test_that("blank test", { expect_null(NULL) }) test_local <- FALSE # FALSE for CRAN if (test_local) { # SPMODEL PACKAGE NEEDS TO BE INSTALLED VIA DEVTOOLS::INSTALL() BEFORE RUNNING TESTS IF THOSE TESTS HAVE PARALLELIZATION load(file = system.file("extdata", "exdata.rda", package = "spmodel")) load(file = system.file("extdata", "exdata_M.rda", package = "spmodel")) load(file = system.file("extdata", "newexdata.rda", package = "spmodel")) load(file = system.file("extdata", "exdata_poly.rda", package = "spmodel")) load(file = system.file("extdata", "exdata_Mpoly.rda", package = "spmodel")) load(file = system.file("extdata", "exdata_Upoly.rda", package = "spmodel")) ############################################################################## ############################ AIC, AICc, BIC (test-aic.R) ############################################################################## test_that("AIC and AICc works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") expect_vector(AIC(spmod)) expect_vector(AICc(spmod)) expect_vector(BIC(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "ml") expect_vector(AIC(spmod)) expect_vector(AICc(spmod)) expect_vector(BIC(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-wls") expect_error(AIC(spmod)) expect_error(AICc(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-cl") expect_error(AIC(spmod)) expect_error(AICc(spmod)) expect_error(BIC(spmod)) }) test_that("AIC and AICc works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "reml") expect_vector(AIC(spmod)) expect_vector(AICc(spmod)) expect_vector(BIC(spmod)) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "ml") expect_vector(AIC(spmod)) expect_vector(AICc(spmod)) expect_vector(BIC(spmod)) }) test_that("AIC and AICc works for two models", { spmod0 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod1 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "none", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(AIC(spmod0, spmod1), NA) expect_error(AICc(spmod0, spmod1), NA) expect_error(BIC(spmod0, spmod1), NA) }) test_that("Errors appropriately return", { spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod0 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-wls") expect_error(AIC(spmod0)) expect_error(AICc(spmod0)) expect_error(BIC(spmod0)) expect_error(AIC(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_error(AICc(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_error(BIC(spmod0, spmod1)) spmod0 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-cl") expect_error(AIC(spmod0)) expect_error(AICc(spmod0)) expect_error(BIC(spmod0)) expect_error(AIC(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_error(AICc(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_error(BIC(spmod0, spmod1)) spmod0 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod1 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "none", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(AIC(spmod0, spmod1, spmod0)) expect_error(AICc(spmod0, spmod1, spmod0)) expect_error(BIC(spmod0, spmod1, spmod0)) }) test_that("Warnings appropriately return", { spmod0 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod2 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "ml") expect_warning(AIC(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_warning(AIC(spmod1, spmod2)) expect_warning(AICc(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_warning(AICc(spmod1, spmod2)) expect_warning(BIC(spmod0, spmod1)) expect_warning(BIC(spmod1, spmod2)) }) test_that("Matches for lm", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "none", estmethod = "ml") lmod <- lm(y ~ x, exdata) expect_equal(AIC(spmod), AIC(lmod), tolerance = 0.001) expect_equal(BIC(spmod), BIC(lmod), tolerance = 0.001) }) ############################################################################## ############################ anova (test-anova.R) ############################################################################## spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") # regular anova expect_error(anova(spmod1), NA) test_that("anova works geostatistical", { spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "ml") spmod2 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "ml") # regular anova expect_error(anova(spmod1), NA) expect_error(anova(spmod2), NA) expect_error(anova(spmod1, spmod2), NA) # LRT expect_error(tidy(anova(spmod1)), NA) expect_error(tidy(anova(spmod2)), NA) expect_error(tidy(anova(spmod1, spmod2)), NA) # Terms expect_error(anova(spmod1, Terms = c("(Intercept)", "x")), NA) expect_error(anova(spmod1, Terms = c(1, 2)), NA) all.equal(anova(spmod1, Terms = c("(Intercept)", "x")), anova(spmod1, Terms = c(1, 2))) # L L <- diag(2) expect_error(anova(spmod1, L = L), NA) all.equal(anova(spmod1, L = L)$X2, anova(spmod1, Terms = c("(Intercept)", "x"))$X2) }) test_that("anova works autoregressive", { spmod1 <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "ml") spmod2 <- spautor(y ~ 1, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "ml") expect_error(anova(spmod1), NA) expect_error(anova(spmod2), NA) expect_error(anova(spmod1, spmod2), NA) expect_error(tidy(anova(spmod1)), NA) expect_error(tidy(anova(spmod2)), NA) expect_error(tidy(anova(spmod1, spmod2)), NA) }) test_that("Errors appropriately return", { spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod2 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") spmod3 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "ml") spmod4 <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-wls") # reml different fixed effects expect_error(anova(spmod1, spmod2)) # reml vs ml expect_error(anova(spmod2, spmod3)) # not reml and not ml expect_error(anova(spmod2, spmod4)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ augment (test-augment.R) ############################################################################## test_that("augment works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(augment(spmod), NA) expect_error(augment(spmod, se_fit = TRUE), NA) expect_s3_class(augment(spmod), "tbl") expect_error(augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata), NA) augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata, interval = "confidence") augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata, interval = "prediction") expect_error(augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata, se_fit = TRUE), NA) augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata, interval = "confidence", se_fit = TRUE) augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata, interval = "prediction", se_fit = TRUE) expect_s3_class(augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata), "tbl") }) test_that("augment works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_error(augment(spmod), NA) expect_error(augment(spmod, se_fit = TRUE), NA) expect_s3_class(augment(spmod), "tbl") expect_s3_class(augment(spmod), "sf") expect_error(augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata), NA) augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata, interval = "confidence") augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata, interval = "prediction") expect_error(augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata, se_fit = TRUE), NA) augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata, interval = "confidence", se_fit = TRUE) augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata, interval = "prediction", se_fit = TRUE) expect_s3_class(augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata), "tbl") expect_s3_class(augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata), "sf") }) test_that("augment works with drop", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) aug_mod <- augment(spmod) # default drop = TRUE expect_equal(NCOL(aug_mod), 9) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_equal(NCOL(aug_mod), 11) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata) expect_equal(NCOL(aug_pred), 6) # default drop = FALSE spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, "car") aug_mod <- augment(spmod) # default drop = TRUE expect_equal(NCOL(aug_mod), 8) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_equal(NCOL(aug_mod), 11) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata) expect_equal(NCOL(aug_pred), 7) # default