R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-29 r87668 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
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> options("rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings"="none")
> library(sp)
> data(meuse)
> x = meuse[1:10, ] # limit the output
> coordinates(x) = c("x", "y") # names
> bbox(x)
     min    max
x 181025 181390
y 333168 333611
> is.projected(x)
[1] NA
> dimensions(x)
[1] 2
> x
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
   lime landuse dist.m
1     1      Ah     50
2     1      Ah     30
3     1      Ah    150
4     0      Ga    270
5     0      Ah    380
6     0      Ga    470
7     0      Ah    240
8     0      Ab    120
9     0      Ab    240
10    0       W    420
> x = meuse[1:10, ]
> coordinates(x) = c(1, 2) # coordinate column numbers
> x
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
   lime landuse dist.m
1     1      Ah     50
2     1      Ah     30
3     1      Ah    150
4     0      Ga    270
5     0      Ah    380
6     0      Ga    470
7     0      Ah    240
8     0      Ab    120
9     0      Ab    240
10    0       W    420
> x = meuse[1:10, ]
> coordinates(x) = ~x+y # coordinates formula
> x
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
   lime landuse dist.m
1     1      Ah     50
2     1      Ah     30
3     1      Ah    150
4     0      Ga    270
5     0      Ah    380
6     0      Ga    470
7     0      Ah    240
8     0      Ab    120
9     0      Ab    240
10    0       W    420
> x = meuse[1:10, ]
> coordinates(x) = meuse[1:10, c("x", "y")] # coords, as data.frame
> x
        coordinates      x      y cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist
1  (181072, 333611) 181072 333611    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803
2  (181025, 333558) 181025 333558     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430
3  (181165, 333537) 181165 333537     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900
4  (181298, 333484) 181298 333484     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400
5  (181307, 333330) 181307 333330     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000
6  (181390, 333260) 181390 333260     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700
7  (181165, 333370) 181165 333370     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400
8  (181027, 333363) 181027 333363     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160
9  (181060, 333231) 181060 333231     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400
10 (181232, 333168) 181232 333168     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200
     om ffreq soil lime landuse dist.m
1  13.6     1    1    1      Ah     50
2  14.0     1    1    1      Ah     30
3  13.0     1    1    1      Ah    150
4   8.0     1    2    0      Ga    270
5   8.7     1    2    0      Ah    380
6   7.8     1    2    0      Ga    470
7   9.2     1    2    0      Ah    240
8   9.5     1    1    0      Ab    120
9  10.6     1    1    0      Ab    240
10  6.3     1    2    0       W    420
> x = meuse[1:10, ]
> coordinates(x) = as.matrix(meuse[1:10, c("x", "y")]) # coords, as matrix
> x
        coordinates      x      y cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist
1  (181072, 333611) 181072 333611    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803
2  (181025, 333558) 181025 333558     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430
3  (181165, 333537) 181165 333537     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900
4  (181298, 333484) 181298 333484     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400
5  (181307, 333330) 181307 333330     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000
6  (181390, 333260) 181390 333260     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700
7  (181165, 333370) 181165 333370     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400
8  (181027, 333363) 181027 333363     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160
9  (181060, 333231) 181060 333231     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400
10 (181232, 333168) 181232 333168     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200
     om ffreq soil lime landuse dist.m
1  13.6     1    1    1      Ah     50
2  14.0     1    1    1      Ah     30
3  13.0     1    1    1      Ah    150
4   8.0     1    2    0      Ga    270
5   8.7     1    2    0      Ah    380
6   7.8     1    2    0      Ga    470
7   9.2     1    2    0      Ah    240
