options("rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings"="none") library(sp) data(meuse.grid) x = meuse.grid coordinates(x) = c("x", "y") gridded(x) = TRUE gridded(x) image(x["dist"]) fullgrid(x) = TRUE fullgrid(x) # summary(x) gridparameters(x) class(as(x, "matrix")) fullgrid(x) = FALSE fullgrid(x) # summary(x) class(as(x, "matrix")) gridparameters(x) df = data.frame(z = c(1:6,NA,8,9), xc = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), yc = c(rep(c(0, 1.5, 3),3))) coordinates(df) = ~xc+yc gridded(df) = TRUE gridparameters(df) as(df, "matrix") # get grid topology: grd = points2grid(as(df, "SpatialPoints"), 1e-31) grd getGridIndex(coordinates(df), grd) g = SpatialGrid(grid = grd) fullgrid(g) fullgrid(g) = TRUE class(g) # the next one has to fail: fullgrid(g) <- FALSE class(g) # summary(df) image(df["z"]) as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(df) as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(df["z"]) coordinatevalues(getGridTopology(df)) as.data.frame(df) fullgrid(df) = TRUE as.data.frame(df) fullgrid(df) = FALSE as.data.frame(df) fullgrid(df) = TRUE fullgrid(df) = FALSE as.data.frame(df) df = as.data.frame(df) set.seed(133331) df$xc = df$xc + rep(.001*rnorm(3), 3)[1:8] df.sp = SpatialPoints(df[c("xc", "yc")]) df.grd = SpatialPixels(df.sp, tolerance = .01) df.grd[1:4,,tolerance=.01,drop=TRUE] df.grd[1:4,,tolerance=.01]