drop = FALSE }) test_that("augment works with types", { exdata_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(exdata, coords = c("xcoord", "ycoord"), crs = 4326) exdata_sf <- sf::st_transform(exdata_sf, crs = 5070) newexdata_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(newexdata, coords = c("xcoord", "ycoord"), crs = 4326) newexdata_sf <- sf::st_transform(exdata_sf, crs = 5070) # newdata output type same as data output type # df fit df pred spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) aug_mod <- augment(spmod) # default drop = TRUE expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_pred, "sf")) # sf fit sf pred spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_sf, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) aug_mod <- augment(spmod) # default drop = TRUE expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata_sf) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "sf")) # df fit sf pred spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) aug_mod <- augment(spmod) # default drop = TRUE expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata_sf) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_pred, "sf")) # sf fit df pred newexdata$.xcoord <- newexdata$xcoord newexdata$.ycoord <- newexdata$ycoord spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_sf, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) aug_mod <- augment(spmod) # default drop = TRUE expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "sf")) # sf in spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newexdata) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "tbl")) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "sf")) # df in W <- 1 * sf::st_intersects(exdata_Mpoly, sparse = FALSE) diag(W) <- 0 exdata_Mpoly_df <- st_drop_geometry(exdata_Mpoly) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly_df, "car", W = W) aug_mod <- augment(spmod) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_mod <- augment(spmod, drop = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(aug_mod, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_mod, "sf")) aug_pred <- augment(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata) expect_true(inherits(aug_pred, "tbl")) expect_false(inherits(aug_pred, "sf")) }) ############################################################################## ############################ coef (test-coef.R) ############################################################################## test_that("coef works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(coef(spmod), NA) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_null(coef(spmod, type = "randcov")) expect_error(coefficients(spmod), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_null(coefficients(spmod, type = "randcov")) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, random = ~group) expect_error(coef(spmod), NA) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "randcov"), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "randcov"), NA) }) test_that("coef works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_error(coef(spmod), NA) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_null(coef(spmod, type = "randcov")) expect_error(coefficients(spmod), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_null(coefficients(spmod, type = "randcov")) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car", random = ~group) expect_error(coef(spmod), NA) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "randcov"), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "spcov"), NA) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "randcov"), NA) }) test_that("errors return", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(coef(spmod, type = "xyz")) expect_error(coefficients(spmod, type = "xyz")) }) ############################################################################## ############################ confint (test-confint.R) ############################################################################## test_that("confint works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(confint(spmod), NA) expect_error(confint(spmod, parm = "(Intercept)", level = 0.99), NA) expect_error(confint(spmod, parm = "x", level = 0.90), NA) }) test_that("confint works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_error(confint(spmod), NA) expect_error(confint(spmod, parm = "(Intercept)", level = 0.99), NA) expect_error(confint(spmod, parm = "x", level = 0.90), NA) }) ############################################################################## ############################ cooks distance (test-cooks.distance.R) ############################################################################## test_that("Cook's distance works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) expect_vector(cooks.distance(spmod)) expect_true(min(cooks.distance(spmod)) >= 0) }) test_that("Cook's distance works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car") expect_vector(cooks.distance(spmod)) expect_true(min(cooks.distance(spmod)) >= 0) }) ############################################################################## ############################ covmatrix (test-covmatrix.R) ############################################################################## test_that("covmatrix works geostatistical", { spcov_type <- "exponential" spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_M, spcov_type = spcov_type, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, random = ~group) expect_equal(c(99, 99), dim(covmatrix(spmod))) expect_equal(c(1, 99), dim(covmatrix(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata))) expect_equal(c(10, 99), dim(covmatrix(spmod, newdata = newexdata))) }) test_that("covmatrix works autoregressive", { spcov_type <- "car" spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type, random = ~group) expect_equal(c(48, 48), dim(covmatrix(spmod))) expect_equal(c(1, 48), dim(covmatrix(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata))) }) test_that("covmatrix works geostatistical", { spcov_type <- "exponential" spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_M, spcov_type = spcov_type, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, partition_factor = ~group) expect_equal(c(99, 99), dim(covmatrix(spmod))) expect_equal(c(1, 99), dim(covmatrix(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata))) expect_equal(c(10, 99), dim(covmatrix(spmod, newdata = newexdata))) }) test_that("covmatrix works autoregressive", { spcov_type <- "car" spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type, partition_factor = ~group) expect_equal(c(48, 48), dim(covmatrix(spmod))) expect_equal(c(1, 48), dim(covmatrix(spmod, newdata = spmod$newdata))) }) ############################################################################## ############################ deviance (test-deviance.R) ############################################################################## test_that("Deviance works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) expect_vector(deviance(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "ml") expect_vector(deviance(spmod)) }) test_that("Deviance works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car") expect_vector(deviance(spmod)) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "ml") expect_vector(deviance(spmod)) }) test_that("Deviance errors", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-wls") expect_error(deviance(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "sv-cl") expect_error(deviance(spmod)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ esv (test-esv.R) ############################################################################## test_that("esv works", { # regular implementation esv1 <- esv(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord, ycoord) expect_s3_class(esv1, "data.frame") expect_equal(NROW(esv1), 15) expect_equal(NCOL(esv1), 4) esv1_q <- esv(y ~ x, exdata, "xcoord", "ycoord") expect_s3_class(esv1_q, "data.frame") expect_equal(NROW(esv1_q), 15) expect_equal(NCOL(esv1_q), 4) # quoting works expect_equal(esv1, esv1_q) # specifying bins and cutoff esv2 <- esv(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord, ycoord, bins = 30, cutoff = 5) expect_s3_class(esv2, "data.frame") expect_equal(NROW(esv2), 