#' #' Header for all (concatenated) test files #' #' Require spatstat.model #' Obtain environment variable controlling tests. #' #' $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/04/30 05:31:37 $ require(spatstat.model) FULLTEST <- (nchar(Sys.getenv("SPATSTAT_TEST", unset="")) > 0) ALWAYS <- TRUE cat(paste("--------- Executing", if(FULLTEST) "** ALL **" else "**RESTRICTED** subset of", "test code -----------\n")) # # tests/envelopes.R # # Test validity of envelope data # # $Revision: 1.28 $ $Date: 2022/11/24 01:35:26 $ # local({ checktheo <- function(fit) { fitname <- deparse(substitute(fit)) en <- envelope(fit, nsim=4, verbose=FALSE, nrep=1e3) nama <- names(en) expecttheo <- is.poisson(fit) && is.stationary(fit) context <- paste("Envelope of", fitname) if(expecttheo) { if(!("theo" %in% nama)) stop(paste(context, "did not contain", sQuote("theo"))) if("mmean" %in% nama) stop(paste(context, "unexpectedly contained", sQuote("mmean"))) } else { if("theo" %in% nama) stop(paste(context, "unexpectedly contained", sQuote("theo"))) if(!("mmean" %in% nama)) stop(paste(context, "did not contain", sQuote("mmean"))) } cat(paste(context, "has correct format\n")) } if(ALWAYS) { checktheo(ppm(cells ~x)) } if(FULLTEST) { checktheo(ppm(cells)) checktheo(ppm(cells ~1, Strauss(0.1))) } #' check savefuns/savepatterns with global fit <- ppm(cells~x) if(ALWAYS) Ef <- envelope(fit, Kest, nsim=4, savefuns=TRUE, global=TRUE) if(FULLTEST) Ep <- envelope(fit, Kest, nsim=4, savepatterns=TRUE, global=TRUE) #' check handling of 'dangerous' cases if(FULLTEST) { fut <- ppm(redwood ~ x) Ek <- envelope(fut, Kinhom, update=FALSE, nsim=4) kfut <- kppm(redwood3 ~ x) Ekk <- envelope(kfut, Kinhom, lambda=density(redwood3), nsim=7) } if(ALWAYS) { # invokes C code fit <- ppm(japanesepines ~ 1, Strauss(0.04)) e6 <- envelope(fit, Kest, nsim=4, fix.n=TRUE) fit2 <- ppm(amacrine ~ 1, Strauss(0.03)) e7 <- envelope(fit2, Gcross, nsim=4, fix.marks=TRUE) } if(FULLTEST) { fit <- ppm(cells ~ 1, Strauss(0.07)) U <- envelope(fit, nsim=3, simulate=expression(runifpoint(20))) kfit <- kppm(redwood3 ~ x) UU <- envelope(kfit, nsim=7, simulate=expression(simulate(kfit, drop=TRUE))) VV <- envelope(kfit, nsim=7, weights=1:7) MM <- envelope(kfit, nsim=7, Kinhom, lambda=density(redwood3)) } if(FULLTEST) { #' envelope computations in other functions P <- lurking(cells, expression(x), envelope=TRUE, nsim=9) print(P) #' re-using envelope objects in other functions A <- envelope(cells, nsim=9, savepatterns=TRUE, savefuns=TRUE) S <- lurking(cells, expression(x), envelope=A, nsim=9) #' envelope.envelope B <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, savepatterns=TRUE, savefuns=FALSE) envelope(B) } ## close 'local' }) #' tests/enveltest.R #' Envelope tests (dclf.test, mad.test) #' and two-stage tests (bits.test, dg.test, bits.envelope, dg.envelope) #' #' $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2020/04/28 12:58:26 $ #' if(FULLTEST) { local({ #' handling of NA function values (due to empty point patterns) set.seed(1234) X <- rThomas(5, 0.05, 10) fit <- kppm(X ~ 1, "Thomas") set.seed(100000) dclf.test(fit) set.seed(909) dg.test(fit, nsim=9) #' other code blocks dclf.test(fit, rinterval=c(0, 3), nsim=9) envelopeTest(X, exponent=3, clamp=TRUE, nsim=9) }) } # # tests/fastgeyer.R # # checks validity of fast C implementation of Geyer interaction # # $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2020/04/28 12:58:26 $ # if(FULLTEST) { # depends on hardware local({ X <- redwood Q <- quadscheme(X) U <- union.quad(Q) EP <- equalpairs.quad(Q) G <- Geyer(0.11, 2) # The value r=0.11 is chosen to avoid hardware numerical effects (gcc bug 323). # It avoids being close any value of pairdist(redwood). # The nearest