R Under development (unstable) (2024-01-22 r85820 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > > library( spacesXYZ ) > > options( width=144 ) > > printf <- function( msg, ... ) + { + mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... ) # should this really be msg[1] ? + cat( mess, '\n' ) #, file=stderr() ) + } > > > testRoundtrips.uv <- function( locus='robertson' ) + { + printf( "\n--------------------- testRoundtrips.uv('%s') -----------------------", locus ) + + # mat = matrix( c('robertson','robertson', 'mccamy','mccamy', 'native','native' ), 3, 2, byrow=TRUE ) + strict = TRUE + + for( iso in c('robertson', 'mccamy','native' ) ) + { + if( iso == 'mccamy' ) + # 1710 is about as low as McCamy can go + temperature = c( 1710, seq(2000,33000,by=1000) ) + else + temperature = c( 1667, seq(2000,33000,by=1000), 75000, Inf ) + + uv = planckLocus( temperature, locus=locus, param=iso ) + if( any( is.na(uv) ) ) + { + printf( "planckLocus() failed for param='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) + print( uv ) + return(FALSE) + } + + CCTback = CCTfromuv( uv, isotherm=iso, locus=locus, strict=strict ) + if( any( is.na(CCTback) ) ) + { + printf( "CCTfromuv() failed for isotherm='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) + return(FALSE) + } + + delta = CCTback - temperature ; print(delta) + + # NaNs may come from Inf-Inf, so change them to 0s + delta[ is.nan(delta) ] = 0 + + #printf( "testRoundtrips.uv() param='%s' max(abs(delta))=%g", iso, max(abs(delta) ) ) + + tol = ifelse( iso=='native', 5.e-5, 5.e-2 ) + + if( tol < max(abs(delta)) ) + { + printf( "testRoundtrips.uv(). Round-trip failed for param='%s' and isotherm='%s'. max(abs(delta))=%g", + iso, iso, max(abs(delta)) ) + print(delta) + return(FALSE) + } + } + + printf( "testRoundtrips.uv('%s') passed.", locus ) + + return( TRUE ) + } > > > testRoundtrips.xy <- function() + { + printf( "\n--------------------- testRoundtrips.xy() -----------------------" ) + + + strict = TRUE + + for( iso in c('robertson', 'mccamy','native' ) ) + { + if( iso == 'mccamy' ) + # 1710 is about as low as McCamy can go + temperature = c( 1710, seq(2000,33000,by=1000) ) + else + temperature = c( 1677, seq(2000,33000,by=1000), 75000, Inf ) + + xy = planckLocus( temperature, param=iso, space=1931 ) + if( any( is.na(xy) ) ) + { + printf( "xyfromTemperature() failed for param='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) + return(FALSE) + } + + CCTback = CCTfromxy( xy, isotherm=iso, strict=strict ) + if( any( is.na(CCTback) ) ) + { + printf( "CCTfromxy() failed for isotherm='%s'. It returned some NAs", iso ) + return(FALSE) + } + + delta = CCTback - temperature #; print(delta) + + # NaNs may come from Inf-Inf, so change them to 0s + delta[ is.nan(delta) ] = 0 + + + #printf( "testRoundtrips.xy() param='%s' max(abs(delta))=%g", iso, max(abs(delta) ) ) + + tol = ifelse( iso=='native', 5.e-5, 5.e-2 ) + + if( tol < max(abs(delta)) ) + { + printf( "testRoundtrips.xy(). Round-trip failed for param='%s' and isotherm='%s'. max(abs(delta))=%g", + iso, iso, max(abs(delta)) ) + print(delta) + return(FALSE) + } + } + + printf( "testRoundtrips.xy() passed." ) + + return( TRUE ) + } > > > testStrictness <- function( locus='robertson' ) + { + printf( "\n--------------------- testStrictness('%s') -----------------------", locus ) + + temperaturetest = c( 1800, seq(2000,33000,by=1000) ) + + for( delta in c(-0.051,0.051) ) # above and below + { + # make some uv points just outside the valid band above the locus. Though some will be outside the chromaticity diagram ! + uvoutside = planckLocus( temperaturetest, locus, param='native', delta=delta ) + + #printf( "delta=%g", delta ) + #print( uvoutside ) + + for( isotherm in c('mccamy','robertson','native') ) + { + # first test with strict=FALSE, all should succeed. + CCT = CCTfromuv( uvoutside, isotherm=isotherm, locus=locus, strict=FALSE ) + + count = sum( is.na(CCT) ) + if( 0 < count ) + { + printf( "strict=FALSE test failed for %d of %d points too far from the locus. delta=%g", + count, length(CCT), delta ) + + return(FALSE) + } + + # now test with strict=TRUE, all should fail. + CCT = CCTfromuv( uvoutside, isotherm=isotherm, locus=locus, strict=TRUE ) + + count = sum( ! is.na(CCT) ) + if( 0 < count ) + { + printf( "strict=TRUE test failed for %d of %d points too far from the '%s' locus. delta=%g", + count, length(CCT), locus, delta ) + return(FALSE) + } + } + + } + + printf( "testStrictness('%s') passed.", locus ) + + return(TRUE) + } > > if( ! testRoundtrips.uv('robertson') ) stop( "testRoundtrips.uv('robertson') failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testRoundtrips.uv('robertson') ----------------------- 1667K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K -2.239059e-06 0.000000e+00 2.035822e-07 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 -2.181648e-04 -1.966765e-04 0.000000e+00 -6.265214e-04 0.000000e+00 11000K 12000K 13000K 14000K 15000K 16000K 17000K 18000K 19000K 20000K -5.492858e-04 -2.923673e-03 -3.188006e-03 -2.389145e-03 -5.217459e-03 -7.104027e-03 -5.063894e-03 -1.534426e-03 -2.686257e-04 0.000000e+00 21000K 22000K 23000K 24000K 25000K 26000K 27000K 28000K 29000K 30000K -2.657758e-03 -3.391353e-03 -3.471336e-03 -3.273226e-03 0.000000e+00 -1.782903e-03 -1.131839e-03 -8.079019e-04 -6.536475e-04 -5.553801e-04 31000K 32000K 33000K 75000K InfK -4.740194e-04 -4.059993e-04 -3.484734e-04 -2.314335e-05 NaN 1710K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K -4.266837e-05 -3.767478e-04 3.378022e-07 -2.196270e-04 -7.016688e-03 7.127308e-04 -2.985414e-05 5.082351e-03 -6.235413e-03 -1.407068e-03 11000K 12000K 13000K 14000K 15000K 16000K 17000K 18000K 19000K 20000K -2.933301e-04 -5.457157e-05 1.684787e-02 4.348807e-03 8.773497e-04 1.143039e-04 -1.459045e-04 -4.555441e-03 2.880479e-07 2.864643e-02 21000K 22000K 23000K 24000K 25000K 26000K 27000K 28000K 29000K 30000K -1.369722e-02 -5.629772e-03 -2.172897e-03 -7.896473e-04 -2.682268e-04 -1.003718e-04 -8.282387e-05 3.124472e-02 1.095534e-02 3.152074e-03 31000K 32000K 33000K 6.736105e-04 8.749883e-05 4.144269e-06 1667K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K -3.007244e-09 -6.840764e-09 -1.364242e-12 -2.273737e-12 -1.846274e-10 -5.002221e-11 -7.275958e-12 9.094947e-13 1.273293e-09 5.629772e-09 11000K 12000K 13000K 14000K 15000K 16000K 17000K 18000K 19000K 20000K 1.265653e-08 6.868686e-08 -1.103908e-07 -1.532499e-08 -4.492904e-10 2.972356e-07 3.637979e-12 -1.091394e-11 -1.091394e-11 7.275958e-12 21000K 22000K 23000K 24000K 25000K 26000K 27000K 28000K 29000K 30000K -2.910383e-11 -4.365575e-11 -7.639755e-11 -6.548362e-11 -1.346052e-10 -1.382432e-10 -1.600711e-10 -1.637090e-10 -1.055014e-10 -2.073648e-10 31000K 32000K 33000K 75000K InfK -1.964509e-10 -1.564331e-10 -1.600711e-10 6.693881e-10 NaN testRoundtrips.uv('robertson') passed. > > if( ! testRoundtrips.uv('precision') ) stop( "testRoundtrips.uv('precision') failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testRoundtrips.uv('precision') ----------------------- 1667K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K 1.060387e-07 0.000000e+00 -6.758773e-07 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 7.185918e-09 8.891257e-04 0.000000e+00 -2.464930e-03 0.000000e+00 11000K 12000K 13000K 14000K 15000K 16000K 17000K 18000K 19000K 20000K 2.871873e-06 9.534624e-06 2.067386e-05 3.422013e-05 4.918919e-05 6.152221e-05 7.343243e-05 7.937909e-05 8.198335e-05 0.000000e+00 21000K 22000K 23000K 24000K 25000K 26000K 27000K 28000K 29000K 30000K 8.236609e-05 7.810790e-05 7.278211e-05 6.685135e-05 0.000000e+00 5.789515e-05 5.203524e-05 4.650619e-05 4.137332e-05 3.666829e-05 31000K 32000K 33000K 75000K InfK 3.239862e-05 2.855456e-05 2.511661e-05 -7.648724e-03 NaN 1710K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K -4.123248e-05 -3.767485e-04 -1.178718e-06 -2.178209e-04 -7.016685e-03 7.127380e-04 -4.142186e-05 5.058413e-03 -6.235416e-03 -1.406573e-03 11000K 12000K 13000K 14000K 