30) expect_equal(NCOL(esv1), 4) dist_matrix <- spdist(exdata, "xcoord", "ycoord") # specifying distance matrix esv3 <- esv(y ~ x, exdata, dist_matrix = dist_matrix) expect_s3_class(esv3, "data.frame") expect_equal(NROW(esv3), 15) expect_equal(NCOL(esv1), 4) # specifying partition factor esv4 <- esv(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord, ycoord, partition_factor = ~group) expect_s3_class(esv1, "data.frame") expect_equal(NROW(esv1), 15) expect_equal(NCOL(esv1), 4) expect_false(identical(esv1, esv4)) # make sure results are not identical to full esv # works with sf object exdata_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(exdata, coords = c("xcoord", "ycoord")) expect_error(esv(y ~ x, exdata_sf), NA) # works with one dimension expect_error(esv(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord), NA) # errors occur expect_error(esv(y ~ x, exdata)) expect_error(esv(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord_xyz)) expect_error(esv(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord, ycoord_xyz)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ fitted (test-fitted.R) ############################################################################## test_that("fitted distance works geostatistical", { # no random effect spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) expect_vector(fitted(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_null(fitted(spmod, type = "randcov")) expect_null(fitted.values(spmod, type = "randcov")) # random effect spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, random = ~group) expect_vector(fitted(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_vector(fitted(spmod, type = "randcov")) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod, type = "randcov")) }) test_that("fitted distance works autoregressive", { # no random effect spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car") expect_vector(fitted(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_null(fitted(spmod, type = "randcov")) expect_null(fitted.values(spmod, type = "randcov")) # random effect spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", random = ~group) expect_vector(fitted(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod)) expect_vector(fitted(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod, type = "spcov")) expect_vector(fitted(spmod, type = "randcov")) expect_vector(fitted.values(spmod, type = "randcov")) }) test_that("errors return", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(fitted(spmod, type = "xyz")) expect_error(fitted.values(spmod, type = "xyz")) }) ############################################################################## ############################ formula (test-formula.R) ############################################################################## test_that("formula works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) expect_equal(formula(spmod), y ~ x) spmod <- splm(y ~ 1, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) expect_equal(formula(spmod), y ~ 1) }) test_that("formula works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car") expect_equal(formula(spmod), y ~ x) spmod <- spautor(y ~ 1, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car") expect_equal(formula(spmod), y ~ 1) }) ############################################################################## ############################ FREE GENERICS (test-generics.R) ############################################################################## test_that("free generics work geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_true(is.language(terms(spmod))) # works because there is an object spmod$terms expect_true(is.call(getCall(spmod))) # works because there is an object spmod$call }) test_that("free generics work geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_true(is.language(terms(spmod))) # works because there is an object spmod$terms expect_true(is.call(getCall(spmod))) # works because there is an object spmod$call expect_equal(update(formula(spmod), y ~ 1), y ~ 1) # works because formula(object) works (object has class spmod) spmod <- update(spmod, y ~ 1, spcov_type = "spherical") expect_s3_class(spmod, "splm") expect_equal(formula(spmod), y ~ 1) expect_s3_class(coefficients(spmod, type = "spcov"), "spherical") spmod <- update(spmod, . ~ . + offset(x)) expect_vector(model.offset(model.frame(spmod))) # works because model.frame(object) works (object has class spmod) expect_vector(model.response(model.frame(spmod))) # works because model.frame(object) works (object has class spmod) }) test_that("free generics work autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_true(is.language(terms(spmod))) # works because there is an object spmod$terms expect_true(is.call(getCall(spmod))) # works because there is an object spmod$call expect_equal(update(formula(spmod), y ~ 1), y ~ 1) # works because formula(object) works (object has class spmod) spmod <- update(spmod, y ~ 1, spcov_type = "sar") expect_s3_class(spmod, "spautor") expect_equal(formula(spmod), y ~ 1) expect_s3_class(coefficients(spmod, type = "spcov"), "sar") spmod <- update(spmod, . ~ . + offset(x)) expect_vector(model.offset(model.frame(spmod))) # works because model.frame(object) works (object has class spmod) expect_vector(model.response(model.frame(spmod))) # works because model.frame(object) works (object has class spmod) }) ############################################################################## ############################ glance (test-glance.R) ############################################################################## test_that("glance works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_s3_class(glance(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glance(spmod)), 1) expect_equal(NCOL(glance(spmod)), 10) expect_false(any(is.na(glance(spmod)))) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, estmethod = "sv-wls") expect_s3_class(glance(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glance(spmod)), 1) expect_equal(NCOL(glance(spmod)), 10) expect_true(any(is.na(glance(spmod)))) }) test_that("glance works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_s3_class(glance(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NCOL(glance(spmod)), 10) expect_false(any(is.na(glance(spmod)))) }) ############################################################################## ############################ glances (test-glances.R) ############################################################################## test_that("glances works geostatistical", { spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "matern", xcoord, ycoord) expect_s3_class(glances(spmod1, spmod2), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glances(spmod1, spmod2)), 2) expect_equal(NCOL(glances(spmod1, spmod2)), 11) expect_equal(rbind(glance(spmod1), glance(spmod2)), glances(spmod1, spmod2)[, -1], ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("glances works autoregressive", { spmod1 <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") spmod2 <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "sar") expect_s3_class(glances(spmod1, spmod2), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glances(spmod1, spmod2)), 2) expect_equal(NCOL(glances(spmod1, spmod2)), 11) expect_equal(rbind(glance(spmod2), glance(spmod1)), glances(spmod1, spmod2)[, -1], ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("glances works iteratively splm spcov_type", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, c("exponential", "matern"), xcoord, ycoord) expect_s3_class(glances(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glances(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NCOL(glances(spmod)), 11) expect_equal(rbind(glance(spmod$exponential), glance(spmod$matern)), glances(spmod)[, -1], ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("glances works iteratively splm spcov_initial", { spcov_init <- lapply(c("exponential", "matern"), function(x) spcov_initial(x, de = 1)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_initial = spcov_init, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) expect_s3_class(glances(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glances(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NCOL(glances(spmod)), 