 1, 1L), "integer")) length(samp) <- 2 expect_true(inherits(samp, "integer")) })