15000K 16000K 17000K 18000K 19000K 20000K -2.896626e-04 -4.328014e-05 1.687121e-02 4.385770e-03 9.259383e-04 1.701820e-04 6.219465e-05 -4.503668e-03 4.345592e-05 2.867952e-02 21000K 22000K 23000K 24000K 25000K 26000K 27000K 28000K 29000K 30000K -1.324133e-02 -5.364234e-03 -2.043036e-03 -7.229011e-04 -2.339951e-04 -6.787402e-05 -5.848903e-05 3.125597e-02 1.031820e-02 2.946944e-03 31000K 32000K 33000K 6.249636e-04 8.054673e-05 3.785914e-06 1667K 2000K 3000K 4000K 5000K 6000K 7000K 8000K 9000K 10000K -1.818989e-11 -9.094947e-13 1.364242e-12 2.978595e-10 9.094947e-13 1.818989e-12 5.630773e-08 3.292462e-08 0.000000e+00 1.818989e-12 11000K 12000K 13000K 14000K 15000K 16000K 17000K 18000K 19000K 20000K 1.455192e-11 2.182787e-11 3.637979e-12 0.000000e+00 -1.818989e-12 -3.299829e-08 9.806972e-07 4.777503e-07 2.175584e-07 9.252108e-08 21000K 22000K 23000K 24000K 25000K 26000K 27000K 28000K 29000K 30000K 3.663445e-08 1.331136e-08 4.452886e-09 1.225999e-09 3.492460e-10 1.746230e-10 -2.321274e-06 -3.663154e-07 -1.717854e-08 9.495125e-10 31000K 32000K 33000K 75000K InfK 2.910383e-11 -9.822543e-11 5.820766e-11 5.529728e-10 NaN testRoundtrips.uv('precision') passed. > > if( ! testRoundtrips.xy() ) stop( "testRoundtrips.xy() failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testRoundtrips.xy() ----------------------- testRoundtrips.xy() passed. > > if( ! testStrictness('robertson') ) stop( "testStrictness('robertson') failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testStrictness('robertson') ----------------------- nativeFromMcCamy(). WARN . CCT=1639.31. Test function has the same sign at endpoints [0,600]. -0.167827 and -0.0204885. Intersection of isotherm and locus cannot be calculated. CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.309513,0.308266 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0541289 > 0.05. CCT=1787.59 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.268744,0.29994 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510029 > 0.05. CCT=3023.29 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.25406,0.292403 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510309 > 0.05. CCT=4123.63 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.24718,0.286757 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510054 > 0.05. CCT=5078.67 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.243137,0.28226 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. CCT=6006.25 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.240529,0.278698 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510019 > 0.05. CCT=6916.34 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.238728,0.275807 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051005 > 0.05. CCT=7819.43 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.237372,0.273339 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510051 > 0.05. CCT=8752.56 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.236295,0.271185 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510022 > 0.05. CCT=9732.12 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.2355,0.269472 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051001 > 0.05. CCT=10653.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.23488,0.268038 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510005 > 0.05. CCT=11545.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.234315,0.26666 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510002 > 0.05. CCT=12531.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.233889,0.265578 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510009 > 0.05. CCT=13412.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.233558,0.264698 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510014 > 0.05. CCT=14209 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.233249,0.263847 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510035 > 0.05. CCT=15059.3 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232962,0.263035 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510076 > 0.05. CCT=15954.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232721,0.262336 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510113 > 0.05. CCT=16800.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232523,0.26175 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510138 > 0.05. CCT=17571.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232359,0.261253 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051016 > 0.05. CCT=18271.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232214,0.260806 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510191 > 0.05. CCT=18943 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232079,0.260379 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510233 > 0.05. CCT=19622.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231952,0.259973 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510286 > 0.05. CCT=20308.3 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231833,0.259588 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510342 > 0.05. CCT=20996.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231721,0.259222 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510395 > 0.05. CCT=21687.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231619,0.258885 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510442 > 0.05. CCT=22357.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231528,0.258582 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051048 > 0.05. CCT=22989.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231446,0.258309 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510512 > 0.05. CCT=23584.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231374,0.258063 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510542 > 0.05. CCT=24144.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231308,0.25784 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051057 > 0.05. CCT=24671.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231249,0.257636 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510598 > 0.05. CCT=25167.3 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231195,0.257451 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510627 > 0.05. CCT=25634 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231147,0.257282 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510656 > 0.05. CCT=26073.3 CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.325055,0.309222 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=555.579) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.309513,0.308266 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=499.915) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.268744,0.29994 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=333.196) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.25406,0.292403 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=250.079) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.24718,0.286757 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=200.19) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.243137,0.28226 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=166.527) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.240529,0.278698 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=142.895) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.238728,0.275807 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. (mired=125.31) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.237372,0.273339 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510002 > 0.05. (mired=111.52) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.236295,0.271185 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=99.7484) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.2355,0.269472 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=90.7807) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.23488,0.268038 