11) expect_equal(rbind(glance(spmod$spcov_initial_1), glance(spmod$spcov_initial_2)), glances(spmod)[, -1], ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("glances works iteratively spautor spcov_type", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, c("car", "sar")) expect_s3_class(glances(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glances(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NCOL(glances(spmod)), 11) expect_equal(rbind(glance(spmod$car), glance(spmod$sar)), glances(spmod, sort_by = "order")[, -1], ignore_attr = TRUE) # sort by order here because sort by is off in natural implementation by AICc }) test_that("glances works iteratively spautor spcov_initial", { spcov_init <- lapply(c("car", "sar"), function(x) spcov_initial(x, de = 1)) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_initial = spcov_init) expect_s3_class(glances(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(NROW(glances(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NCOL(glances(spmod)), 11) expect_equal(rbind(glance(spmod$spcov_initial_1), glance(spmod$spcov_initial_2)), glances(spmod, sort_by = "order")[, -1], ignore_attr = TRUE) }) ############################################################################## ############################ hatvalues (test-hatvalues.R) ############################################################################## test_that("hatvalues works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_vector(hatvalues(spmod)) expect_true(min(hatvalues(spmod)) >= 0) expect_true(max(hatvalues(spmod)) <= 1) expect_equal(sum(hatvalues(spmod)), spmod$p) }) test_that("hatvalues works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_vector(hatvalues(spmod)) expect_true(min(hatvalues(spmod)) >= 0) expect_true(max(hatvalues(spmod)) <= 1) expect_equal(sum(hatvalues(spmod)), spmod$p) }) ############################################################################## ############################ influence (test-influence.R) ############################################################################## test_that("influence works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(influence(spmod), NA) expect_equal(NROW(influence(spmod)), 100) expect_equal(NCOL(influence(spmod)), 4) expect_equal(colnames(influence(spmod)), c(".resid", ".hat", ".cooksd", ".std.resid")) expect_s3_class(influence(spmod), "tbl") }) test_that("influence works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_error(influence(spmod), NA) expect_equal(NROW(influence(spmod)), 49) expect_equal(NCOL(influence(spmod)), 4) expect_equal(colnames(influence(spmod)), c(".resid", ".hat", ".cooksd", ".std.resid")) expect_s3_class(influence(spmod), "tbl") }) ############################################################################## ############################ labels (test-labels.R) ############################################################################## test_that("labels works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x + group, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_equal(labels(spmod), c("x", "group")) }) test_that("labels works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x + group, exdata_poly, "car") expect_equal(labels(spmod), c("x", "group")) }) ############################################################################## ############################ logLik (test-logLik.R) ############################################################################## test_that("logLik works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_vector(logLik(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, estmethod = "ml") expect_vector(logLik(spmod)) }) test_that("logLik works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_vector(logLik(spmod)) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car", estmethod = "ml") expect_vector(logLik(spmod)) }) test_that("logLik appropriately errors", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, estmethod = "sv-wls") expect_error(logLik(spmod)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, estmethod = "sv-cl") expect_error(logLik(spmod)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ loocv (test-loocv.R) ############################################################################## test_that("loocv works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_type(loocv(spmod), "list") expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = TRUE), "list") # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), "list") expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE)), 2) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, local = TRUE)), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE)), 3) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE, local = TRUE)), 3) if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE)), 2) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE, local = TRUE)), 2) } # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, method = "all", ncores = 2))), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 3) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, method = "all", ncores = 2))), 3) if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, method = "all", ncores = 2))), 2) } # random effects spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, random = ~group) expect_type(loocv(spmod), "list") expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = TRUE), "list") # iid spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "none", xcoord, ycoord) expect_type(loocv(spmod), "list") expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = TRUE), "list") # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), "list") expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE)), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE)), 3) if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE)), 2) } # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 3) if (test_local) { ##### local test expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) } }) test_that("loocv works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_type(loocv(spmod), "list") # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), "list") expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE)), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE)), 3) # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 3) # random effects spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car", random = ~group) expect_type(loocv(spmod), "list") expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = TRUE), "list") # missing data spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_type(loocv(spmod), "list") # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { expect_type(loocv(spmod, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), "list") expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE)), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE)), 3) # cores 2 for cran check if (test_local) { expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 2) } expect_equal(length(loocv(spmod, cv_predict = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2))), 3) }) ############################################################################## ############################ model.frame (test-model.frame.R) ############################################################################## test_that("model.frame works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_equal(NCOL(model.frame(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NROW(model.frame(spmod)), 100) expect_equal(model.frame(spmod), model.frame(y ~ x, exdata, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)) }) test_that("model.frame works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_equal(NCOL(model.frame(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NROW(model.frame(spmod)), 49) expect_equal(model.frame(spmod), model.frame(y ~ x, exdata_poly, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ model.matrix (test-model.matrix.R) ############################################################################## test_that("model.matrix works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_equal(NCOL(model.matrix(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NROW(model.matrix(spmod)), 