R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-15 r87581 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > library( spacesRGB ) > > options( width=144 ) > > printf <- function( msg, ... ) + { + mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... ) # should this really be msg[1] ? + cat( mess, '\n' ) #, file=stderr() ) + } > > XYZ2xyY <- function( XYZ ){ + + xyY <- cbind(NA_real_, NA_real_, XYZ[ ,2]) + rownames(xyY) = rownames(XYZ) + colnames(xyY) = c('x','y','Y') + + denom = rowSums( XYZ ) + w <- which(00){ + xyY[w,1] = XYZ[w,1] / denom[w] # (XYZ[w,1]+XYZ[w,2]+XYZ[w,3]) + xyY[w,2] = XYZ[w,2] / denom[w] # (XYZ[w,1]+XYZ[w,2]+XYZ[w,3]) + } + xyY + } > > > xyY2XYZ <- function( xyY ){ + + xyY = matrix( xyY, ncol=3 ) + + XYZ <- cbind( NA_real_, xyY[,3], NA_real_) + rownames(XYZ) = rownames(xyY) + colnames(XYZ) = c('X','Y','Z') + + w <- which( xyY[,2] != 0 & 0 <= xyY[,3] ) # was 0 < xyY[ ,2] + + if (length(w)>0){ + xyY_sub = xyY[w, ,drop=FALSE] + mult = xyY_sub[ ,3] / xyY_sub[ ,2] + XYZ[w,1] <- mult * xyY_sub[ ,1] + XYZ[w,3] <- mult * (1-xyY_sub[ ,1]-xyY_sub[ ,2]) + } + + # treat Y=0 as a special case - pure black + w <- which( xyY[,3] == 0 ) + if( length(w) > 0 ) + XYZ[w,1:3] = 0 + + XYZ + } > > > > > testInstallation <- function() + { + printf( "--------------------- testInstallation() -----------------------" ) + + peak = 0.95 + + space = 'dummy' + prim = matrix( c(0.60,0.30, 0.31,0.61, 0.11,0.11 ), 3, 2, byrow=T ) + white = c( 95, 100, 205 ) # note Y=100 instead of the usual 1 + + if( ! installRGB( space, scene=list(primaries=prim,white=white), OETF=2, over=TRUE ) ) + { + printf( "Cannot install space='%s'.", space ) + return(FALSE) + } + + RGB = diag(3) + RGB = rbind( RGB, c(1,1,1) ) + dim(white) = c(1,3) + prim = rbind( prim, XYZ2xyY( white )[1:2] ) + + + XYZ = XYZfromRGB( RGB, space=space )$XYZ + xy = XYZ2xyY( XYZ )[ , 1:2 ] + + delta = rowSums( abs(xy - prim) ) #; print(max(delta)) + + tol = 5.e-14 + failures = sum( tol < delta ) + if( 0 < failures ) + { + idx = which.max(delta) + printf( "There were %d chromaticity failures. Max error = %g", + failures, delta[idx] ) + + df = data.frame( row.names=1 ) + df$prim = prim[idx, ,drop=FALSE] + df$xy = xy[idx, ,drop=FALSE] + df$delta = delta[idx] + print( df ) + + return(FALSE) + } + + # now go from white to RGB + theSpace = getRGB(space) + XYZ.white = getWhiteXYZ( space, which='scene' ) #theSpace$whiteXYZ # xyY2XYZ( c(white,1) ) + RGB.peak = c(1,1,1) + + RGB.white = RGBfromXYZ( XYZ.white, space, TF=1 )$RGB ; print( RGB.white ) + delta = abs(RGB.white - RGB.peak) ; cat( 'delta=', delta, '\n' ) + failures = sum( tol < delta ) + if( 0 < failures ) + { + idx = which.max(delta) + printf( "There were %d RGB.white failures. Max error = %g", + failures, delta[idx] ) + return(FALSE) + } + + + + return(TRUE) + } > > > if( ! testInstallation() ) stop( "testInstallation() failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testInstallation() ----------------------- R G B [1,] 1 1 1 delta= 4.440892e-16 1.110223e-16 0 > > > printf( "\nPassed all Installation tests !" ) Passed all Installation tests ! > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.23 0.07 0.31