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=83.4745) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.234315,0.26666 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. (mired=76.5533) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.233889,0.265578 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=71.1801) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.233558,0.264698 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=66.8528) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.233249,0.263847 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=62.6906) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232962,0.263035 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=58.7231) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232721,0.262336 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=55.3028) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232523,0.26175 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=52.4372) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232359,0.261253 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=50.016) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232214,0.260806 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=47.8214) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232079,0.260379 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. (mired=45.7322) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231952,0.259973 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. (mired=43.7482) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231833,0.259588 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=41.8664) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231721,0.259222 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=40.0821) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231619,0.258885 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=38.4036) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231528,0.258582 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=36.8968) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231446,0.258309 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=35.5404) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231374,0.258063 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=34.3152) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231308,0.25784 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=33.2048) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231249,0.257636 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=32.1955) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231195,0.257451 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=31.2753) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231147,0.257282 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=30.4343) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.325055,0.309222 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=555.556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.309513,0.308266 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=500) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.268744,0.29994 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=333.333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.25406,0.292403 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=250) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.24718,0.286757 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=200) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.243137,0.28226 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=166.667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.240529,0.278698 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=142.857) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.238728,0.275807 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=125) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.237372,0.273339 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=111.111) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.236295,0.271185 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=100) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.2355,0.269472 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=90.9091) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.23488,0.268038 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=83.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.234315,0.26666 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=76.9231) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.233889,0.265578 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=71.4286) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.233558,0.264698 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=66.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.233249,0.263847 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=62.5) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232962,0.263035 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=58.8235) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232721,0.262336 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=55.5556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232523,0.26175 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=52.6316) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232359,0.261253 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=50) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232214,0.260806 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=47.619) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232079,0.260379 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=45.4545) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231952,0.259973 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=43.4783) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231833,0.259588 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=41.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231721,0.259222 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=40) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231619,0.258885 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=38.4615) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231528,0.258582 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=37.037) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231446,0.258309 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=35.7143) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231374,0.258063 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=34.4828) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231308,0.25784 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=33.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231249,0.257636 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=32.2581) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231195,0.257451 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=31.25) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231147,0.257282 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=30.303) CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.321102,0.411145 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0523964 > 0.05. CCT=1906.49 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.300587,0.409874 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0516502 > 0.05. CCT=2075.33 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232391,0.395242 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510008 > 0.05. CCT=2998.17 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.19616,0.376377 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510122 > 0.05. CCT=3967.49 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.17566,0.359483 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510025 > 0.05. CCT=4975.11 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.163481,0.34597 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. CCT=5998.21 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.155717,0.335364 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510008 > 0.05. CCT=7027.07 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.150512,0.327013 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051002 > 0.05. CCT=8045.64 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.146915,0.320473 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510018 > 0.05. CCT=9023.55 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.144345,0.315335 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510007 > 0.05. CCT=9940.41 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.142366,0.311067 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510004 > 0.05. CCT=10829 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.140828,0.307511 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. CCT=11676.