context('Test that xmin estimations are correct') if ( exists('EXTENDED_TESTS') && EXTENDED_TESTS ) { # Change dir if running tests manually if ( file.exists('./tests/testthat') ) { library(testthat) setwd('./tests/testthat') } # Setup pli from Clauzet et al's for ( s in dir('./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25', full.names = TRUE, pattern = '*.R') ) { source(s) } # Compile auxiliary binaries system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/zeta-function/ && make") system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/exponential-integral/ && make") system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/ && \ gcc discpowerexp.c -lm -o discpowerexp && \ chmod +x discpowerexp") test_that("xmins estimation is correct", { parms <- expand.grid(expo = c(1.5, 1.3, 1.2), rate = c(0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1)) estim_xmin <- function(df) { pldat <- round(rpowerexp(10000, 1, df[ ,'expo'], df[, 'rate'])) est_xmin <- suppressWarnings( spatialwarnings:::xmin_estim(pldat) ) # est_xmin <- spatialwarnings:::xmin_estim(pldat) # Create pl object and estimate its xmin pl_obj <- poweRlaw::displ$new(pldat) est_xmin_plpkg <- poweRlaw::estimate_xmin(pl_obj)[["xmin"]] if ( ! && ! && length(unique(pldat)) >= 5 ) { # Note: In some pathological cases (few unique patches), there can be # a small difference in xmin, so we use an acceptable error here. fit_is_ok <- ( abs(est_xmin - est_xmin_plpkg) <= 1 ) if ( est_xmin != est_xmin_plpkg ) { cat(" Ours: ", est_xmin, ' -> poweRlaw\'s: ', est_xmin_plpkg, " [", length(unique(pldat)), " unique patches]", "\n", sep = "") } # In this case, inspect the fit provided by the poweRlaw package if ( exists('GRAPHICAL') && GRAPHICAL && est_xmin != est_xmin_plpkg ) { par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(log10(cumpsd(pldat[pldat >= est_xmin]))) our_fit <- pl_fit(pldat, xmin = est_xmin) xs <- unique(round(seq(min(pldat), max(pldat), length.out = 100))) lines(log10(xs), log10(ippl(xs, our_fit$plexpo, xmin = est_xmin))) title("OUR FIT") plot(log10(cumpsd(pldat[pldat >= est_xmin_plpkg]))) plpkg_expo <- poweRlaw::estimate_xmin(pl_obj)$pars xs <- unique(round(seq(min(pldat), max(pldat), length.out = 100))) lines(log10(xs), log10(ippl(xs, plpkg_expo, xmin = est_xmin_plpkg))) title("PWL FIT") browser() } } data.frame(df, est_xmin = est_xmin, fit_is_ok = fit_is_ok) } xmin_ests <- ddply(parms, ~ expo + rate, estim_xmin) # Check that fits are overwhelmingly good. Sometimes the poweRlaw code will # produce different fits, so we need to be able to accomodate some errors here. # We put five as a maximum tolerable number of mismatches (out of 45) number_of_ok_fits <- sum(xmin_ests[ ,"fit_is_ok"]) cat(paste0("Est. xmins OK: ", number_of_ok_fits, "/", nrow(parms), "\n")) expect_true({ ( nrow(parms) - number_of_ok_fits ) <= 5 }) }) # Remove auxiliary binaries now that tests are done system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/zeta-function/ && rm zeta_func zeta_func.o") system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/exponential-integral/ && rm exp_int exp_int.o") system("cd ./pli-R-v0.0.3-2007-07-25/ && rm discpowerexp") } else { message('Skipping xmin estimation testing') }