#' #' Header for all (concatenated) test files #' #' Require spatstat.explore #' Obtain environment variable controlling tests. #' #' $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/04/30 05:31:37 $ require(spatstat.explore) FULLTEST <- (nchar(Sys.getenv("SPATSTAT_TEST", unset="")) > 0) ALWAYS <- TRUE cat(paste("--------- Executing", if(FULLTEST) "** ALL **" else "**RESTRICTED** subset of", "test code -----------\n")) # # tests/envelopes.R # # Test validity of envelope data # # $Revision: 1.28 $ $Date: 2022/11/24 01:35:26 $ # local({ ## check envelope calls from 'alltypes' if(ALWAYS) a <- alltypes(demopat, Kcross, nsim=4, envelope=TRUE) if(FULLTEST) b <- alltypes(demopat, Kcross, nsim=4, envelope=TRUE, global=TRUE) ## check 'transform' idioms if(ALWAYS) A <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=4, transform=expression(. - .x)) if(FULLTEST) B <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=4, transform=expression(sqrt(./pi) - .x)) # check conditional simulation if(FULLTEST) { e1 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=4, fix.n=TRUE) e2 <- envelope(amacrine, Kest, nsim=4, fix.n=TRUE) e3 <- envelope(amacrine, Kcross, nsim=4, fix.marks=TRUE) e4 <- envelope(finpines, Kest, nsim=4, fix.n=TRUE) # multiple columns of marks e5 <- envelope(finpines, Kest, nsim=4, fix.marks=TRUE) } ## check pooling of envelopes in global case E1 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=5, savefuns=TRUE, global=TRUE) E2 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=12, savefuns=TRUE, global=TRUE) p12 <- pool(E1, E2) p12 <- pool(E1, E2, savefuns=TRUE) if(FULLTEST) { F1 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=5, savefuns=TRUE, savepatterns=TRUE, global=TRUE) F2 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=12, savefuns=TRUE, savepatterns=TRUE, global=TRUE) p12 <- pool(F1, F2) p12 <- pool(F1, F2, savefuns=TRUE, savepatterns=TRUE) E1r <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=5, savefuns=TRUE, global=TRUE, ginterval=c(0.05, 0.15)) E2r <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=12, savefuns=TRUE, global=TRUE, ginterval=c(0.05, 0.15)) p12r <- pool(E1r, E2r) } if(FULLTEST) { #' as.data.frame.envelope Nsim <- 5 E <- envelope(cells, nsim=Nsim, savefuns=TRUE) A <- as.data.frame(E) B <- as.data.frame(E, simfuns=TRUE) stopifnot(ncol(B) - ncol(A) == Nsim) } if(FULLTEST) { #' cases not covered elsewhere A <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, alternative="less", do.pwrong=TRUE, use.theory=FALSE, savepatterns=TRUE, savefuns=TRUE) print(A) B <- envelope(A, nsim=5, savefuns=TRUE) D <- envelope(cells, "Lest", nsim=5) UU <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, foreignclass="ppp", clipdata=TRUE) AA <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, jsim=5, alternative="greater", global=TRUE) AA <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, jsim=5, alternative="less", global=TRUE) AA <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, jsim=5, alternative="greater", VARIANCE=TRUE) AA <- envelope(cells, nsim=5, jsim=5, alternative="greater", VARIANCE=TRUE) #' spotted by Art Stock - bugs in ratfv class support BB <- envelope(redwood, Kinhom, nsim=5, sigma=bw.scott, ratio=TRUE, correction="border") CC <- envelope(redwood, Kinhom, nsim=5, sigma=bw.scott, global=TRUE, ratio=TRUE, correction="border") DD <- envelope(redwood, Finhom, nsim=5, sigma=bw.scott, ratio=TRUE, correction="trans") EE <- envelope(redwood, Finhom, nsim=5, sigma=bw.scott, global=TRUE, ratio=TRUE, correction="trans") #' envelopes based on sample variance E <- envelope(cells, nsim=8, VARIANCE=TRUE) G <- envelope(cells, nsim=8, VARIANCE=TRUE, use.theory=FALSE, do.pwrong=TRUE) print(G) #' summary method summary(E) summary(envelope(cells, nsim=5, simulate=expression(runifpoint(42)))) #' weights