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.139668,0.304686 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. CCT=12434.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.138685,0.302189 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510003 > 0.05. CCT=13176.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.137856,0.299987 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510004 > 0.05. CCT=13896 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.137195,0.298164 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510009 > 0.05. CCT=14543.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.136657,0.296641 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051002 > 0.05. CCT=15123.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.13619,0.295287 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510033 > 0.05. CCT=15674.3 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.135774,0.294054 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510043 > 0.05. CCT=16205.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.135401,0.292927 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051005 > 0.05. CCT=16718.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.135074,0.291916 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510056 > 0.05. CCT=17201.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134792,0.291027 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510063 > 0.05. CCT=17646.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134546,0.29024 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510073 > 0.05. CCT=18056.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.13433,0.289542 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510084 > 0.05. CCT=18434.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134139,0.288918 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510097 > 0.05. CCT=18782.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133967,0.28835 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510111 > 0.05. CCT=19110.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133808,0.28782 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510125 > 0.05. CCT=19424.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.13366,0.287325 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510138 > 0.05. CCT=19725.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133524,0.286862 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051015 > 0.05. CCT=20014.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133396,0.286427 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510161 > 0.05. CCT=20292.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133277,0.286018 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051017 > 0.05. CCT=20559.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133166,0.285633 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510179 > 0.05. CCT=20816.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133062,0.285269 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510186 > 0.05. CCT=21064.6 CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.321102,0.411145 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=555.577) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.300587,0.409874 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=500.061) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232391,0.395242 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=333.419) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.19616,0.376377 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=249.972) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.17566,0.359483 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=199.938) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.163481,0.34597 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=166.752) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.155717,0.335364 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=142.856) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.150512,0.327013 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=124.887) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.146915,0.320473 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. (mired=110.882) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.144345,0.315335 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=100.1) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.142366,0.311067 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=90.9546) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.140828,0.307511 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=83.2468) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.139668,0.304686 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=77.0539) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.138685,0.302189 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=71.5196) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.137856,0.299987 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=66.5298) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.137195,0.298164 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=62.3664) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.136657,0.296641 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=58.8427) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.13619,0.295287 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=55.6089) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.135774,0.294054 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=52.6722) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.135401,0.292927 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=49.9917) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.135074,0.291916 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=47.4548) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134792,0.291027 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=45.2273) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134546,0.29024 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=43.2603) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.13433,0.289542 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=41.5146) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134139,0.288918 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=39.955) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133967,0.28835 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=38.4351) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133808,0.28782 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=37.0202) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.13366,0.287325 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=35.6994) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133524,0.286862 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=34.4635) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133396,0.286427 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=33.3042) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133277,0.286018 