R Under development (unstable) (2023-05-19 r84451 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # tools::check_packages_in_dir(".", check_args = "--no-multiarch") > # devtools::check(".", args ="--no-multiarch", manual=TRUE) > if (Sys.getenv("_LOCAL_TESTS_")=="TRUE") { ## set in /etc/Renviron.site (cf R Windows FAQ) or by usethis::edit_r_environ() for 'user' one (in C:/Documents) + # BUT there is a problem... see AAA_Renviron_mess.R + if(requireNamespace("testthat", quietly = TRUE)) { + pkg <- "spaMM" + require(pkg, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE) + # options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file = TRUE)})) # useful for bugs in .do_TRACE() + if (interactive()) { + # **** see # see AAA_install_INLA.memo.txt: to install INLA **** + # install.packages(c("DHARMa", "inlabru")) # + private pakg "probitgem" + # options(error=recover) + # spaMM.options(use_ZA_L=NULL) + # abyss <- matrix(runif(2e7),nrow=1000); gc(reset=TRUE) ## partial control of gc trigger... + { + # spaMM.options(projpath="C:/home/francois/travail/stats/spaMMplus/spaMM") + testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests/testthat/"),pattern="*.R$",full.names = TRUE) + # testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests/testthat/"),full.names = TRUE)[-1L] # temporary fix for Rstudio problem + # testfiles <- dir(paste0("C:/home/francois/travail/stats/spaMMplus/atuer","/package/tests/testthat/"),pattern="*.R",full.names = TRUE) + # testfiles <- dir(paste0("C:/home/francois/travail/stats/spaMMplus/spaMM","/package/tests/testthat/"),pattern="*.R",full.names = TRUE) + # + tfun <- function(x) { + gc()# cf doc of system.time(., gcFirst) => but if gc timings are highly variable, gcFirst=TRUE is pointless (and the whole is misleading). + system.time(source(x), gcFirst=FALSE) + } + while (dev.cur()>1L) dev.off() + op <- devAskNewPage(ask=FALSE) + # oldmaxt <- spaMM.options(example_maxtime=60) + timings <- t(sapply(testfiles, function(fich){tfun(fich)})) + # spaMM.options(oldmaxt) + print(sums <- colSums(timings)) + } + if (FALSE) { # long mv tests, not really for the timings; important tests, mv_nested notably + if (TRUE) { # 'pattern' should work, but didn't in Rstudio. Fixed in Rstudio version 2022.07.2+576 + extra_testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests/testthat/extralong/"),pattern="*.R$",full.names = TRUE) + } else { + extra_testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests/testthat/extralong/"),full.names = TRUE) + extra_testfiles <- extra_testfiles[grep("*.R$",extra_testfiles)] + } + # extra_testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests/testthat/extralong/"),full.names = TRUE) + extra_timings <- t(sapply(extra_testfiles, function(fich){ + cat(crayon::green(paste0("\n",fich))) + gc() + tps <- system.time(chk <- try(source(fich)), gcFirst=FALSE) + if (inherits(chk,"try-error")) warning(paste0(fich," generated an error")) + tps + })) + print(colSums(extra_timings)) + } + ## testthat::test_package(pkg) ## for an installed package + if (FALSE) { ## tests not included in package (using unpublished data, etc.) + # install.packages("FactoMineR") + # see also includes in tests_private/test-back-compat.R + if (TRUE) { # see above comment about Rstudio + priv_testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests_private/"),pattern="*.R$",full.names = TRUE) + } else { + priv_testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests_private/"),full.names = TRUE) + priv_testfiles <- priv_testfiles[grep("*.R$",priv_testfiles)] + } + priv_testfiles <- setdiff(priv_testfiles,paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/tests_private/knit_LM2GLMM.R")) + priv_timings <- t(sapply(priv_testfiles, function(fich){ + cat(crayon::green(paste0("\n",fich))) + gc() + tps <- system.time(chk <- try(source(fich)), gcFirst=FALSE) + if (inherits(chk,"try-error")) warning(paste0(fich," generated an error")) + tps + })) + print(colSums(priv_timings)) # very roughly 1205.44 s elapsed for default maxtime (0.7) # much less after improving COMP + } + if (FALSE) { ## kept separate bc obscure interference as if there was a bug in setTimeLimit()*Rstudio ? + # abyss <- matrix(runif(2e7),nrow=1000); gc(reset=TRUE) ## partial control of gc trigger... but RESTARTING R appears more efficient. + useR2021_testfiles <- dir(paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/package/useR2021/"),pattern="*.R",full.names = TRUE) + useR2021_timings <- t(sapply(useR2021_testfiles, function(fich){ + cat(crayon::green(paste0("\n",fich))) + gc() + tps <- system.time(chk <- try(source(fich)), gcFirst=FALSE) + if (inherits(chk,"try-error")) warning(paste0(fich," generated an error")) + tps + })) + print(colSums(useR2021_timings)) + } + devAskNewPage(op) + if (FALSE) { + save(timings,file=paste0(spaMM::projpath(),"/timings_",packageVersion("spaMM"),"_",sums[[1]],"s.rda")) + } + } else if (FALSE) { ## for R CMD check (but still assuming _LOCAL_TESTS_), but this does not work on nested files + library("testthat") # cf ?test_check for using library() here: + library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) + oldmaxt <- spaMM.options(example_maxtime=60) ## then slow (Rstudio -> devtools tests) + report <- test_check(pkg) + spaMM.options(oldmaxt) + print(warnings()) # TODO? catch most of these by expect_warning(..) + } + } else { + cat( "package 'testthat' not available, cannot run unit tests\n" ) + } + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.20 0.07 0.26