# HEADER #################################################### # This is file spam/tests/testthat/test-math.R. # # It is part of the R package spam, # # --> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spam # # --> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spam64 # # --> https://git.math.uzh.ch/reinhard.furrer/spam # # by Reinhard Furrer [aut, cre], Florian Gerber [aut], # # Roman Flury [aut], Daniel Gerber [ctb], # # Kaspar Moesinger [ctb] # # HEADER END ################################################ rm(list = ls()) source("helper.R") ## library("testthat") ## library("spam64", lib.loc = LIB.LOC) ## library("spam", lib.loc = LIB.LOC) context("test-math.R") # see Matrix::rsparsematrix spam_random <- function(n, m=n, nnz=min(m-1,4)*n, fill=rnorm, seed=NULL, ...) { if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed) ind <- sample.int((n*m), size=nnz) # # as.spam( list(i=(ind %% m)+1, j=(ind %/% n)+1, fill(length(ind), ...))) tmp <- matrix(0,n,m) tmp[ind] <- fill(length( ind), ...) as.spam(tmp) } # construct matrices: n <- 10 m <- 5 set.seed(14) tt <- matrix(rnorm(m*n),n,m) tt[tt<0] <- 0 ss <- as.spam(tt) options(spam.structurebased=FALSE) # test for equivalence! # ‘Math’ ‘"abs"’, ‘"sign"’, ‘"sqrt"’, ‘"ceiling"’, ‘"floor"’, # ‘"trunc"’, ‘"cummax"’, ‘"cummin"’, ‘"cumprod"’, ‘"cumsum"’, # ‘"log"’, ‘"log10"’, ‘"log2"’, ‘"log1p"’, ‘"acos"’, ‘"acosh"’, # ‘"asin"’, ‘"asinh"’, ‘"atan"’, ‘"atanh"’, ‘"exp"’, ‘"expm1"’, # ‘"cos"’, ‘"cosh"’, ‘"cospi"’, ‘"sin"’, ‘"sinh"’, ‘"sinpi"’, # ‘"tan"’, ‘"tanh"’, ‘"tanpi"’, ‘"gamma"’, ‘"lgamma"’, # ‘"digamma"’, ‘"trigamma"’ # ‘Math2’ ‘"round"’, ‘"signif"’ # ‘Summary’ ‘"max"’, ‘"min"’, ‘"range"’, ‘"prod"’, ‘"sum"’, ‘"any"’, ‘"all"’ # # ! test_that("math", { A <- diag.spam(4) ; B <- diag(4) spamtest_eq(A, B) spamtest_eq(!A, !B) diag(A)=0 ; diag(B) <- 0 spamtest_eq(!A, !B) # str(A) # is what needs to be expected..., # different to spam:::complement.spam(A) }) test_that("math Summary", { expect_equal(max(ss), max(tt)) expect_equal(min(ss), min(tt)) expect_equal(range(ss), range(tt)) expect_equal(prod(ss), prod(tt)) expect_equal(sum(ss), sum(tt)) expect_warning(anytt <- any(tt), "coercing argument") expect_equal(any(ss), anytt) expect_warning(alltt <- all(tt), "coercing argument") expect_equal(all(ss), alltt) }) test_that("Math2", { spamtest_eq(round(ss), round(tt)) spamtest_eq(signif(ss), signif(tt)) # ‘Math’ ‘"abs"’, ‘"sign"’, ‘"sqrt"’, ‘"ceiling"’, ‘"floor"’, # ‘"trunc"’, ‘"log1p"’ # ‘"asin"’, ‘"asinh"’, ‘"atan"’, ‘"atanh"’, ‘"expm1"’, # ‘"sin"’, ‘"sinh"’, ‘"sinpi"’, # ‘"tan"’, ‘"tanh"’, ‘"tanpi"’, # ‘"cummax"’, ‘"cummin"’, ‘"cumprod"’, ‘"cumsum"’, # ‘"log"’, ‘"log10"’, ‘"log2"’, ‘"acos"’, ‘"acosh"’, # , ‘"exp"’, ‘"cos"’, ‘"cosh"’, ‘"cospi"’ # ‘"gamma"’, ‘"lgamma"’, ‘"digamma"’, ‘"trigamma"’ spamtest_eq(abs(ss), abs(tt)) spamtest_eq(cos(ss), cos(tt)) spamtest_eq(cosh(ss), cosh(tt)) options(spam.NAOK=TRUE) # test for equivalence! expect_equal(suppressWarnings(c(gamma(tt))), suppressWarnings(c(gamma(ss))), rel = FALSE) # expect_equal(c(suppressWarnings(digamma(ss))), suppressWarnings(c(digamma(tt)))) # expect_equal(c(trigamma(ss)), c(trigamma(tt))) spamtest_eq(exp(ss), exp(tt)) spamtest_eq(expm1(ss), expm1(tt)) expect_equal(c(log(ss)), c(log(tt))) spamtest_eq(cummax(ss), cummax(tt)) ## TODO ## for (f in getGroupMembers("Math")) ## spamtest_eq(do.call(f, list(ss)), ## do.call(f, list(tt)), relative = FALSE) for ( i in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { options(spam.structurebased=i) set.seed(122) S1 <- spam_random(5, nnz=10) S2 <- spam_random(5, nnz=10) F1 <- as.matrix(S1) F2 <- as.matrix(S2) spamtest_eq(S1+S2, F1+F2) spamtest_eq(S1+F2, F1+F2) spamtest_eq(F1+S2, F1+F2) spamtest_eq(S1-S2, F1-F2) spamtest_eq(S1-F2, F1-F2) spamtest_eq(F1-S2, F1-F2) S1 <- spam_random(5, nnz=0) S2 <- spam_random(5, nnz=10) F1 <- as.matrix(S1) F2 <- as.matrix(S2) spamtest_eq(S1+S2, F1+F2) spamtest_eq(S1+F2, F1+F2) spamtest_eq(F1+S2, F1+F2) spamtest_eq(S1-S2, F1-F2) spamtest_eq(S1-F2, F1-F2) spamtest_eq(F1-S2, F1-F2) } }) test_that("Bug 2.9.2", { e1 <- matrix( 1:12, 3) e2 <- -spam( 1:12,3) e3 <- spam_random(3,4) spamtest_eq( e1+ e2, e1+ as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) # covered previously spamtest_eq( e1- e2, e1- as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) # covered previously spamtest_eq( e1+ e3, e1+ as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) # covered previously spamtest_eq( e1- e3, e1- as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) # covered previously spamtest_eq( e1* e2, e1* as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1/ e2, e1/ as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1^ e2, e1^ as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1& e2, e1& as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1| e2, e1| as.matrix(e2), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1* e3, e1* as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) # spamtest_eq( e1/ e3, e1/ as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) # will fly in 3. spamtest_eq( e3/e1, as.matrix(e3)/e1, relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1^ e3, e1^ as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1& e3, e1& as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) spamtest_eq( e1| e3, e1| as.matrix(e3), relative=FALSE) })