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=32.2145) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133166,0.285633 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=31.1882) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133062,0.285269 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=30.2196) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.321102,0.411145 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=555.556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.300587,0.409874 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=500) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232391,0.395242 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=333.333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.19616,0.376377 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=250) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.17566,0.359483 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=200) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.163481,0.34597 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=166.667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.155717,0.335364 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=142.857) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.150512,0.327013 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=125) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.146915,0.320473 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=111.111) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.144345,0.315335 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=100) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.142366,0.311067 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=90.9091) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.140828,0.307511 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=83.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.139668,0.304686 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=76.9231) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.138685,0.302189 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=71.4286) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.137856,0.299987 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=66.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.137195,0.298164 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=62.5) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.136657,0.296641 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=58.8235) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.13619,0.295287 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=55.5556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.135774,0.294054 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=52.6316) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.135401,0.292927 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=50) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.135074,0.291916 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=47.619) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134792,0.291027 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=45.4545) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134546,0.29024 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=43.4783) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.13433,0.289542 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=41.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134139,0.288918 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=40) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133967,0.28835 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=38.4615) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133808,0.28782 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=37.037) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.13366,0.287325 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=35.7143) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133524,0.286862 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=34.4828) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133396,0.286427 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=33.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133277,0.286018 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=32.2581) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133166,0.285633 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=31.25) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133062,0.285269 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=30.303) testStrictness('robertson') passed. > > if( ! testStrictness('precision') ) stop( "testStrictness('precision') failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testStrictness('precision') ----------------------- CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.325044,0.309225 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0578638 > 0.05. CCT=1639.38 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.309535,0.308264 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0541418 > 0.05. CCT=1787.26 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.268744,0.299938 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510029 > 0.05. CCT=3023.33 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.254048,0.292392 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510316 > 0.05. CCT=4125.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.24716,0.28673 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510063 > 0.05. CCT=5083.04 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.243165,0.282299 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. CCT=5997.73 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.240544,0.27871 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510022 > 0.05. CCT=6912 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.238702,0.275755 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510041 > 0.05. CCT=7836.64 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.237347,0.273298 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051004 > 0.05. CCT=8770.07 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.236317,0.271237 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510028 > 0.05. CCT=9706.68 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.235511,0.269495 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510014 > 0.05. CCT=10640.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.234868,0.268009 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510003 > 0.05. CCT=11565.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.234344,0.266732 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. CCT=12476.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.233911,0.265625 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510005 > 0.05. CCT=13371 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.233547,0.264658 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510019 > 0.05. CCT=14245.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.233238,0.263809 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051004 > 0.05. CCT=15098.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232972,0.263057 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510067 > 0.05. CCT=15928.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232742,0.262387 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510099 > 0.05. CCT=16735 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.23254,0.261788 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510135 > 0.05. CCT=17517.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232362,0.261249 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510173 > 0.05. CCT=18275 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232205,0.260762 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510214 > 0.05. CCT=19008.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232063,0.26032 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510257 > 0.05. CCT=19719.