such values are 0.1077.. and 0.1131.. # By contrast if r = 0.1 there are values differing from 0.1 by 3e-17 a <- pairsat.family$eval(X,U,EP,G$pot,G$par,"border") b <- G$fasteval(X,U,EP,G$pot,G$par,"border") if(!all(a==b)) stop("Results of Geyer()$fasteval and pairsat.family$eval do not match") # ... # and again for a non-integer value of 'sat' # (spotted by Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir) G <- Geyer(0.11, 2.5) a <- pairsat.family$eval(X,U,EP,G$pot,G$par,"border") b <- G$fasteval(X,U,EP,G$pot,G$par,"border") if(!all(a==b)) stop("Results of Geyer()$fasteval and pairsat.family$eval do not match when sat is not an integer") # and again for sat < 1 # (spotted by Rolf) G <- Geyer(0.11, 0.5) a <- pairsat.family$eval(X,U,EP,G$pot,G$par,"border") b <- G$fasteval(X,U,EP,G$pot,G$par,"border") if(!all(a==b)) stop("Results of Geyer()$fasteval and pairsat.family$eval do not match when sat < 1") }) } #' tests/formuli.R #' #' Test machinery for manipulating formulae #' #' $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2020/04/28 12:58:26 $ local({ ff <- function(A, deletevar, B) { D <- reduceformula(A, deletevar) if(!spatstat.utils::identical.formulae(D, B)) { AD <- as.expression(substitute(reduceformula(A,d), list(A=A, d=deletevar))) stop(paste(AD, "\n\tyields ", spatstat.utils::pasteFormula(D), " instead of ", spatstat.utils::pasteFormula(B)), call.=FALSE) } invisible(NULL) } ff(~ x + z, "x", ~z) ff(y ~ x + z, "x", y~z) ff(~ I(x^2) + z, "x", ~z) ff(y ~ poly(x,2) + poly(z,3), "x", y ~poly(z,3)) ff(y ~ x + z, "g", y ~ x + z) reduceformula(y ~ x+z, "g", verbose=TRUE) reduceformula(y ~ sin(x-z), "z", verbose=TRUE) illegal.iformula(~str*g, itags="str", dfvarnames=c("marks", "g", "x", "y")) }) ## ## tests/funnymarks.R ## ## tests involving strange mark values ## $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2020/04/28 12:58:26 $ if(ALWAYS) { # depends on locale local({ ## ppm() where mark levels contain illegal characters hyphenated <- c("a", "not-a") spaced <- c("U", "non U") suffixed <- c("a+", "a*") charred <- c("+", "*") irad <- matrix(0.1, 2,2) hrad <- matrix(0.005, 2, 2) tryit <- function(types, X, irad, hrad) { levels(marks(X)) <- types fit <- ppm(X ~marks + polynom(x,y,2), MultiStraussHard(types=types,iradii=irad,hradii=hrad)) print(fit) print(coef(fit)) val <- fitted(fit) pred <- predict(fit) return(invisible(NULL)) } tryit(hyphenated, amacrine, irad, hrad) tryit(spaced, amacrine, irad, hrad) tryit(suffixed, amacrine, irad, hrad) tryit(charred, amacrine, irad, hrad) ## marks which are dates X <- cells n <- npoints(X) endoftime <- rep(ISOdate(2001,1,1), n) eotDate <- rep(as.Date("2001-01-01"), n) markformat(endoftime) markformat(eotDate) marks(X) <- endoftime print(X) Y <- X %mark% data.frame(id=1:42, date=endoftime, dd=eotDate) print(Y) md <- markformat(endoftime) ## mark formats Z <- Y marks(Z) <- marks(Z)[1,,drop=FALSE] ms <- markformat(solist(cells, redwood)) marks(Z) <- factor(1:npoints(Z)) marks(Z)[12] <- NA mz <- is.multitype(Z) cZ <- coerce.marks.numeric(Z) marks(Z) <- data.frame(n=1:npoints(Z), a=factor(sample(letters, npoints(Z), replace=TRUE))) cZ <- coerce.marks.numeric(Z) stopifnot(is.multitype(cells %mark% data.frame(a=factor(1:npoints(cells))))) a <- numeric.columns(finpines) b1 <- numeric.columns(amacrine) b2 <- coerce.marks.numeric(amacrine) d <- numeric.columns(cells) f <- numeric.columns(longleaf) ff <- data.frame(a=factor(letters[1:10]), y=factor(sample(letters, 10))) numeric.columns(ff) ## mark operations df <- data.frame(x=1:2, y=sample(letters, 2)) h <- hyperframe(z=1:2, p=solist(cells, cells)) a <- NULL %mrep% 3 a <- 1:4 %mrep% 3 a <- df %mrep% 3 a <- h %mrep% 3 b <- markcbind(df, h) b <- markcbind(h, df) }) }