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Type 'q()' to quit R. > > > library( spacesRGB ) > > options( width=144 ) > > printf <- function( msg, ... ) + { + mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... ) # should this really be msg[1] ? + cat( mess, '\n' ) #, file=stderr() ) + } > > # returns time in seconds, from an arbitrary origin > gettime <- function() + { + if( requireNamespace('microbenchmark') ) + return( microbenchmark::get_nanotime() * 1.e-9 ) + else + return( as.double( base::Sys.time() ) ) + } > > > testRGB <- function() + { + printf( "--------------------- testRGB() -----------------------" ) + + # make an ACES space + #theOETF = general.RRT( redmod='1.1+pinv' ) * general.PODT( REC709_PRI, Ymax=100, surround='dim' ) * sRGB.EOTF^-1 + #theEOTF = sRGB.EOTF + #ok = installRGB( 'test-ACES', scene=AP0_PRI, OETF=theOETF, EOTF=theEOTF ) + #if( ! ok ) return(FALSE) + + + # make random signal RGBs + set.seed(0) + count = 100000 + + RGB = matrix( runif(3*count,max=255), ncol=3 ) + rownames(RGB) = sprintf( "%04d", 1:count ) + colnames(RGB) = c('R','G','B') + + data.space = summaryRGB( 1 ) + + if( nrow(data.space) == 0 ) + { + printf( "No RGB spaces are installed !" ) + return(FALSE) + } + + ######## test RGB -> XYZ -> RGB ############## + printf( "--- RGB -> XYZ -> RGB ------" ) + for( k in 1:nrow(data.space) ) + { + space = rownames(data.space)[k] + + for( which in c('scene','display') ) + { + time_start = gettime() + + df = XYZfromRGB( RGB, space=space, which=which, max=255 ) + if( any(df$OutOfGamut) ) + { + printf( "For space %s, in XYZfromRGB(), %d of %d RGBs were flagged as out-of-gamut.", + space, sum(df$OutOfGamut), length(df$OutOfGamut) ) + return(FALSE) + } + + XYZ = df$XYZ + RGB.back = RGBfromXYZ( XYZ, space=space, which=which, max=255 )$RGB #; print( 'RGB OK' ) + + time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start + + delta = rowSums( abs(RGB - RGB.back) ) + + printf( "%-11s RGB -> %7s XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=%g %d samples at %g sec/sample", + space, which, max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count ) + + if( which == 'scene' ) + { + OETF = data.space$OETF[k] + tol = ifelse( grepl('~',OETF), 5.e-12, 5.e-6 ) # pure gamma gives problems near 0 ! If not ATLAS, then 5.e-7 is OK + } + else + { + EOTF = data.space$EOTF[k] + tol = ifelse( grepl('~',EOTF), 5.e-12, 5.e-6 ) # pure gamma gives problems near 0 ! If not ATLAS, then 5.e-7 is OK + } + + failures = sum( tol < delta ) + if( 0 < failures ) + { + idx = which.max(delta) + printf( "There were %d %s -> XYZ -> %s failures. Max error = %g > %g", + failures, space, space, delta[idx], tol ) + + df = data.frame( row.names=1 ) + df$RGB = RGB[idx, ,drop=FALSE] + df$XYZ = XYZ[idx, ,drop=FALSE] + df$RGB.back = RGB.back[idx, ,drop=FALSE] + print( df ) + + return(FALSE) + } + } + + + + + # test pure black + black = c(0,0,0) + if( ! identical( black, as.numeric(RGBfromXYZ( XYZfromRGB(black,space=space)$XYZ, space=space )$RGB ) ) ) + { + printf( "%s -> XYZ -> %s.back . pure black not preserved.", space, space ) + return(FALSE) + } + + # test pure white + white = c(1,1,1) + delta = white - as.numeric( RGBfromXYZ( XYZfromRGB(white,space=space)$XYZ, space=space )$RGB ) + tol = 5.e-16 + if( tol < max(abs(delta)) ) + { + printf( "%s -> XYZ -> %s.back . pure white not preserved. delta=%g > %g", + space, space, delta, tol ) + return(FALSE) + } + + + # test rownames + if( ! identical( rownames(RGB), rownames(RGB.back) ) ) + { + printf( "%s -> XYZ -> %s .back . rownames not preserved.", space, space ) + return(FALSE) + } + } + + + + + ############## test RGB -> Lab -> RGB ############# + printf( "\n--- RGB -> Lab -> RGB ------" ) + + for( k in 1:nrow(data.space) ) + { + space = rownames(data.space)[k] + + for( which in c('scene','display') ) + { + time_start = gettime() + + df = LabfromRGB( RGB, space=space, which=which, max=255 ) + if( any(df$OutOfGamut) ) + { + printf( "For space %s, in LabfromRGB(), %d of %d RGBs were flagged as out-of-gamut.", + space, sum(df$OutOfGamut), length(df$OutOfGamut) ) + return(FALSE) + } + + Lab = df$Lab + RGB.back = RGBfromLab( Lab, space=space, which=which, max=255 )$RGB #; print( 'RGB OK' ) + + time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start + + delta = rowSums( abs(RGB - RGB.back) ) + + printf( "%-11s RGB -> %7s Lab -> RGB max(delta)=%g %d samples at %g sec/sample", + space, which, max(delta), count, time_elapsed/count ) + } + } + + + + return( TRUE ) + } > > > > # make points outside the gamut on purpose > testGamut <- function() + { + printf( "--------------------- testGamut() -----------------------" ) + + # make an ACES space + theOETF = general.RRT( redmod='1.1+pinv' ) * general.PODT( REC709_PRI, Ymax=100, surround='dim' ) * sRGB.EOTF^-1 + theEOTF = sRGB.EOTF + ok = installRGB( 'test-ACES', scene=AP0_PRI, OETF=theOETF, EOTF=theEOTF ) + if( ! ok ) return(FALSE) + + domain = domain(theOETF) #; print(domain) + if( ncol(domain) != 3 ) return(FALSE) # something is wrong ! + + edge = domain[2, ] - domain[1, ] + center = colMeans(domain) #; print(center) + + # make random scene RGBs that are just outside the domain box + set.seed(0) + count = 1000 + + RGBlin = matrix( runif(3*count,min=-1,max=1), ncol=3 ) + + # push to boundary + rmax = apply( abs(RGBlin), 