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231937,0.259916 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.05103 > 0.05. CCT=20406.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231822,0.259547 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510344 > 0.05. CCT=21070.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231718,0.259208 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510389 > 0.05. CCT=21712.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231624,0.258896 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510433 > 0.05. CCT=22334.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231537,0.258607 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510477 > 0.05. CCT=22934.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231458,0.25834 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051052 > 0.05. CCT=23515.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231384,0.258092 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510563 > 0.05. CCT=24077.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231317,0.25786 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510605 > 0.05. CCT=24620.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231254,0.257644 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510646 > 0.05. CCT=25146.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231196,0.257442 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510687 > 0.05. CCT=25655.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.231141,0.257253 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510726 > 0.05. CCT=26148.1 CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.325044,0.309225 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=555.539) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.309535,0.308264 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=499.993) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.268744,0.299938 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=333.192) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.254048,0.292392 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=249.99) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.24716,0.28673 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=200.002) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.243165,0.282299 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=166.785) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.240544,0.27871 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=142.99) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.238702,0.275755 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=125.012) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.237347,0.273298 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=111.288) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.236317,0.271237 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=100.019) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.235511,0.269495 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=90.903) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.234868,0.268009 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=83.3269) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.234344,0.266732 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=76.9121) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.233911,0.265625 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=71.4193) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.233547,0.264658 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=66.6644) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.233238,0.263809 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=62.5078) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232972,0.263057 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=58.8338) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232742,0.262387 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=55.5573) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.23254,0.261788 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=52.6314) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232362,0.261249 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=50.004) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232205,0.260762 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=47.614) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232063,0.26032 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=45.4474) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231937,0.259916 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=43.4749) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231822,0.259547 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=41.6719) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231718,0.259208 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=40.0178) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231624,0.258896 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=38.4622) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231537,0.258607 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=37.0255) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231458,0.25834 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=35.6953) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231384,0.258092 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=34.4601) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231317,0.25786 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=33.3104) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231254,0.257644 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=32.2376) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231196,0.257442 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=31.2344) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.231141,0.257253 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=30.2942) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.325044,0.309225 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=555.556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.309535,0.308264 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=500) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.268744,0.299938 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=333.333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.254048,0.292392 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=250) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.24716,0.28673 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=200) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.243165,0.282299 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=166.667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.240544,0.27871 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=142.857) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.238702,0.275755 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=125) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.237347,0.273298 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=111.111) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.236317,0.271237 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=100) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.235511,0.269495 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=90.9091) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.234868,0.268009 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=83.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.234344,0.266732 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=76.9231) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.233911,0.265625 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=71.4286) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.233547,0.264658 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=66.