R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-15 r87581 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if ( requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE) ){ + tinytest::test_package("spdep") + } Loading required package: spData To access larger datasets in this package, install the spDataLarge package with: `install.packages('spDataLarge', repos='https://nowosad.github.io/drat/', type='source')` Loading required package: sf Linking to GEOS 3.12.2, GDAL 3.9.3, PROJ 9.4.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE test_cell2nb.R................ 0 tests X1 X2 cellcentre.offset 1 1 cellsize 1 1 cells.dim 20 11 ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_rook_dist, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_dist$estimate[1]) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_legacy, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell_legacy$estimate[1]))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell$estimate[1]) X1 X2 cellcentre.offset 1 1 cellsize 1 1 cells.dim 20 12 ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_rook_dist, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_dist$estimate[1]) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_legacy, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell_legacy$estimate[1]))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell$estimate[1]) X1 X2 cellcentre.offset 1 1 cellsize 1 1 cells.dim 21 11 ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_rook_dist, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_dist$estimate[1]) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_legacy, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell_legacy$estimate[1]))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell$estimate[1]) X1 X2 cellcentre.offset 1 1 cellsize 1 1 cells.dim 21 12 ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_rook_dist, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_dist$estimate[1]) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb_legacy, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell_legacy$estimate[1]))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(nb_rook_cont, nb, check.attributes = FALSE))) ----- PASSED : test_cell2nb.R<3--71> call| expect_equal(M_cont$estimate[1], M_cell$estimate[1]) test_cell2nb.R................ 33 tests OK 3.6s test_geary_scale.R............ 0 tests test_geary_scale.R............ 0 tests test_geary_scale.R............ 0 tests test_geary_scale.R............ 0 tests test_geary_scale.R............ 0 tests test_geary_scale.R............ 0 tests test_geary_scale.R............ 1 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 1 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 1 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 1 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 1 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 1 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 2 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 2 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 2 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 2 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 2 tests OK test_geary_scale.R............ 3 tests OK 0.7s test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 0 tests test_lisa_perm.R.............. 1 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 2 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 3 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 4 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 5 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 6 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 7 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 8 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 9 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 10 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 11 tests OK test_lisa_perm.R.............. 16 tests OK 6.1s test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 0 tests test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 0 tests test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 0 tests test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 0 tests test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 0 tests test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 0 tests test_lmRStests_test_names.R... 40 tests OK 0.2s test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 0 tests test_nb_setops.R.............. 1 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 2 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 3 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 4 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 5 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 6 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 6 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 6 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 6 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 6 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 7 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 8 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 9 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 9 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 9 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 9 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 10 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 10 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 11 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 12 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 13 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 13 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 14 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 15 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 16 tests OK test_nb_setops.R.............. 17 tests OK 0.3s test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 0 tests test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 0 tests test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 0 tests test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 1 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 2 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 3 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 4 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 4 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 4 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 4 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 5 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 6 tests OK test_poly2nb_snap.R........... 7 tests OK 0.4s test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 0 tests test_subgraph_warning.R....... 1 tests OK test_subgraph_warning.R....... 1 tests OK test_subgraph_warning.R....... 2 tests OK test_subgraph_warning.R....... 2 tests OK test_subgraph_warning.R....... 3 tests OK test_subgraph_warning.R....... 4 tests OK 67ms All ok, 120 results (11.4s) Warning messages: 1: st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries 2: In poly2nb(p_sp) : some observations have no neighbours; if this seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument. 3: In poly2nb(p_sp) : neighbour object has 2 sub-graphs; if this sub-graph count seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument. 4: In poly2nb(p) : some observations have no neighbours; if this seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument. 5: In poly2nb(p) : neighbour object has 2 sub-graphs; if this sub-graph count seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument. > > proc.time() user system elapsed 9.75 0.57 12.20