8   9.5     1    1    0      Ab    120
9  10.6     1    1    0      Ab    240
10  6.3     1    2    0       W    420
> x = meuse[1:20,]
> coordinates(x) = c("x", "y") # coordinate column names
> print(summary(x))
Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
     min    max
x 180555 181390
y 332707 333611
Is projected: NA 
proj4string : [NA]
Number of points: 20
Data attributes:
    cadmium           copper           lead            zinc       
 Min.   : 1.400   Min.   :24.00   Min.   : 80.0   Min.   : 183.0  
 1st Qu.: 2.475   1st Qu.:30.50   1st Qu.:126.8   1st Qu.: 278.0  
 Median : 3.100   Median :64.50   Median :142.5   Median : 455.0  
 Mean   : 5.465   Mean   :56.95   Mean   :171.7   Mean   : 569.7  
 3rd Qu.: 8.625   3rd Qu.:81.00   3rd Qu.:215.2   3rd Qu.: 806.8  
 Max.   :12.900   Max.   :95.00   Max.   :299.0   Max.   :1141.0  
      elev            dist                om         ffreq  soil   lime  
 Min.   :6.860   Min.   :0.000000   Min.   : 6.300   1:20   1:14   0:11  
 1st Qu.:7.280   1st Qu.:0.009508   1st Qu.: 8.625   2: 0   2: 6   1: 9  
 Median :7.795   Median :0.108480   Median :10.050   3: 0   3: 0         
 Mean   :7.952   Mean   :0.128719   Mean   :11.285                       
 3rd Qu.:8.705   3rd Qu.:0.199601   3rd Qu.:14.200                       
 Max.   :9.073   Max.   :0.364067   Max.   :16.200                       
    landuse      dist.m     
 Ah     :7   Min.   : 10.0  
 W      :6   1st Qu.: 17.5  
 Ab     :2   Median :140.0  
 Ga     :2   Mean   :174.5  
 Ag     :1   3rd Qu.:277.5  
 (Other):1   Max.   :470.0  
 NA's   :1                  
> x[1:10] # first 10 columns
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
11 (181191, 333115)     1.4     25   86  189 9.015 0.31511600  6.4     1    2
12 (181032, 333031)     1.8     25   97  251 9.073 0.22812300  9.0     1    1
13 (180874, 333339)    11.2     93  285 1096 7.320 0.00000000 15.4     1    1
14 (180969, 333252)     2.5     31  183  504 8.815 0.11393200  8.4     1    1
15 (181011, 333161)     2.0     27  130  326 8.937 0.16833600  9.1     1    1
16 (180830, 333246)     9.5     86  240 1032 7.702 0.00000000 16.2     1    1
17 (180763, 333104)     7.0     74  133  606 7.160 0.01222430 16.0     1    1
18 (180694, 332972)     7.1     69  148  711 7.100 0.01222430 16.0     1    1
19 (180625, 332847)     8.7     69  207  735 7.020 0.00000000 13.7     1    1
20 (180555, 332707)    12.9     95  284 1052 6.860 0.00000000 14.8     1    1
1     1
2     1
3     1
4     0
5     0
6     0
7     0
8     0
9     0
10    0
11    0
12    0
13    1
14    0
15    0
16    1
17    1
18    1
19    1
20    1
> x[, 1:10] # first 10 columns
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
11 (181191, 333115)     1.4     25   86  189 9.015 0.31511600  6.4     1    2
12 (181032, 333031)     1.8     25   97  251 9.073 0.22812300  9.0     1    1
13 (180874, 333339)    11.2     93  285 1096 7.320 0.00000000 15.4     1    1
14 (180969, 333252)     2.5     31  183  504 8.815 0.11393200  8.4     1    1
15 (181011, 333161)     2.0     27  130  326 8.937 0.16833600  9.1     1    1
16 (180830, 333246)     9.5     86  240 1032 7.702 0.00000000 16.2     1    1
17 (180763, 333104)     7.0     74  133  606 7.160 0.01222430 16.0     1    1
18 (180694, 332972)     7.1     69  148  711 7.100 0.01222430 16.0     1    1
19 (180625, 332847)     8.7     69  207  735 7.020 0.00000000 13.7     1    1
20 (180555, 332707)    12.9     95  284 1052 6.860 0.00000000 14.8     1    1
1     1
2     1
3     1
4     0
5     0
6     0
7     0
8     0
9     0
10    0
11    0
12    0
13    1
14    0
15    0
16    1
17    1
18    1
19    1
20    1
> x[1:10,] # rows 1-10
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
   lime landuse dist.m
1     1      Ah     50
2     1      Ah     30
3     1      Ah    150
4     0      Ga    270
5     0      Ah    380
6     0      Ga    470
7     0      Ah    240
8     0      Ab    120
9     0      Ab    240
10    0       W    420
> x["zinc"] # column zinc + coords
        coordinates zinc
1  (181072, 333611) 1022
2  (181025, 333558) 1141
3  (181165, 333537)  640
4  (181298, 333484)  257
5  (181307, 333330)  269
6  (181390, 333260)  281
7  (181165, 333370)  346
8  (181027, 333363)  406
9  (181060, 333231)  347
10 (181232, 333168)  183
11 (181191, 333115)  189
12 (181032, 333031)  251
13 (180874, 333339) 1096
14 (180969, 333252)  504
15 (181011, 333161)  326
16 (180830, 333246) 1032
17 (180763, 333104)  606
18 (180694, 332972)  711
19 (180625, 332847)  735
20 (180555, 332707) 1052
> x[, "zinc"] # idem
