# HEADER ####################################################
# This is file spam/tests/testthat/test-dist.R. #
# It is part of the R package spam, #
# --> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spam #
# --> https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spam64 #
# --> https://git.math.uzh.ch/reinhard.furrer/spam #
# by Reinhard Furrer [aut, cre], Florian Gerber [aut], #
# Roman Flury [aut], Daniel Gerber [ctb], #
# Kaspar Moesinger [ctb] #
# HEADER END ################################################
rm(list = ls())
## library("testthat")
## library("spam64", lib.loc = LIB.LOC)
## library("spam", lib.loc = "../../../lib/")
distmatrix <- function(x1,x2=NULL,upper=NULL,...)
if (is.null(x2)) {
tmp <- as.matrix(dist(x1,...))
if (is.null(upper)) return(tmp)
if (upper) tmp[row(tmp)
col(tmp)] <- -1
return( tmp[tmp>-0.5])
} else
return( as.matrix( dist(rbind(x1,x2),...))[1:dim(x1)[1],1:dim(x2)[1]+dim(x1)[1]])
## as an aside, comparing nearest.dist with dist, use diag=true, upper=TRUE
test_that("comparing nearest.dist with dist, use diag=true, upper=TRUE",{
n1 <- as.integer( 4)
n2 <- n1
nd <- as.integer(2)
x2 <- x1 <- array(runif(n1*nd), c( n1,nd))
if (F){
# testing the structure
nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=NULL)
# and all other possibilities (3[upper])
# with x1,x1 and x1, NULL:
display( nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=NULL)) # default
display( nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=FALSE))
display( nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=TRUE))
display( nearest.dist( x1, upper=NULL))
display( nearest.dist( x1, upper=FALSE))
display( nearest.dist( x1, upper=TRUE))
# nearest.dist( x1) and nearest.dist( x1,x1) should be identical...
expect_equal(nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=NULL), nearest.dist(x1, upper=NULL) )
expect_equal(nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=FALSE), nearest.dist(x1, upper=FALSE))
expect_equal(nearest.dist( x1, x1, upper=TRUE), nearest.dist(x1, upper=TRUE) )
# New Rcpp and old Fortran version should be identical...
expect_equal(nearest.dist(x1, fortran = FALSE), nearest.dist(x1, fortran = TRUE))
# testing Euclidian
eta <- 1
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1, upper=NULL)
o2 <- distmatrix(x1)
expect_equal(o2[o2< eta], o1@entries)
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1, upper=!FALSE) # is default...
o3 <- distmatrix(x1, upper=!FALSE)
expect_equal(o1@entries, o3)
x2 <- x1 <- array(runif(n1*nd), c( n1,nd))
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,x2,upper=NULL)
o2 <- distmatrix(x1,x2)
expect_equal(o2[o2< eta], o1@entries)
## TODO check test.
## o1 <- nearest.dist( x1, upper=!FALSE)
## expect_equal(o2[o2< eta & lower.tri(o2)], o1@entries)
# Should cause error:
# nearest.dist(cbind(1,1))
# this is ok:
spamtest_eq( nearest.dist(rbind(1,0)), c(0,1,0,0))
spamtest_eq( nearest.dist(cbind(1,1),cbind(1,0)), 1)
# testing with dist only
spamtest_eq( as.spam( dist(x1)), nearest.dist(x1,delta=2))
# testing some other norms
method <- "max"
p <- 1.0001
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,method=method,p=p, upper=TRUE )
o3 <- distmatrix(x1,method=method,p=p, upper=TRUE)
expect_equal(o1@entries, o3)
# New Rcpp and old Fortran version should also be identical...
expect_equal(nearest.dist(x1, method=method, fortran = FALSE), nearest.dist(x1, method = method, fortran = TRUE))
if (F){ # system.time is not always available...
n1 <- as.integer( 400)
x1 <- array(runif(n1*nd), c( n1,nd))
system.time( o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,method="max",p=p) )
system.time( o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,method="min",p=1) )
system.time( o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,method="min",p=1.5) )
system.time( o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,method="min",p=2) )
system.time( o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,method="euc",p=1) )
system.time( o1 <- dist( x1) )
# testing GC
n1 <- as.integer( 4)
n2 <- as.integer(6)
x1 <- array(runif(n1*2,-90,90), c( n1,2))
x2 <- array(runif(n2*2,-90,90), c( n2,2))
if (F){
# structure
delta <- 180
display( nearest.dist( x1, delta=delta,method="gr", upper=FALSE))
display( nearest.dist( x1, delta=delta,method="gr", upper=TRUE))
display( nearest.dist( x1, delta=delta,method="gr", upper=NULL))
display( nearest.dist( x1,x1, delta=delta,method="gr", upper=FALSE))
display( nearest.dist( x1,x1, delta=delta,method="gr", upper=TRUE))
display( nearest.dist( x1,x1, delta=delta,method="gr", upper=NULL))
if (F){
# if fields would be available, the following can be used as well.
delta <- 180
o2 <- rdist.earth(x1)
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1, method="gr",upper=NULL,delta=delta)
spamtest_eq(o2- o1@entries)
# New Rcpp and old Fortran version should also be identical...
expect_equal(nearest.dist(x1, method="gr", fortran = FALSE), nearest.dist(x1, method = "gr", fortran = TRUE))
o2 <- rdist.earth(x1, R=1)
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1, method="gr",upper=NULL,delta=delta,R=1)
spamtest_eq(o2- o1@entries)
delta <- 90
o2 <- rdist.earth(x2,x1,R=1)
o1 <- nearest.dist( x1,x2, method="gr",upper=NULL,delta=delta,R=1)