set.seed(12314) int_prod <- function(x, i1, i2, k1, k2) { g_i_k(x = x, k = k1, i = i1) * g_i_k(x = x, k = k2, i = i2) } test_that("d_p_k for p = 2 and k = 0,1", { expect_equal(d_p_k(p = 2, k = 0:3), c(1, rep(2, 3))) expect_equal(d_p_k(p = 2, k = 0:3, log = TRUE), c(0, rep(log(2), 3))) expect_equal(d_p_k(p = 30, k = 0:1), c(1, 30)) }) test_that("d_p_k = (1 + (2 * k) / (p - 2)) * C_k^{(p - 2) / 2}(1)", { k <- 0:5 for (p in 2:5) { expect_equal(d_p_k(p = p, k = k), drop(Gegen_polyn(theta = 0, k = k, p = p)) * switch((p == 2) + 1, 1 + (2 * k) / (p - 2), 2 - (k == 0))) } }) test_that("omega{p - 2} / C_k^{(p - 2) / 2}(1) = 1 / c_p_k * (1 + (2 * k) / (p - 2))^(-1) * omega_{p - 1}", { k <- 0:5 for (p in 2:5) { expect_equal(rotasym::w_p(p = p - 1) / drop(Gegen_polyn(theta = 0, k = k, p = p)), 1 / drop(Gegen_coefs(only_const = TRUE, p = p, k = k)) * switch((p == 2) + 1, (1 + (2 * k) / (p - 2)), 2 - (k == 0))^(-1) * rotasym::w_p(p = p)) } }) test_that("c_p_k = (1 + (2 * k) / (p - 2))^(-2) * d_p_k * omega_{p - 1} / omega{p - 2}", { k <- 0:5 for (p in 2:5) { expect_equal(drop(Gegen_coefs(only_const = TRUE, p = p, k = k)), switch((p == 2) + 1, (1 + (2 * k) / (p - 2)), 2 - (k == 0))^(-2) * d_p_k(p = p, k = k) * rotasym::w_p(p = p) / rotasym::w_p(p = p - 1)) } }) test_that("angles_to_sphere vs. sphere_to_angles", { n <- 10 for (p in c(2:4, 11)) { X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = p, M = 1)[, , 1] th <- t(matrix(runif(n * (p - 1)), nrow = p - 1, ncol = n) * c(rep(pi, p - 2), 2 * pi)) expect_equal(angles_to_sphere(sphere_to_angles(x = X)), X) expect_equal(sphere_to_angles(angles_to_sphere(theta = th)), th) expect_equal(angles_to_sphere(sphere_to_angles(x = X[1, ])), X[1, , drop = FALSE]) expect_equal(sphere_to_angles(angles_to_sphere(theta = th[1, ])), th[1, , drop = FALSE]) } }) test_that("Harmonics with (i, k) vs. m", { skip_on_cran() for (p in 2:5) { repeat { m <- c(rpois(n = p - 1, lambda = 2), sample(c(0, 1), size = 1)) if (sum(m) > 0) break } k <- sum(m) ms <- as.matrix(, c(rep(list(0:k), p - 1), list(0:1)))) ms <- ms[rowSums(ms) == k, ] i <- which(apply(ms, 1, function(x) all(x == m))) X <- r_unif_sph(n = 1, p = p, M = 1)[, , 1] expect_message(expect_equal( g_i_k(x = X, i = i, k = k, show_m = TRUE), g_i_k(x = X, m = m))) } }) test_that("Orthonormality of harmonics among i's with common k", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(323231) M <- 1e3 for (p in 2:5) { for (k in 1:2) { dpk <- d_p_k(p = p, k = k) intprods <- diag(rep(1, dpk)) for (i1 in 1:dpk) { for (i2 in i1:dpk) { intprods[i1, i2] <- int_sph_MC(f = int_prod, i1 = i1, i2 = i2, k1 = k, k2 = k, p = p, M = M, cores = 1) / rotasym::w_p(p = p) image(abs(intprods), zlim = c(0, 1.5)) expect_lt(max(abs(intprods - diag(rep(1, dpk)))), 0.1) } } } } }) test_that("Orthonormality of harmonics among i's with different k's = 1,2", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(323231) M <- 1e3 for (p in 2:5) { dpk1 <- d_p_k(p = p, k = 1) dpk2 <- d_p_k(p = p, k = 2) intprods <- matrix(0, nrow = dpk1, ncol = dpk2) for (i1 in 1:dpk1) { for (i2 in 1:dpk2) { intprods[i1, i2] <- int_sph_MC(f = int_prod, i1 = i1, i2 = i2, k1 = 1, k2 = 2, p = p, M = M, cores = 1) / rotasym::w_p(p = p) image(abs(intprods), zlim = c(0, 1.5)) expect_lt(max(abs(intprods)), 0.1) } } } }) test_that("Orthonormality of harmonics among i's with different k's = 0,1", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(323231) M <- 1e3 for (p in 2:5) { dpk0 <- d_p_k(p = p, k = 0) dpk1 <- d_p_k(p = p, k = 1) intprods <- matrix(0, nrow = dpk0, ncol = dpk1) for (i0 in 1:dpk0) { for (i1 in 1:dpk1) { intprods[i0, i1] <- int_sph_MC(f = int_prod, i1 = i0, i2 = i1, k1 = 0, k2 = 1, p = p, M = M, cores = 1) / rotasym::w_p(p = p) image(abs(intprods), zlim = c(0, 1.5)) expect_lt(max(abs(intprods)), 0.1) } } } }) test_that("Specific cases of harmonics for x = e_1", { for (p in 2:5) { for (k in 1:3) { for (i in 1:d_p_k(p = p, k = k)) { expect_equal(g_i_k(x = c(1, rep(0, p - 1)), i = i, k = k), (i == 1) * sqrt((gamma(k + p - 2) * (2 * k + p - 2)) / (gamma(k + 1) * gamma(p - 1)))) } } } }) test_that("Funk-Hecke formula in Dai and Xu (2013)", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(323231) M <- 1e3 kappa <- 2 i0 <- 1 for (p in 2:5) { for (k0 in 1:3) { mu <- c(1, rep(0, p - 1)) psi <- function(x) rotasym::g_vMF(t = x, p = p, kappa = kappa) expect_equal( mean(g_i_k(x = rotasym::r_vMF(n = M, mu = mu, kappa = kappa), i = i0, k = k0)) / rotasym::w_p(p = p), rotasym::w_p(p = p - 1) / rotasym::w_p(p = p) * integrate(function(t) psi(x = t) * Gegen_polyn(theta = acos(t), k = k0, p = p) * (1 - t^2)^((p - 3) / 2), lower = -1, upper = 1, stop.on.error = FALSE)$value / drop(Gegen_polyn(theta = 0, k = k0, p = p)) * drop(g_i_k(x = mu, i = i0, k = k0)), tolerance = 0.05 ) } } }) test_that("Alternative version Funk-Hecke formula", { skip_on_cran() set.seed(323231) M <- 1e3 kappa <- 2 i0 <- 1 for (p in 2:5) { for (k0 in 1:3) { mu <- c(1, rep(0, p - 1)) phi <- function(x) rotasym::g_vMF(t = x, p = p, kappa = kappa) expect_equal( mean(g_i_k(x = rotasym::r_vMF(n = M, mu = mu, kappa = kappa), i = i0, k = k0)) / rotasym::w_p(p = p), switch((p == 2) + 1, (1 + (2 * k0) / (p - 2)), 2 - (k0 == 0))^(-1) * drop(Gegen_coefs(k = k0, p = p, psi = function(th) phi(x = cos(th)))) * drop(g_i_k(x = mu, i = i0, k = k0)), tolerance = 0.05) } } })