100) expect_equal(model.matrix(spmod), model.matrix(y ~ x, model.frame(y ~ x, exdata, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, na.action = na.omit))) }) test_that("model.matrix works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_equal(NCOL(model.matrix(spmod)), 2) expect_equal(NROW(model.matrix(spmod)), 49) expect_equal(model.matrix(spmod), model.matrix(y ~ x, model.frame(y ~ x, exdata_poly, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, na.action = na.omit))) }) ############################################################################## ############################ plot (test-plot.R) ############################################################################## test_that("plot works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) # plot 1 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 1), NA) # plot 2 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 2), NA) # plot 3 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 3), NA) # plot 4 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 4), NA) # plot 5 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 5), NA) # plot 6 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 6), NA) # plot 7 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 7), NA) # plot 8 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 8), NA) # plot 9 (return error) expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 9)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, anisotropy = TRUE) # plot 8 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 8), NA) }) test_that("plot works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") # plot 1 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 1), NA) # plot 2 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 2), NA) # plot 3 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 3), NA) # plot 4 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 4), NA) # plot 5 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 5), NA) # plot 6 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 6), NA) # plot 7 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 7)) # plot 8 expect_error(plot(spmod, which = 8)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ predict (test-predict.R) ############################################################################## test_that("Prediction for splm works", { spcov_type <- "exponential" smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for splm works anisotropy", { spcov_type <- "exponential" smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", anisotropy = TRUE) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for splm works with random effects", { spcov_type <- "exponential" smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", random = ~group) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) # variable with new level newexdata2 <- newexdata newexdata2$group <- as.factor(seq_len(NROW(newexdata2))) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata2), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata2, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata2, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata2)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata2, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for splm works with partition factor", { spcov_type <- "exponential" smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", partition_factor = ~group) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) # variable with new level newexdata2 <- newexdata newexdata2$group <- as.factor(seq_len(NROW(newexdata2))) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata2), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata2, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata2, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata2)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata2, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction works for big data", { spcov_type <- "exponential" smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) # big data expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, local = TRUE), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "prediction", local = TRUE), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "confidence", local = TRUE), NA) # CRAN FIXES CORES AT 2 MAX expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "prediction", local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, interval = "confidence", local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata, local = TRUE)), NROW(newexdata)) expect_true(all(predict(smod, newexdata, local = TRUE, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "distance")), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "distance"))), NROW(newexdata)) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "covariance")), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "covariance"))), NROW(newexdata)) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "distance", size = 10)), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "distance", size = 10))), NROW(newexdata)) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "covariance", size = 10)), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata, local = list(method = "covariance", size = 10))), NROW(newexdata)) # random effects smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", random = ~ group) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) # anisotropy smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", anisotropy = TRUE) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) # partition factor smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", partition_factor = ~ group) expect_error(predict(smod, newexdata), NA) }) test_that("Prediction for splm works for missing data", { spcov_type <- "exponential" smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_M, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(predict(smod), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_M$y))) expect_true(all(predict(smod, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for spautor works", { spcov_type <- "car" smod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(predict(smod), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y))) expect_true(all(predict(smod, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for spautor works parallel", { spcov_type <- "car" smod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") # CRAN FIXES CORES AT 2 MAX expect_error(predict(smod, local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "prediction", local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "confidence", local = list(parallel = TRUE, ncores = 2)), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y))) expect_true(all(predict(smod, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for spautor works with random effects", { spcov_type <- "car" smod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", random = ~group) expect_error(predict(smod), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y))) expect_true(all(predict(smod, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction for spautor works with partition factor", { spcov_type <- "car" smod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml", partition = ~group) expect_error(predict(smod), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "prediction"), NA) expect_error(predict(smod, interval = "confidence"), NA) expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y))) expect_true(all(predict(smod, se.fit = TRUE)$se.fit >= 0)) }) test_that("Prediction works for other covariances", { smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "exponential", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "spherical", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "gaussian", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, spcov_type = "triangular", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "circular", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "none", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "cubic", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "pentaspherical", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, spcov_type = "cosine", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "wave", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "jbessel", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "gravity", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "rquad", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "magnetic", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "matern", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "cauchy", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = "pexponential", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod, newexdata)), NROW(newexdata)) smod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y))) smod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = "sar", estmethod = "reml") expect_equal(length(predict(smod)), sum(is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y))) }) test_that("errors occur", { spcov_type <- "exponential" spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_error(predict(spmod)) expect_error(predict(spmod, newexdata = newexdata, local = list(method = "xyz"))) spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_error(predict(spmod)) }) test_that("prediction values match for both approaches", { spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) pred1 <- predict(spmod1, newdata = newexdata) newexdata$y <- NA exdata_with_NA <- rbind(exdata, newexdata) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_with_NA, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) pred2 <- predict(spmod2) pred3 <- predict(spmod2, newdata = spmod2$newdata) spmod1$call <- NULL # calls are different among two splm() calls spmod2$call <- NULL names(pred1) <- NULL # names start at 1 names(pred2) <- NULL # names start at index in data names(pred3) <- NULL # names start at 1 expect_equal(summary(spmod1), summary(spmod2)) expect_equal(pred1, pred2) expect_equal(pred2, pred3) spmod1 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = TRUE), exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) pred1 <- predict(spmod1, newdata = newexdata) newexdata$y <- NA exdata_with_NA <- rbind(exdata, newexdata) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = TRUE), exdata_with_NA, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) pred2 <- predict(spmod2) pred3 <- predict(spmod2, newdata = spmod2$newdata) spmod1$call <- NULL # calls are different among two splm() calls spmod2$call <- NULL names(pred1) <- NULL # names start at 1 names(pred2) <- NULL # names start at index in data names(pred3) <- NULL # names start at 1 expect_equal(summary(spmod1), summary(spmod2)) expect_equal(pred1, pred2) expect_equal(pred2, pred3) spmod1 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = FALSE), exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) pred1 <- predict(spmod1, newdata = newexdata) newexdata$y <- NA exdata_with_NA <- rbind(exdata, newexdata) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = FALSE), exdata_with_NA, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) pred2 <- predict(spmod2) pred3 <- predict(spmod2, newdata = spmod2$newdata) spmod1$call <- NULL # calls are different among two splm() calls spmod2$call <- NULL names(pred1) <- NULL # names start at 1 names(pred2) <- NULL # names start at index in data names(pred3) <- NULL # names start at 1 expect_equal(summary(spmod1), summary(spmod2)) expect_equal(pred1, pred2) expect_equal(pred2, pred3) }) test_that("prediction values match for both and lm comparison", { # no poly spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "none") pred1 <- predict(spmod1, newdata = newexdata) newexdata$y <- NA exdata_with_NA <- rbind(exdata, newexdata) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ x, exdata_with_NA, "none") pred2 <- predict(spmod2) pred3 <- predict(spmod2, newdata = spmod2$newdata) spmod1$call <- NULL # calls are different among two splm() calls spmod2$call <- NULL names(pred1) <- NULL # names start at 1 names(pred2) <- NULL # names start at index in data names(pred3) <- NULL # names start at 1 expect_equal(summary(spmod1), summary(spmod2)) expect_equal(pred1, pred2) expect_equal(pred2, pred3) ## compare lm lmod1 <- lm(y ~ x, exdata) lmpred1 <- predict(lmod1, newexdata) expect_equal(unname(pred1), unname(lmpred1)) # poly raw spmod1 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = TRUE), exdata, "none") pred1 <- predict(spmod1, newdata = newexdata) newexdata$y <- NA exdata_with_NA <- rbind(exdata, newexdata) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = TRUE), exdata_with_NA, "none") pred2 <- predict(spmod2) pred3 <- predict(spmod2, newdata = spmod2$newdata) spmod1$call <- NULL # calls are different among two splm() calls spmod2$call <- NULL names(pred1) <- NULL # names start at 1 names(pred2) <- NULL # names start at index in data names(pred3) <- NULL # names start at 1 expect_equal(summary(spmod1), summary(spmod2)) expect_equal(pred1, pred2) expect_equal(pred2, pred3) ## compare lm lmod1 <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = TRUE), exdata) lmpred1 <- predict(lmod1, newexdata) expect_equal(unname(pred1), unname(lmpred1)) # poly no raw spmod1 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = FALSE), exdata, "none") pred1 <- predict(spmod1, newdata = newexdata) newexdata$y <- NA exdata_with_NA <- rbind(exdata, newexdata) spmod2 <- splm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = FALSE), exdata_with_NA, "none") pred2 <- predict(spmod2) pred3 <- predict(spmod2, newdata = spmod2$newdata) spmod1$call <- NULL # calls are different among two splm() calls spmod2$call <- NULL names(pred1) <- NULL # names start at 1 names(pred2) <- NULL # names start at index in data names(pred3) <- NULL # names start at 1 expect_equal(summary(spmod1), summary(spmod2)) expect_equal(pred1, pred2) expect_equal(pred2, pred3) ## compare lm lmod1 <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = FALSE), exdata) lmpred1 <- predict(lmod1, newexdata) expect_equal(unname(pred1), unname(lmpred1)) }) test_that("prediction values match for both approaches autoregressive", { spmod1 <- spautor(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = TRUE), exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_error(predict(spmod1), NA) spmod1 <- spautor(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2, raw = FALSE), exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_error(predict(spmod1), NA) }) test_that("prediction no error with order 2 polynomial one prediction row", { # there is a bug in lm() trying to do the same thing spmod <- splm(y ~ poly(xcoord, ycoord, degree = 1), exdata, "none") expect_error(predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata), NA) expect_error(predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata[1, , drop = FALSE]), NA) expect_equal(predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata)[[1]], predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata[1, , drop = FALSE])[[1]]) # there is a bug in lm() trying to do the same thing spmod <- splm(y ~ poly(xcoord, ycoord, degree = 1), exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata), NA) expect_error(predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata[1, , drop = FALSE]), NA) expect_equal(predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata)[[1]], predict(spmod, newdata = newexdata[1, , drop = FALSE])[[1]]) # there is a bug in lm() trying to do the same thing exdata_Mpoly$x2 <- rnorm(NROW(exdata_Mpoly)) spmod <- spautor(y ~ poly(x, x2, degree = 1), exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_error(predict(spmod), NA) }) test_that("prediction works when newdata does not have all factor levels", { # geostatistical spmod <- splm(y ~ group, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) newexdata_sub <- newexdata[1, , drop = FALSE] newexdata_sub$group <- as.character(newexdata_sub$group) expect_error(predict(spmod, newexdata_sub), NA) # autoregressive exdata_Mpoly_new <- exdata_Mpoly exdata_Mpoly_new$group <- as.character(exdata_Mpoly_new$group) spmod <- spautor(y ~ group, exdata_Mpoly_new, "car") expect_error(predict(spmod), NA) }) test_that("prediction for splmRF works", { spcov_type <- "exponential" sprfmod <- splmRF(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_vector(predict(sprfmod, newdata = newexdata)) exdata$y[1] <- NA sprfmod <- splmRF(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)) spcov_type <- c("exponential", "matern") sprfmod <- splmRF(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_vector(predict(sprfmod, newdata = newexdata)[[1]]) expect_vector(predict(sprfmod, newdata = newexdata)[[2]]) exdata$y[1] <- NA sprfmod <- splmRF(y ~ x, exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, spcov_type = spcov_type, estmethod = "reml") expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)[[1]]) expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)[[2]]) }) test_that("prediction for spautorRF works", { spcov_type <- "car" sprfmod <- spautorRF(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type) expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)) spcov_type <- c("car", "sar") sprfmod <- spautorRF(y ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, spcov_type = spcov_type) expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)) expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)[[1]]) expect_vector(predict(sprfmod)[[2]]) }) test_that("prediction for splm offset works", { exdata$offset <- 2 exdata$y2 <- exdata$y - exdata$offset newexdata$offset <- 2 spmod1 <- splm(y ~ x + offset(offset), exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) spmod2 <- splm(y2 ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_equal(fitted(spmod1), fitted(spmod2) + exdata$offset) }) test_that("prediction for spautor offset works", { exdata_Mpoly$offset <- 2 exdata_Mpoly$y2 <- exdata_Mpoly$y - exdata_Mpoly$offset spmod1 <- spautor(y ~ x + offset(offset), exdata_Mpoly, "car") spmod2 <- spautor(y2 ~ x, exdata_Mpoly, "car") expect_equal(fitted(spmod1), fitted(spmod2) + exdata_Mpoly$offset[!is.na(exdata_Mpoly$y)]) }) ############################################################################## ############################ print (test-print.R) ############################################################################## test_that("printing works for geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_output(print(spmod)) expect_output(print(summary(spmod))) expect_output(print(anova(spmod))) }) test_that("printing works for auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_output(print(spmod)) expect_output(print(summary(spmod))) expect_output(print(anova(spmod))) }) ############################################################################## ############################ pseudoR2 (test-pseudoR2.R) ############################################################################## test_that("pseudoR2 works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_vector(pseudoR2(spmod)) expect_vector(pseudoR2(spmod, adjust = TRUE)) }) test_that("pseudoR2 works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_vector(pseudoR2(spmod)) expect_vector(pseudoR2(spmod, adjust = TRUE)) }) test_that("pseudoR2 matches classical r-squared", { lmod <- lm(y ~ x, exdata) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "none") expect_equal(summary(lmod)$r.squared, pseudoR2(spmod)) expect_equal(summary(lmod)$adj.r.squared, pseudoR2(spmod, adjust = TRUE)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ residuals (test-residuals.R) ############################################################################## test_that("residuals works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_vector(residuals(spmod)) expect_equal(residuals(spmod), exdata$y - fitted(spmod)) expect_vector(residuals(spmod, type = "response")) expect_vector(residuals(spmod, type = "pearson")) expect_vector(residuals(spmod, type = "standardized")) expect_equal(residuals(spmod, type = "standardized"), rstandard(spmod)) }) test_that("residuals works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_vector(residuals(spmod)) expect_equal(residuals(spmod), exdata_poly$y - fitted(spmod)) expect_vector(residuals(spmod, type = "response")) expect_vector(residuals(spmod, type = "pearson")) expect_vector(residuals(spmod, type = "standardized")) expect_equal(residuals(spmod, type = "standardized"), rstandard(spmod)) }) ################################################################################ ############################ sp_objects (test-sp_objects.R) ################################################################################ test_that("sp object error tests geostatistical", { # first we make "fake" sp objects that can be loaded without also loading sp exdata_sp <- exdata attr(class(exdata_sp), "package") <- "sp" expect_error(splm(y ~ x, exdata_sp, "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) expect_error(esv(y ~ x, exdata_sp, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_error(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_sp, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord) newexdata_sp <- newexdata attr(class(newexdata_sp), "package") <- "sp" expect_error(predict(spmod, newexdata_sp)) expect_error(augment(spmod, newdata = newexdata_sp)) }) test_that("sp object error tests autoregressive", { # first we make "fake" sp objects that can be loaded without also loading sp exdata_poly_sp <- exdata_poly attr(class(exdata_poly_sp), "package") <- "sp" expect_error(spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly_sp, "car")) spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("car", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 0.5, extra = 0) expect_error(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_poly_sp)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ sprnorm (test-sprnorm.R) ############################################################################## test_that("the simulation runs for exponential", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for exponential anisotropy", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, anisotropy = TRUE)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for exponential random effect", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) randcov_params_val <- randcov_params(group = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, random = ~group, randcov_params = randcov_params_val )) }) test_that("the simulation runs for exponential partitioning", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, partition_factor = ~group)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for exponential (matrix)", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) sprnorm_matrix <- sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, samples = 5) expect_equal(nrow(sprnorm_matrix), nrow(exdata)) expect_equal(ncol(sprnorm_matrix), 5) }) test_that("the simulation runs for car", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("car", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1 / 2, extra = 0) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_poly)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for car unconnected", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("car", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1 / 2, extra = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_Upoly)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for none random effect", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("none", ie = 1) randcov_params_val <- randcov_params(group = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, random = ~group, randcov_params = randcov_params_val )) }) test_that("the simulation runs for car random effects", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("car", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1 / 2, extra = 0) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_poly)) randcov_params_val <- randcov_params(group = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_poly, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, random = ~group, randcov_params = randcov_params_val )) }) test_that("the simulation runs for car partition factor", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("car", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1 / 2, extra = 0) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_poly, partition_factor = ~group)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for spherical", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("spherical", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for gaussian", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("gaussian", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for