        coordinates zinc
1  (181072, 333611) 1022
2  (181025, 333558) 1141
3  (181165, 333537)  640
4  (181298, 333484)  257
5  (181307, 333330)  269
6  (181390, 333260)  281
7  (181165, 333370)  346
8  (181027, 333363)  406
9  (181060, 333231)  347
10 (181232, 333168)  183
11 (181191, 333115)  189
12 (181032, 333031)  251
13 (180874, 333339) 1096
14 (180969, 333252)  504
15 (181011, 333161)  326
16 (180830, 333246) 1032
17 (180763, 333104)  606
18 (180694, 332972)  711
19 (180625, 332847)  735
20 (180555, 332707) 1052
> x[1:10, "zinc"] # idem
        coordinates zinc
1  (181072, 333611) 1022
2  (181025, 333558) 1141
3  (181165, 333537)  640
4  (181298, 333484)  257
5  (181307, 333330)  269
6  (181390, 333260)  281
7  (181165, 333370)  346
8  (181027, 333363)  406
9  (181060, 333231)  347
10 (181232, 333168)  183
> x[1:10, c("zinc", "cadmium")] # idem
        coordinates zinc cadmium
1  (181072, 333611) 1022    11.7
2  (181025, 333558) 1141     8.6
3  (181165, 333537)  640     6.5
4  (181298, 333484)  257     2.6
5  (181307, 333330)  269     2.8
6  (181390, 333260)  281     3.0
7  (181165, 333370)  346     3.2
8  (181027, 333363)  406     2.8
9  (181060, 333231)  347     2.4
10 (181232, 333168)  183     1.6
> x[["zinc"]]
 [1] 1022 1141  640  257  269  281  346  406  347  183  189  251 1096  504  326
[16] 1032  606  711  735 1052
> x[["lnzinc"]] <- log(x[["zinc"]])
> x
        coordinates cadmium copper lead zinc  elev       dist   om ffreq soil
1  (181072, 333611)    11.7     85  299 1022 7.909 0.00135803 13.6     1    1
2  (181025, 333558)     8.6     81  277 1141 6.983 0.01222430 14.0     1    1
3  (181165, 333537)     6.5     68  199  640 7.800 0.10302900 13.0     1    1
4  (181298, 333484)     2.6     81  116  257 7.655 0.19009400  8.0     1    2
5  (181307, 333330)     2.8     48  117  269 7.480 0.27709000  8.7     1    2
6  (181390, 333260)     3.0     61  137  281 7.791 0.36406700  7.8     1    2
7  (181165, 333370)     3.2     31  132  346 8.217 0.19009400  9.2     1    2
8  (181027, 333363)     2.8     29  150  406 8.490 0.09215160  9.5     1    1
9  (181060, 333231)     2.4     37  133  347 8.668 0.18461400 10.6     1    1
10 (181232, 333168)     1.6     24   80  183 9.049 0.30970200  6.3     1    2
11 (181191, 333115)     1.4     25   86  189 9.015 0.31511600  6.4     1    2
12 (181032, 333031)     1.8     25   97  251 9.073 0.22812300  9.0     1    1
13 (180874, 333339)    11.2     93  285 1096 7.320 0.00000000 15.4     1    1
14 (180969, 333252)     2.5     31  183  504 8.815 0.11393200  8.4     1    1
15 (181011, 333161)     2.0     27  130  326 8.937 0.16833600  9.1     1    1
16 (180830, 333246)     9.5     86  240 1032 7.702 0.00000000 16.2     1    1
17 (180763, 333104)     7.0     74  133  606 7.160 0.01222430 16.0     1    1
18 (180694, 332972)     7.1     69  148  711 7.100 0.01222430 16.0     1    1
19 (180625, 332847)     8.7     69  207  735 7.020 0.00000000 13.7     1    1
20 (180555, 332707)    12.9     95  284 1052 6.860 0.00000000 14.8     1    1
   lime landuse dist.m   lnzinc
1     1      Ah     50 6.929517
2     1      Ah     30 7.039660
3     1      Ah    150 6.461468
4     0      Ga    270 5.549076
5     0      Ah    380 5.594711
6     0      Ga    470 5.638355
7     0      Ah    240 5.846439
8     0      Ab    120 6.006353
9     0      Ab    240 5.849325
10    0       W    420 5.209486
11    0      Fh    400 5.241747
12    0      Ag    300 5.525453
13    1       W     20 6.999422
14    0      Ah    130 6.222576
15    0      Ah    220 5.786897
16    1       W     10 6.939254
17    1       W     10 6.406880
18    1       W     10 6.566672
19    1       W     10 6.599870
20    1    <NA>     10 6.958448
> print(summary(x[1:10, "zinc"])) # check bbox
Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
     min    max
x 181025 181390
y 333168 333611
Is projected: NA 
proj4string : [NA]
Number of points: 10
Data attributes:
 Min.   : 183.0  
 1st Qu.: 272.0  
 Median : 346.5  
 Mean   : 489.2  
 3rd Qu.: 581.5  
 Max.   :1141.0  
> print(summary(x["zinc"])) # compare bbox
Object of class SpatialPointsDataFrame
     min    max
x 180555 181390
y 332707 333611
Is projected: NA 
proj4string : [NA]
Number of points: 20
Data attributes:
 Min.   : 183.0  
 1st Qu.: 278.0  
 Median : 455.0  
 Mean   : 569.7  
 3rd Qu.: 806.8  
 Max.   :1141.0  
> data(meuse.grid)
> coordinates(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
> gridded(meuse.grid) = TRUE
> plot(meuse.grid)
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
   0.71    0.18    0.89