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.233238,0.263809 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=62.5) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232972,0.263057 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=58.8235) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232742,0.262387 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=55.5556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.23254,0.261788 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=52.6316) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232362,0.261249 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=50) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232205,0.260762 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=47.619) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232063,0.26032 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=45.4545) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231937,0.259916 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=43.4783) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231822,0.259547 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=41.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231718,0.259208 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=40) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231624,0.258896 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=38.4615) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231537,0.258607 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=37.037) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231458,0.25834 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=35.7143) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231384,0.258092 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=34.4828) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231317,0.25786 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=33.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231254,0.257644 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=32.2581) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231196,0.257442 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=31.25) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.231141,0.257253 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=30.303) CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.321113,0.41115 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0523981 > 0.05. CCT=1906.42 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.300562,0.409868 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0516465 > 0.05. CCT=2075.56 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.232397,0.395242 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510009 > 0.05. CCT=2998.07 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.196173,0.376383 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510125 > 0.05. CCT=3967.05 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.175689,0.359502 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510027 > 0.05. CCT=4973.53 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.163451,0.345937 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. CCT=6001.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.15571,0.335342 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510009 > 0.05. CCT=7029.07 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.150547,0.327064 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510016 > 0.05. CCT=8038.36 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.146941,0.320527 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510015 > 0.05. CCT=9014.84 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.144321,0.315292 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051001 > 0.05. CCT=9949.03 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.142354,0.311037 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510005 > 0.05. CCT=10835.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.140836,0.307531 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510001 > 0.05. CCT=11671.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.139636,0.304605 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. CCT=12457.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.138668,0.302133 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510002 > 0.05. CCT=13193.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.137874,0.300023 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510006 > 0.05. CCT=13883.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.137212,0.298204 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510012 > 0.05. CCT=14527.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.136654,0.296623 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510019 > 0.05. CCT=15130.4 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.136177,0.295238 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510028 > 0.05. CCT=15694.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.135765,0.294015 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510038 > 0.05. CCT=16221.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.135407,0.29293 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510048 > 0.05. CCT=16716.3 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.135093,0.291959 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510059 > 0.05. CCT=17179.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134815,0.291088 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051007 > 0.05. CCT=17614.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134568,0.290301 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510081 > 0.05. CCT=18023.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134346,0.289588 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510092 > 0.05. CCT=18408.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.134147,0.288938 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510103 > 0.05. CCT=18771.2 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133967,0.288345 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510114 > 0.05. CCT=19113.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133804,0.2878 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510125 > 0.05. CCT=19436.1 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133655,0.287299 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510135 > 0.05. CCT=19741.5 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133518,0.286836 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510145 > 0.05. CCT=20030.6 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133393,0.286407 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510155 > 0.05. CCT=20304.7 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133277,0.286009 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510165 > 0.05. CCT=20564.8 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.13317,0.285639 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510174 > 0.05. CCT=20811.9 CCTfromxy_McCamy(). WARN . uv=0.133071,0.285294 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510184 > 0.05. CCT=21046.9 CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.321113,0.41115 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=555.606) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.300562,0.409868 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=499.995) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.232397,0.395242 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=333.431) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.196173,0.376383 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=249.999) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.175689,0.359502 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=200) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.163451,0.345937 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=166.671) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.15571,0.335342 