library( spacesXYZ ) options( width=144 ) printf <- function( msg, ... ) { mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... ) # should this really be msg[1] ? cat( mess, '\n' ) #, file=stderr() ) } # temperature -> uv -> CCT should have a small difference testRoundtrips.uv <- function( locus='robertson' ) { printf( "\n--------------------- testRoundtrips.uv('%s') -----------------------", locus ) # mat = matrix( c('robertson','robertson', 'mccamy','mccamy', 'native','native' ), 3, 2, byrow=TRUE ) strict = TRUE for( iso in c('robertson', 'mccamy','native' ) ) { if( iso == 'mccamy' ) # 1710 is about as low as McCamy can go temperature = c( 1710, seq(2000,33000,by=1000) ) else temperature = c( 1667, seq(2000,33000,by=1000), 75000, Inf ) uv = planckLocus( temperature, locus=locus, param=iso ) if( any( ) ) { printf( "planckLocus() failed for param='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) print( uv ) return(FALSE) } CCTback = CCTfromuv( uv, isotherm=iso, locus=locus, strict=strict ) if( any( ) ) { printf( "CCTfromuv() failed for isotherm='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) return(FALSE) } delta = CCTback - temperature #; print(delta) # NaNs may come from Inf-Inf, so change them to 0s delta[ is.nan(delta) ] = 0 #printf( "testRoundtrips.uv() param='%s' max(abs(delta))=%g", iso, max(abs(delta) ) ) tol = ifelse( iso=='native', 5.e-5, 5.e-2 ) if( tol < max(abs(delta)) ) { printf( "testRoundtrips.uv(). Round-trip failed for param='%s' and isotherm='%s'. max(abs(delta))=%g", iso, iso, max(abs(delta)) ) print(delta) return(FALSE) } } printf( "testRoundtrips.uv('%s') passed.", locus ) return( TRUE ) } # temperature -> xy -> CCT should have a small difference testRoundtrips.xy <- function() { printf( "\n--------------------- testRoundtrips.xy() -----------------------" ) strict = TRUE for( iso in c('robertson', 'mccamy','native' ) ) { if( iso == 'mccamy' ) # 1710 is about as low as McCamy can go temperature = c( 1710, seq(2000,33000,by=1000) ) else temperature = c( 1677, seq(2000,33000,by=1000), 75000, Inf ) xy = planckLocus( temperature, param=iso, space=1931 ) if( any( ) ) { printf( "xyfromTemperature() failed for param='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) return(FALSE) } CCTback = CCTfromxy( xy, isotherm=iso, strict=strict ) if( any( ) ) { printf( "CCTfromxy() failed for isotherm='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) return(FALSE) } delta = CCTback - temperature #; print(delta) # NaNs may come from Inf-Inf, so change them to 0s delta[ is.nan(delta) ] = 0 #printf( "testRoundtrips.xy() param='%s' max(abs(delta))=%g", iso, max(abs(delta) ) ) tol = ifelse( iso=='native', 5.e-5, 5.e-2 ) if( tol < max(abs(delta)) ) { printf( "testRoundtrips.xy(). Round-trip failed for param='%s' and isotherm='%s'. max(abs(delta))=%g", iso, iso, max(abs(delta)) ) print(delta) return(FALSE) } } printf( "testRoundtrips.xy() passed." ) return( TRUE ) } testStrictness <- function( locus='robertson' ) { printf( "\n--------------------- testStrictness('%s') -----------------------", locus ) temperaturetest = c( 1800, seq(2000,33000,by=1000) ) for( delta in c(-0.051,0.051) ) # above and below { # make some uv points just outside the valid band above the locus. Though some will be outside the chromaticity diagram ! uvoutside = planckLocus( temperaturetest, locus, param='native', Duv=delta ) # Duv #printf( "delta=%g", delta ) #print( uvoutside ) for( isotherm in c('mccamy','robertson','native') ) { # first test with strict=FALSE, all should succeed. CCT = CCTfromuv( uvoutside, isotherm=isotherm, locus=locus, strict=FALSE ) #print( CCT ) count = sum( ) if( 0 < count ) { printf( "strict=FALSE test failed for %d of %d points too far from the locus. delta=%g", count, length(CCT), delta ) return(FALSE) } # now test with strict=TRUE, all should fail. CCT = CCTfromuv( uvoutside, isotherm=isotherm, locus=locus, strict=TRUE ) #print( CCT ) count = sum( ! ) if( 0 < count ) { printf( "strict=TRUE test failed for %d of %d points too far from the '%s' locus. delta=%g", count, length(CCT), locus, delta ) return(FALSE) } } } printf( "testStrictness('%s') passed.", locus ) return(TRUE) } if( ! testRoundtrips.uv('robertson') ) stop( "testRoundtrips.uv('robertson') failed !", call.=FALSE ) if( ! testRoundtrips.uv('precision') ) stop( "testRoundtrips.uv('precision') failed !", call.=FALSE ) if( ! testRoundtrips.xy() ) stop( "testRoundtrips.xy() failed !", call.=FALSE ) if( ! testStrictness('precision') ) stop( "testStrictness('precision') failed !", call.=FALSE ) if( ! testStrictness('robertson') ) stop( "testStrictness('robertson') failed !", call.=FALSE ) # this one started to fail in Feb 2025, invest later printf( "\nPassed all CCT tests !" )