cat(crayon::yellow("\ntest computations of numerical Information matrix:")) data("wafers") lmmfit <- fitme(y ~X1+X2+X1*X3+X2*X3+I(X2^2)+(1|batch),data=wafers) (numinfo <- numInfo(lmmfit,FALSE)) crit <- diff(range(numinfo- numInfo(lmmfit,TRUE))) testthat::test_that("numInfo(.,FALSE)= numInfo(.,TRUE)", testthat::expect_true(crit<1e-10)) crit <- max(abs(sqrt(diag(solve(numinfo))[3:9]) - summary(lmmfit,verbose=FALSE)$beta_table[,"Cond. SE"])) testthat::test_that("numInfo() consistent with cond.SEs", testthat::expect_true(crit<2e-8)) lmmfit <- fitme(y ~X1+X2+X1*X3+X2*X3+I(X2^2)+(1|batch),data=wafers, method="REML") # variances are huge numinfo <- numInfo(lmmfit,transf=FALSE) crit <- diff(range(numinfo- numInfo(lmmfit,transf=TRUE))) testthat::test_that("numInfo(.,FALSE)= numInfo(.,TRUE) (REML)", testthat::expect_true(crit<1e-10)) # works maybe by 'chance', the gradient of marginal lik wrt all params still being ~0 crit <- max(abs(sqrt(diag(solve(numInfo(lmmfit,transf=FALSE,which="beta")))) - summary(lmmfit,verbose=FALSE)$beta_table[,"Cond. SE"])) testthat::test_that("numInfo() consistent with cond.SEs (REML)", testthat::expect_true(crit<1e-8)) if (FALSE) { (lm_mix <- fitme(formula=y ~ 1, family=gaussian(), resid.model= list(formula= ~ 1+(1|batch)), data=wafers)) numInfo(lm_mix) # seems OK, but *the same model* with a different parametrisation of the intercept: # logically expected and documented issues with mixed-effect residual-dispersion model (loglm_mix <- fitme(formula=y ~ 1, family=gaussian(log), resid.model= list(formula= ~ 1+(1|batch)), data=wafers)) numInfo(loglm_mix) # numInfo(lm_mix, refit_hacks = list(verbose=c(TRACE=TRUE))) shows the same higher-lik as in numInfo(loglm_mix) # but the gradient is larger on the log scale => detection by numInfo only in th latter case. # numInfo fixes beta values (indeed, these are the only ones considered here) # Using outer-beta estimation then exhibits an underlying issue that happens with fixed beta's (here simplified again as gaussian() and fixing other parameters): (outer_lm_mix <- fitme(formula=y ~ 1, family=gaussian(), resid.model= list(formula= ~ 1+(1|batch), fixed=list(lambda=VarCorr(lm_mix$resid_fit)[1,3],etaFix=list(beta=fixef(lm_mix$resid_fit)))), init=list(beta=fixef(lm_mix)), data=wafers, verbose=c(phifit=2))) # => symptom: outer optim leads to 1220.8641 and final refit to -1220.873. # Only the v_h's of the resid model are inferred, and the beta and resid-v_h are not jointly consistent with each other (since outer beta-> no new beta from new resid-v_h) # The initial likelihood = the final, and logL rises above in between (only the final refit brings it back. But this final refit does not use outer-beta) # Note also that may not work on outer-beta fits: numInfo(outer_lm_mix) (___F I X M E___) # outer-beta results are insensitive to the family link... which makes sense. (outer_loglm_mix <- fitme(formula=y ~ 1, family=gaussian(log), resid.model= list(formula= ~ 1+(1|batch), fixed=list(lambda=VarCorr(loglm_mix$resid_fit)[1,3],etaFix=list(beta=fixef(lm_mix$resid_fit)))), init=list(beta=fixef(loglm_mix)), data=wafers, verbose=c(phifit=2))) } if (TRUE) { # Largely undocumented variants for fixing arguments data("blackcap") if (FALSE) { # This worked for .dispFn(NULL) not failing (returning numeric(0), presumably ignored) # But now .dispFn(NULL) fails (intentionally) so this previously undocumented syntax is just no longer feasible. (mrf <- fitme(migStatus ~ 1 + multIMRF(1|longitude+latitude,margin=5,levels=1),data=blackcap, method="ML",fixed=list(phi=1,lambda=1,hyper=list("1"=list(hy_kap=1)))) ) numInfo(mrf) } (mrf <- fitme(migStatus ~ 1 + multIMRF(1|longitude+latitude,margin=5,levels=1),data=blackcap, method="ML",fixed=list(phi=1,hyper=list("1"=list(hy_lam=1,hy_kap=1)))) ) numInfo(mrf) (mrf <- fitme(migStatus ~ 1 + multIMRF(1|longitude+latitude,margin=5,levels=1),data=blackcap, method="ML",fixed=list(phi=1,hyper=list("1"=list(hy_trL=.dispFn(1),hy_trK=-4.59512)))) ) # .dispFn() is exported numInfo(mrf) if (FALSE) { # But this one does not work whatever the dispFn: (mrf <- fitme(migStatus ~ 1 + multIMRF(1|longitude+latitude,margin=5,levels=1),data=blackcap, method="ML",fixed=list(phi=1,lambda=1,corrPars=list("1"=list(kappa=1)))) ) } # HLCor: this happens to work: (mrf <- HLCor(migStatus ~ 1 + multIMRF(1|longitude+latitude,margin=5,levels=1),data=blackcap, HLmethod="ML",ranPars=list(phi=1,lambda=1,corrPars=list("1"=list(kappa=1)))) ) numInfo(mrf) } if (spaMM.getOption("example_maxtime")>0.7) { # not an actual timing if(requireNamespace("lme4", quietly = TRUE)) { # check that partially fixing of ranCoefs is taken into account data("sleepstudy", package="lme4") spfit <- fitme(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy, fixed=list(ranCoefs=list("1"=c(NA,0.1,NA)))) numInfo(spfit, check_deriv = TRUE) # the warning is not strictly necessary in this case, so _slightly_ confusing (despite being formally correct). numInfo(spfit, check_deriv = FALSE) } }