triangular", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("triangular", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for circular", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("circular", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for cubic", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("cubic", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for pentaspherical", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("pentaspherical", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for cosine", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("cosine", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for wave", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("wave", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for jbessel", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("jbessel", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for gravity", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("gravity", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for rquad", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("rquad", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for magnetic", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("magnetic", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for none", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("none", ie = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, mean = 4)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for matern", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("matern", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1, extra = 1 / 2) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for cauchy", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("cauchy", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1, extra = 1 / 2) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for pexponential", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("pexponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1, extra = 1 / 2) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for sar", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("sar", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1 / 2, extra = 0) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_poly)) }) test_that("the simulation runs for sar unconnected", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("sar", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1 / 2, extra = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_Upoly)) }) test_that("quoting works", { spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata, xcoord = "xcoord", ycoord = "ycoord")) }) test_that("sf works", { exdata_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(exdata, coords = c("xcoord", "ycoord")) spcov_params_val <- spcov_params("exponential", de = 1, ie = 1, range = 1) expect_vector(sprnorm(spcov_params_val, data = exdata_sf)) }) ############################################################################## ############################ summary (test-summary.R) ############################################################################## test_that("summary works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_error(summary(spmod), NA) }) test_that("summary works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_error(summary(spmod), NA) }) ############################################################################## ############################ tidy (test-tidy.R) ############################################################################## test_that("tidy works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod)), 5) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov"), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov")), 3) expect_null(tidy(spmod, effects = "randcov")) expect_s3_class(tidy(anova(spmod)), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(anova(spmod))), 4) }) test_that("tidy works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord, random = ~group) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod)), 5) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov"), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov")), 3) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod, effects = "randcov"), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod, effects = "randcov")), 3) expect_s3_class(tidy(anova(spmod)), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(anova(spmod))), 4) }) test_that("tidy works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod)), 5) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov"), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov")), 3) expect_null(tidy(spmod, effects = "randcov")) expect_s3_class(tidy(anova(spmod)), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(anova(spmod))), 4) }) test_that("tidy works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car", random = ~group) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod)), 5) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov"), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod, effects = "spcov")), 3) expect_s3_class(tidy(spmod, effects = "randcov"), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(spmod, effects = "randcov")), 3) expect_s3_class(tidy(anova(spmod)), "tbl") expect_equal(ncol(tidy(anova(spmod))), 4) }) ############################################################################## ############################ varcomp (test-varcomp.R) ############################################################################## test_that("varcomp works geostatistical", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml") varcomp_val <- varcomp(spmod) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val), 3) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$proportion), 1) }) test_that("varcomp works geostatistical random", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, spcov_type = "exponential", xcoord = xcoord, ycoord = ycoord, estmethod = "reml", random = ~group ) varcomp_val <- varcomp(spmod) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val), 4) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$proportion), 1) }) test_that("varcomp works autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "reml") varcomp_val <- varcomp(spmod) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val), 3) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$proportion), 1) }) test_that("varcomp works autoregressive random", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "reml", random = ~group) varcomp_val <- varcomp(spmod) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val), 4) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$proportion), 1) }) test_that("varcomp works unconnected autoregressive", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Upoly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "reml") varcomp_val <- varcomp(spmod) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val$connected), 3) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$connected$proportion), 1) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val$unconnected), 2) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$unconnected$proportion), 1) expect_equal(length(varcomp_val$ratio), 1) }) test_that("varcomp works unconnected autoregressive random", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_Upoly, spcov_type = "car", estmethod = "reml", random = ~group) varcomp_val <- varcomp(spmod) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val$connected), 4) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$connected$proportion), 1) expect_equal(NROW(varcomp_val$unconnected), 3) expect_equal(sum(varcomp_val$unconnected$proportion), 1) expect_equal(length(varcomp_val$ratio), 1) }) ############################################################################## ############################ vcov (test-vcov.R) ############################################################################## test_that("vcov works geo", { spmod <- splm(y ~ x, exdata, "exponential", xcoord, ycoord) expect_true(isSymmetric(vcov(spmod))) expect_true(all(diag(vcov(spmod)) >= 0)) }) test_that("vcov works auto", { spmod <- spautor(y ~ x, exdata_poly, "car") expect_true(isSymmetric(vcov(spmod))) expect_true(all(diag(vcov(spmod)) >= 0)) }) }