1, max ) #; print(rmax) + + RGBlin = RGBlin / rmax #; print(RGBlin) + + RGBlin = matrix(center,count,3,byrow=T) + matrix( 1.01*edge/2 ,count,3,byrow=T) * RGBlin #; print(RGBlin) + + time_start = gettime() + + df = SignalRGBfromLinearRGB( RGBlin, space='test-ACES', which='scene' ) #; print(df) + + time_elapsed = gettime() - time_start + + RGB = df$RGB + + # every row of RGB should between 0 and 1, or all NAs + myfun <- function( RGB ) + { + if( all(is.na(RGB)) ) return(TRUE) + + if( all( 0<=RGB & RGB<=1 ) ) return(TRUE) + + # print( "bad RGB=%g,%g,%g", RGB[1], RGB[2], RGB[3] ) + + return(FALSE) + } + + mask = apply( RGB, 1, myfun ) #; print(mask) + + if( any( ! mask ) ) + { + idx = which( ! mask )[1] + print( "bad RGB=%g,%g,%g", RGB[idx,1], RGB[idx,2], RGB[idx,3] ) + return(FALSE) + } + + # all should be outside + outside = df$OutOfGamut + if( any( ! outside ) ) + { + idx = which( ! outside )[1] + print( "bad RGBlin=%g,%g,%g", RGBlin[idx,1], RGBlin[idx,2], RGBlin[idx,3] ) + return(FALSE) + } + + printf( "Transformed %d ACES samples at %g sec/sample.", count, time_elapsed/count ) + + return( TRUE ) + } > > > x = gettime() # load microbenchmark > > if( ! testRGB() ) stop( "testRGB() failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testRGB() ----------------------- --- RGB -> XYZ -> RGB ------ sRGB RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=1.47349e-12 100000 samples at 2.21858e-06 sec/sample sRGB RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=1.47349e-12 100000 samples at 2.27011e-06 sec/sample AdobeRGB RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=8.1882e-09 100000 samples at 1.79583e-06 sec/sample AdobeRGB RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=8.1882e-09 100000 samples at 1.85397e-06 sec/sample ProPhotoRGB RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=7.78932e-13 100000 samples at 2.00784e-06 sec/sample ProPhotoRGB RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=7.78932e-13 100000 samples at 2.20862e-06 sec/sample AppleRGB RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=1.8971e-10 100000 samples at 1.76529e-06 sec/sample AppleRGB RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=1.8971e-10 100000 samples at 2.0249e-06 sec/sample BT.709 RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=6.37379e-13 100000 samples at 1.87557e-06 sec/sample BT.709 RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=6.37379e-13 100000 samples at 1.99949e-06 sec/sample BT.2020 RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=3.41061e-13 100000 samples at 2.27328e-06 sec/sample BT.2020 RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=3.41061e-13 100000 samples at 2.02111e-06 sec/sample 240M RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=7.35412e-13 100000 samples at 2.08248e-06 sec/sample 240M RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=7.35412e-13 100000 samples at 2.38409e-06 sec/sample HD+2.4 RGB -> scene XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=6.37379e-13 100000 samples at 2.07994e-06 sec/sample HD+2.4 RGB -> display XYZ -> RGB max(delta)=1.20705e-07 100000 samples at 1.86062e-06 sec/sample --- RGB -> Lab -> RGB ------ sRGB RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=4.04388e-12 100000 samples at 4.24799e-06 sec/sample sRGB RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=4.04388e-12 100000 samples at 4.01941e-06 sec/sample AdobeRGB RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.01281e-07 100000 samples at 3.80818e-06 sec/sample AdobeRGB RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.01281e-07 100000 samples at 3.85106e-06 sec/sample ProPhotoRGB RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.98241e-12 100000 samples at 3.6463e-06 sec/sample ProPhotoRGB RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.98241e-12 100000 samples at 3.73372e-06 sec/sample AppleRGB RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=3.89711e-10 100000 samples at 4.84526e-06 sec/sample AppleRGB RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=3.89711e-10 100000 samples at 4.93389e-06 sec/sample BT.709 RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.86873e-12 100000 samples at 4.09236e-06 sec/sample BT.709 RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.86873e-12 100000 samples at 4.47402e-06 sec/sample BT.2020 RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=8.49099e-13 100000 samples at 4.07645e-06 sec/sample BT.2020 RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=8.49099e-13 100000 samples at 4.7183e-06 sec/sample 240M RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.56009e-12 100000 samples at 5.75651e-06 sec/sample 240M RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.56009e-12 100000 samples at 4.20614e-06 sec/sample HD+2.4 RGB -> scene Lab -> RGB max(delta)=1.86873e-12 100000 samples at 5.14705e-06 sec/sample HD+2.4 RGB -> display Lab -> RGB max(delta)=2.07679e-07 100000 samples at 4.23304e-06 sec/sample > > if( ! testGamut() ) stop( "testGamut() failed !", call.=FALSE ) --------------------- testGamut() ----------------------- Transformed 1000 ACES samples at 0.000237022 sec/sample. > > printf( "\nPassed all Conversion tests !" ) Passed all Conversion tests ! > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 9.34 1.73 11.06