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=142.816) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.150547,0.327064 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=125.004) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.146941,0.320527 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=110.994) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.144321,0.315292 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=100.007) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.142354,0.311037 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=90.893) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.140836,0.307531 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=83.2904) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.139636,0.304605 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=76.8753) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.138668,0.302133 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=71.3996) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.137874,0.300023 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=66.6162) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.137212,0.298204 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=62.4616) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.136654,0.296623 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=58.8028) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.136177,0.295238 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=55.4954) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.135765,0.294015 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=52.5835) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.135407,0.29293 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=50.0022) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.135093,0.291959 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=47.5674) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134815,0.291088 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=45.3836) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134568,0.290301 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=43.415) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134346,0.289588 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=41.6318) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.134147,0.288938 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=40.0098) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133967,0.288345 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=38.4231) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133804,0.2878 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=36.9682) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133655,0.287299 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=35.6302) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133518,0.286836 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=34.3957) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133393,0.286407 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=33.2534) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133277,0.286009 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=32.1936) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.13317,0.285639 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=31.2077) CCTfromuv_Robertson(). WARN . uv=0.133071,0.285294 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.051 > 0.05. (mired=30.2884) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.321113,0.41115 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=555.556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.300562,0.409868 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=500) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.232397,0.395242 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=333.333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.196173,0.376383 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=250) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.175689,0.359502 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=200) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.163451,0.345937 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=166.667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.15571,0.335342 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=142.857) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.150547,0.327064 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=125) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.146941,0.320527 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=111.111) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.144321,0.315292 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=100) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.142354,0.311037 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=90.9091) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.140836,0.307531 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=83.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.139636,0.304605 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=76.9231) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.138668,0.302133 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=71.4286) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.137874,0.300023 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=66.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.137212,0.298204 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=62.5) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.136654,0.296623 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=58.8235) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.136177,0.295238 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=55.5556) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.135765,0.294015 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=52.6316) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.135407,0.29293 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=50) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.135093,0.291959 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=47.619) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134815,0.291088 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=45.4545) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134568,0.290301 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=43.4783) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134346,0.289588 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=41.6667) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.134147,0.288938 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=40) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133967,0.288345 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=38.4615) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133804,0.2878 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=37.037) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133655,0.287299 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=35.7143) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133518,0.286836 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=34.4828) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133393,0.286407 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=33.3333) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133277,0.286009 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=32.2581) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.13317,0.285639 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=31.25) CCTfromuv_native(). WARN . uv=0.133071,0.285294 is invalid, because its distance to the Planckian locus = 0.0510000 > 0.05. (mired=30.303) testStrictness('precision') passed. > > > printf( "\nPassed all CCT tests !" ) Passed all CCT tests ! > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.51 0.09 0.59