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Type 'q()' to quit R. > #' > #' Header for all (concatenated) test files > #' > #' Require spatstat.geom > #' Obtain environment variable controlling tests. > #' > #' $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/04/30 05:31:37 $ > > require(spatstat.geom) Loading required package: spatstat.geom Loading required package: spatstat.data Loading required package: spatstat.univar spatstat.univar 3.1-1 spatstat.geom 3.3-5 > FULLTEST <- (nchar(Sys.getenv("SPATSTAT_TEST", unset="")) > 0) > ALWAYS <- TRUE > cat(paste("--------- Executing", + if(FULLTEST) "** ALL **" else "**RESTRICTED** subset of", + "test code -----------\n")) --------- Executing **RESTRICTED** subset of test code ----------- > #' tests/tessera.R > #' Tessellation code, not elsewhere tested > #' $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2020/12/04 08:04:38 $ > #' > if(FULLTEST) { + local({ + W <- owin() + Wsub <- square(0.5) + X <- runifrect(7, W) + A <- dirichlet(X) + marks(A) <- 1:nobjects(A) + Z <- distmap(letterR, invert=TRUE)[letterR, drop=FALSE] + H <- tess(xgrid=0:2, ygrid=0:3) + #' discretisation of tiles + V <- as.im(A) + B <- tess(window=as.mask(W), tiles=tiles(A)) + #' logical images + D <- tess(image=(Z > 0.2)) + U <- (Z > -0.2) # TRUE or NA + E <- tess(image=U, keepempty=TRUE) + G <- tess(image=U, keepempty=FALSE) + #' methods + flay <- function(op, ..., Rect=H, Poly=A, Img=E) { + a <- do.call(op, list(Rect, ...)) + b <- do.call(op, list(Poly, ...)) + e <- do.call(op, list(Img, ...)) + } + flay(reflect) + flay(flipxy) + flay(shift, vec=c(1,2)) + flay(scalardilate, f=2) + flay(rotate, angle=pi/3, centre=c(0, 0)) + flay(rotate, angle=pi/2) + flay(affine, mat=matrix(c(1,2,0,1), 2, 2), vec=c(1,2)) + flay(affine, mat=diag(c(1,2))) + flay(as.data.frame) + ## + unitname(A) <- "km" + unitname(B) <- c("metre", "metres") + unitname(B) + print(B) + Bsub <- B[c(3,5,7)] + print(Bsub) + tilenames(H) <- letters[seq_along(tilenames(H))] + G <- tess(xgrid=(0:3)/3, ygrid=(0:3)/3) + tilenames(G) <- letters[1:9] + h <- tilenames(G) + GG <- as.tess(tiles(G)) + #' + Pe <- intersect.tess(A, Wsub, keepmarks=TRUE) + Pm <- intersect.tess(A, as.mask(Wsub), keepmarks=TRUE) + H <- dirichlet(runifrect(4, W)) + AxH <- intersect.tess(A, H, keepmarks=TRUE) # A is marked, H is not + HxA <- intersect.tess(H, A, keepmarks=TRUE) # A is marked, H is not + + b <- bdist.tiles(D) + b <- bdist.tiles(A[c(3,5,7)]) + #' + Eim <- as.im(E, W=letterR) + #' + #' chop.tess + #' horiz/vert lines + W <- square(1) + H <- infline(h=(2:4)/5) + V <- infline(v=(3:4)/5) + WH <- chop.tess(W, H) + WV <- chop.tess(W, V) + #' polygonal tessellation + D <- dirichlet(runifrect(4)) + DH <- chop.tess(D, H) + DV <- chop.tess(D, V) + #' image-based tessellation + f <- function(x,y){factor(round(4* (x^2 + y^2)))} + A <- tess(image=as.im(f, W=W)) + L <- infline(p=(1:3)/3, theta=pi/4) + AL <- chop.tess(A, L) + AH <- chop.tess(A, H) + AV <- chop.tess(A, V) + #' + #' quantess + #' quantess.owin + a <- quantess(square(1), "x", 3) + a <- quantess(square(1), "y", 3) + a <- quantess(square(1), "rad", 5, origin=c(1/2, 1/3)) + a <- quantess(square(1), "ang", 7, origin=c(1/2, 1/3)) + ZFUN <- function(x,y){y-x} + a <- quantess(square(1), ZFUN, 3) + b <- quantess(letterR, "y", 3) + #' quantess.ppp + d <- quantess(cells, "y", 4) + g <- quantess(demopat, "x", 5) + g <- quantess(demopat, "y", 5) + g <- quantess(demopat, "rad", 5, origin=c(4442, 4214)) + g <- quantess(demopat, "ang", 5, origin=c(4442, 4214)) + g <- quantess(demopat, ZFUN, 7) + #' quantess.im + D <- distmap(demopat) + h <- quantess(D, "y", 4) + h <- quantess(D, ZFUN, 5) + g <- quantess(D, "rad", 5, origin=c(4442, 4214)) + g <- quantess(D, "ang", 5, origin=c(4442, 4214)) + #' + X <- shift(chorley, vec = c(1e6, 0)) + tes <- quantess(X, "x", 4) + if(anyDuplicated(tilenames(tes))) + stop("quantess produced non-unique tilenames") + ## + ## + XR <- runifrect(40, Frame(letterR))[letterR] + da <- dirichletAreas(discretise(XR)) + }) + } > #' tests/trigraph.R > #' > #' Tests for C code in trigraf.c > #' > #' $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/06/12 00:35:44 $ > #' > if(ALWAYS) { # depends on C code + local({ + #' called from deldir.R + spatstat.deldir.setopt(FALSE, TRUE) + A <- delaunay(redwood) + spatstat.deldir.setopt(FALSE, FALSE) + B <- delaunay(redwood) + spatstat.deldir.setopt(TRUE, TRUE) + #' called from edges2triangles.R + tryangles <- function(iedge, jedge, nt=0) { + spatstat.options(fast.trigraph=FALSE) + A <- edges2triangles(iedge, jedge) + spatstat.options(fast.trigraph=TRUE) + B <- edges2triangles(iedge, jedge) + if(!all(dim(A) == dim(B)) || !all(A == B)) + stop(paste("Discrepancy in edges2triangles (with", nt, "triangles)")) + } + ## ii <- simplenet$from + ## jj <- simplenet$to + ii <- c(1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8) + jj <- c(4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10) + tryangles(ii, jj, 0) + tryangles(c(ii, 1), c(jj, 5), 1) + tryangles(c(ii, 1, 8), c(jj, 5, 9), 2) + }) + } > reset.spatstat.options() > > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.90 0.14 1.03