argument H1 <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, weights=npoints, savefuns=TRUE) H2 <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, weights=npoints, savefuns=TRUE) J1 <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, weights=npoints, VARIANCE=TRUE) J2 <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, weights=npoints, VARIANCE=TRUE) #' pooling with weights H <- pool(H1, H2) J <- pool(J1, J2) #' pooling envelopes with non-identical attributes H0 <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, savefuns=TRUE) HH <- pool(H0, H1) #' malformed argument 'simulate' A <- replicate(3, list(list(runifpoint(ex=cells)))) # list(list(ppp), list(ppp), list(ppp)) E <- envelope(cells, simulate=A, nsim=3) #' undocumented/secret K <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, saveresultof=npoints, collectrubbish=TRUE) #' so secret I've even forgotten how to do it M <- envelope(cells, nsim=4, internal=list(eject="patterns")) } if(ALWAYS) { #' Test robustness of envelope() sorting procedure when NA's are present #' Fails with spatstat.utils 1.12-0 set.seed(42) EP <- envelope(longleaf, pcf, nsim=10, nrank=2) #' Test case when the maximum permitted number of failures is exceeded X <- amacrine[1:153] # contains exactly one point with mark='off' #' High probability of generating a pattern with no marks = 'off' E <- envelope(X, Kcross, nsim=39, maxnerr=2, maxerr.action="warn") A <- alltypes(X, Kcross, envelope=TRUE, nsim=39, maxnerr=2) } if(ALWAYS) { #' Internals: envelope.matrix Y <- matrix(rnorm(200), 10, 20) rr <- 1:10 oo <- rnorm(10) zz <- numeric(10) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, nsim=10) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, jsim=1:10) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, theory=zz, type="global", use.theory=TRUE) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, theory=zz, type="global", use.theory=TRUE, nsim=10) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, theory=zz, type="global", use.theory=FALSE, nsim=10) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, type="global", nsim=10, nsim2=10) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, type="global", jsim=1:10, jsim.mean=11:20) if(FULLTEST) print(E) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, type="global", nsim=10, jsim.mean=11:20) E <- envelope(Y, rvals=rr, observed=oo, type="global", jsim=1:10, nsim2=10) } if(ALWAYS) { #' quirk with handmade summary functions ('conserve' attribute) Kdif <- function(X, r=NULL) { # note no ellipsis Y <- split(X) K1 <- Kest(Y[[1]], r=r) K2 <- Kest(Y[[2]], r=r) D <- eval.fv(K1-K2) return(D) } envelope(amacrine, Kdif, nsim=3) } ## close 'local' }) # # tests/fastK.R # # check fast and slow code for Kest # and options not tested elsewhere # # $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/04/28 12:58:26 $ # if(ALWAYS) { local({ ## fast code Kb <- Kest(cells, nlarge=0) Ku <- Kest(cells, correction="none") Kbu <- Kest(cells, correction=c("none", "border")) ## slow code, full set of corrections, sqrt transformation, ratios Ldd <- Lest(unmark(demopat), correction="all", var.approx=TRUE, ratio=TRUE) ## Lotwick-Silverman var approx (rectangular window) Loo <- Lest(cells, correction="all", var.approx=TRUE, ratio=TRUE) ## Code for large dataset nbig <- .Machine$integer.max if(!is.null(nbig)) { nn <- ceiling(sqrt(nbig)) if(nn < 1e6) Kbig <- Kest(runifpoint(nn), correction=c("border", "bord.modif", "none"), ratio=TRUE) } ## Kinhom lam <- density(cells, at="points", leaveoneout=TRUE) ## fast code Kib <- Kinhom(cells, lam, nlarge=0) Kiu <- Kest(cells, lam, correction="none") Kibu <- Kest(cells, lam, correction=c("none", "border")) ## slow code Lidd <- Linhom(unmark(demopat), sigma=bw.scott) }) } ## ## tests/fvproblems.R ## ## problems with fv, ratfv and fasp code ## ## $Revision: 1.15 $ $Date: 2020/04/28 12:58:26 $ #' This appears in the workshop notes #' Problem detected by Martin Bratschi if(FULLTEST) { local({ Jdif <- function(X, ..., i) { Jidot <- Jdot(X, ..., i=i) J <- Jest(X, ...) dif <- eval.fv(Jidot - J) return(dif) } Z <- Jdif(amacrine, i="on") }) } #' #' Test mathlegend code #' local({ K <- Kest(cells) if(FULLTEST) { plot(K) plot(K, . ~ r) plot(K, . - theo ~ r) } if(ALWAYS) { plot(K, sqrt(./pi) ~ r) } if(FULLTEST) { plot(K, cbind(iso, theo) ~ r) plot(K, cbind(iso, theo) - theo ~ r) plot(K, sqrt(cbind(iso, theo)/pi) ~ r) plot(K, cbind(iso/2, -theo) ~ r) plot(K, cbind(iso/2, trans/2) - theo ~ r) } if(FULLTEST) { ## test expansion of .x and .y plot(K, . ~ .x) plot(K, . - theo ~ .x) plot(K, .y - theo ~ .x) } if(ALWAYS) { plot(K, sqrt(.y) - sqrt(theo) ~ .x) } # problems with parsing weird strings in levels(marks(X)) # noted by Ulf Mehlig if(ALWAYS) { levels(marks(amacrine)) <- c("Nasticreechia krorluppia", "Homo habilis") plot(Kcross(amacrine)) plot(alltypes(amacrine, "K")) } if(FULLTEST) { plot(alltypes(amacrine, "J")) plot(alltypes(amacrine, pcfcross)) } }) #' #' Test quirks related to 'alim' attribute if(FULLTEST) { local({ K <- Kest(cells) attr(K, "alim") <- NULL plot(K) attr(K, "alim") <- c(0, 0.1) plot(tail(K)) }) } #' #' Check that default 'r' vector passes the test for fine spacing if(ALWAYS) { local({ a <- Fest(cells) A <- Fest(cells, r=a$r) b <- Hest(heather$coarse) B <- Hest(heather$coarse, r=b$r) # from Cenk Icos X <- runifpoint(100, owin(c(0,3), c(0,10))) FX <- Fest(X) FXr <- Fest(X, r=FX$r) JX <- Jest(X) }) } ##' various functionality in fv.R if(ALWAYS) { local({ M <- cbind(1:20, matrix(runif(100), 20, 5)) A <- as.fv(M) fvlabels(A) <- c("r","%s(r)", "%s[A](r)", "%s[B](r)", "%s[C](r)", "%s[D](r)") A <- rename.fv(A, "M", quote(M(r))) A <- tweak.fv.entry(A, "V1", new.tag="r") A[,3] <- NULL A$hogwash <- runif(nrow(A)) fvnames(A, ".") <- NULL #' bind.fv with qualitatively different functions GK <- harmonise(G=Gest(cells), K=Kest(cells)) G <- GK$G K <- GK$K ss <- c(rep(TRUE, nrow(K)-10), rep(FALSE, 10)) U <- bind.fv(G, K[ss, ], clip=TRUE) #' H <- rebadge.as.crossfun(K, "H", "inhom", 1, 2) H <- rebadge.as.dotfun(K, "H", "inhom", 3) #' text layout op <- options(width=27) print(K) options(width=18) print(K) options(op) #' collapse.fv Kb <- Kest(cells, correction="border") Ki <- Kest(cells, correction="isotropic") collapse.fv(Kb, Ki, same="theo") collapse.fv(anylist(B=Kb, I=Ki), same="theo") collapse.fv(anylist(B=Kb), I=Ki, same="theo") Xlist <- replicate(3, runifpoint(30), simplify=FALSE) Klist <- anylapply(Xlist, Kest) collapse.fv(Klist, same="theo", different=c("iso", "border")) names(Klist) <- LETTERS[24:26] collapse.fv(Klist, same="theo", different=c("iso", "border")) }) } if(FULLTEST) { local({ ## rat K <- Kest(cells, ratio=TRUE) G <- Gest(cells, ratio=TRUE) print(K) compatible(K, K) compatible(K, G) H <- rat(K, attr(K, "numerator"), attr(K, "denominator"), check=TRUE) }) } if(FULLTEST) { local({ ## bug in Jmulti.R colliding with breakpts.R B <- owin(c(0,3), c(0,10)) Y <- superimpose(A=runifpoint(1212, B), B=runifpoint(496, B)) JDX <- Jdot(Y) JCX <- Jcross(Y) Jdif <- function(X, ..., i) { Jidot <- Jdot(X, ..., i=i) J <- Jest(X, ...) dif <- eval.fv(Jidot - J) return(dif) } E <- envelope(Y, Jdif, nsim=19, i="A", simulate=expression(rlabel(Y))) }) } if(FULLTEST) { local({ #' fasp axes, title, dimnames a <- alltypes(amacrine) a$title <- NULL plot(a, samex=TRUE, samey=TRUE) dimnames(a) <- lapply(dimnames(a), toupper) b <- as.fv(a) }) } if(FULLTEST) { local({ ## plot.anylist (fv) b <- anylist(A=Kcross(amacrine), B=Kest(amacrine)) plot(b, equal.scales=TRUE, main=expression(sqrt(pi))) plot(b, arrange=FALSE) }) }