context("wkt_vis works") skip_on_cran() test_that("wkt_vis works with browse=FALSE", { skip_on_cran() poly <- 'POLYGON((-111.06 38.84, -110.80 39.37, -110.20 39.17, -110.20 38.90, -110.63 38.67, -111.06 38.84))' aa <- wkt_vis(poly, browse = FALSE) expect_is(aa, "character") expect_match(aa, ".html") expect_match(aa, "spocc") aa_html <- paste0(readLines(aa), collapse = "\n") expect_is(aa_html, "character") expect_true(grepl("DOCTYPE", aa_html)) expect_true(grepl("L.mapbox", aa_html)) }) test_that("wkt_vis works with multiple polygons", { skip_on_cran() x <- "POLYGON((-125 38.4, -121.8 38.4, -121.8 40.9, -125 40.9, -125 38.4), (-115 22.4, -111.8 22.4, -111.8 30.9, -115 30.9, -115 22.4))" aa <- wkt_vis(x, browse = FALSE) expect_is(aa, "character") expect_match(aa, ".html") expect_match(aa, "spocc") aa_html <- paste0(readLines(aa), collapse = "\n") expect_is(aa_html, "character") expect_true(grepl("DOCTYPE", aa_html)) expect_true(grepl("L.mapbox", aa_html)) })