library(spduration) data(model.coups) context("predict handling of NA values") test_that("methods run without error", { data(model.coups) expect_is(predict(model.coups), "numeric") expect_is(fitted(model.coups), "numeric") expect_is(residuals(model.coups), "numeric") expect_equal(predict(model.coups), fitted(model.coups)) }) test_that("predict matches known values", { data(model.coups) expect_equal( head(predict(model.coups)), c(0.0165520048538834, 0.00572643232295353, 0.00302637135976872, 0.00244680644578594, 0.0164928008959435, 0.0367075314817715) ) }) test_that("`predict`, `resid`, and `fitted` respond to na.action in model object", { data(coups) dur.coups <- add_duration(coups, "succ.coup", unitID="gwcode", tID="year", freq="year") mdl1 <- spdur(duration ~ polity2, atrisk ~ polity2, data=dur.coups, silent = TRUE, na.action = na.omit) mdl2 <- spdur(duration ~ polity2, atrisk ~ polity2, data=dur.coups, silent = TRUE, na.action = na.exclude) N1 <- sum(complete.cases(dur.coups[, c("duration", "polity2")])) N2 <- nrow(dur.coups) expect_length(predict(mdl1), N1) expect_length(predict(mdl2), N2) expect_length(residuals(mdl1), N1) expect_length(residuals(mdl2), N2) expect_length(fitted(mdl1), N1) expect_length(fitted(mdl2), N2) }) test_that("na.action with newdata is handled correctly", { # na.action should only affect output if newdata is used, otherwise used # from model object data(coups) dur.coups <- add_duration(coups, "succ.coup", unitID="gwcode", tID="year", freq="year") mdl1 <- spdur(duration ~ polity2, atrisk ~ polity2, data=dur.coups, silent = TRUE, na.action = na.omit) mdl2 <- spdur(duration ~ polity2, atrisk ~ polity2, data=dur.coups, silent = TRUE, na.action = na.exclude) N1 <- sum(complete.cases(dur.coups[1:2000, c("duration", "polity2")])) N2 <- nrow(dur.coups[1:2000, ]) expect_error( predict(mdl2, newdata = dur.coups[1:2000, ], na.action = ) expect_error( predict(mdl2, newdata = dur.coups[1:2000, ], na.action = na.pass) ) expect_length( predict(mdl2, newdata = dur.coups[1:2000, ], na.action = na.omit), N1 ) expect_length( predict(mdl2, newdata = dur.coups[1:2000, ], na.action = na.exclude), N2 ) }) # test code # estimate model and predict # load('data/coups.rda') # dur.coup <- buildDuration(coups, "succ.coup", unitID='gwcode', tID='year', # freq="year") # model.coups <- spdur(duration ~ polity2, atrisk ~ polity2, data=dur.coup) # pred1 <- predict(model.coups) # all.equal(c(head(pred1)), c(0.99851638891028, 0.999983390673093, # 0.999998875400387, 0.999999541492892, 0.161009654496433, 0.948028467976632)) # # try new data # <- dur.coup[dur.coup$year>2000, ] # pred2 <- predict(model.coups, # all.equal(c(head(pred2)), c(0.9999924, 0.9999812, 0.9999998, 0.9999924, # 0.9999988, 0.9999995), tolerance=1e-05) # # try complete cases only # dur.coup3 <- dur.coup[complete.cases(dur.coup), ] # model.coups3 <- spdur(duration ~ polity2, atrisk ~ polity2, data=dur.coup3) # pred3.1 <- predict(model.coups3) # all.equal(c(head(pred3.1)), c(1.000000e+00, 6.871392e-12, 9.999997e-01, # 1.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00, 5.193213e-03), # tolerance=1e-05) # test.data3 <- dur.coup3[dur.coup3$year>2000, ] # pred3 <- predict(model.coups3, test.data3) # all.equal(c(head(pred3)), c(.836345e-03, 3.218981e-12, 3.774758e-15, # 2.153515e-03, 1.000000e+00, 1.000000e+00), # tolerance=1e-03)