R Under development (unstable) (2023-08-08 r84908 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # plotMonitor <- function(x,...){ > # mmin <- min(x) > # mmax <- max(x) > # plot(x[1,], type="l", ylim=c(mmin,mmax)) > # if(nrow(x) > 1){ > # for(i in 2:nrow(x)){ > # par(new=TRUE) > # plot(x[i,], col=i, ylim=c(mmin,mmax), ylab="",xlab="", type="l",...) > # } > # } > # legend("topright",legend = rownames(x), col=1:(nrow(x)), bty="n", lty=1) > # } > # > # library(sommer) > # data("DT_cpdata") > # DT <- DT_cpdata > # GT <- GT_cpdata > # MP <- MP_cpdata > # DT$Yield <- imputev(DT$Yield) > # #### create the variance-covariance matrix > # K <- A.mat(GT) # additive relationship matrix > # K <- K + diag(1e-3,nrow(K)) > # #### look at the data and fit the model > # head(DT) > # mix1 <- mmer(Yield~1, > # random=~vsr(id,Gu=K) > # + Rowf, > # rcov=~units, > # data=DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # Ki <- as(solve(K), Class="sparseMatrix") > # mix2 <- mmec(fixed=Yield~1, > # random=~vsc(ids(id),Gu=Ki) + Rowf, > # rcov=~units, return.param = F, > # data=DT) > # > # mix2$monitor[,15] > # plotMonitor(mix2$monitor) > # pp <- predict.mmec(object=mix2,classify = c("id","(Intercept)"))#, ignore="Rowf") > # head(pp$pvals) > # > # Z <- list(model.matrix(~id-1, data=DT),model.matrix(~Rowf-1,data=DT) > # ) > # Zind <- 1:2 > # > # A <- list( > # K, > # diag(13) > # ) # > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # thetaI <- list( > # matrix(1000,1,1), > # matrix(1000,1,1), > # matrix(1000,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # thetaC <- list( > # matrix(1,1,1), > # matrix(1,1,1), > # matrix(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~1, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$Yield) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40) # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=c(seq(.9,.1,-.2),rep(0,36));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # # compare results > # res3$monitor > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # # CS + DIAGONAL MODEL > # > # library(sommer) > # data("DT_example") > # DT <- DT_example > # K <- A_example > # #### look at the data and fit the model > # head(DT) > # DT$Yield <- scale(DT$Yield) > # mix1 <- mmer(Yield~Env, > # random= ~Name + vsr(dsr(Env),Name), > # rcov= ~ vsr(dsr(Env),units), > # data=DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # mix2 <- mmec(Yield~Env, > # random= ~ Name + vsc(dsr(Env),ids(Name)), > # rcov= ~ vsc(dsr(Env),ids(units)), > # return.param = F, > # data=DT) > # plotMonitor(mix2$monitor) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # mix2$sigma > # > # zz <- with(DT, vsr(dsr(Env),Name)) > # > # Z <- c(list(model.matrix(~Name-1, data=DT)),zz$Z) > # > # Zind <- c(1,2,2,2) > # > # A <- list(diag(41), diag(41))#rep(list(diag(41)),4) > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # thetaI <- list( > # matrix(10,1,1), > # diag(10,3,3), > # diag(10,3,3) > # );thetaI > # > # thetaC <- list( > # matrix(1,1,1), > # diag(1,3,3), > # diag(1,3,3) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~Env, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$Yield) > # > # DTx <- DT; DTx$units <- as.factor(1:nrow(DTx)) > # ss <- with(DTx, vsr(dsr(Env),units) ) > # > # S <- ss$Z #list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40); # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=c(seq(.9,.1,-.1),rep(0,36)); # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # # compare results > # res3$monitor > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # # UNSTRUCTURED MODEL > # library(sommer) > # data("DT_example") > # DT <- DT_example > # K <- A_example > # #### look at the data and fit the model > # head(DT) > # DT$Yield <- scale(DT$Yield) > # mix1 <- mmer(Yield~Env, > # random= ~ vsr(usr(Env),Name), > # rcov= ~ vsr(dsr(Env),units), > # data=DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp[,1] > # mix1$Beta > # > # # > summary(mix1)$varcomp[,1] > # # [1] 0.76660279 0.29901471 0.22166682 0.31243923 0.01923234 0.42072739 0.24321083 0.27761802 > # # [9] 0.12513727 > # > # mix2 <- mmec(fixed=Yield~Env-1, > # random= ~ vsc(usr(Env),ids(Name)), > # rcov= ~ vsc(dsr(Env),ids(units)), > # return.param = F, > # # emweight = rep(1,30), > # nIters = 30, > # data=DT) > # mix2$theta > # plotMonitor(mix2$monitor, cex=1) > # mix2$sigma > # mix2$monitor[,12] > # plot(summary(mix1)$varcomp[,1],mix2$sigma) > # > # zz <- with(DT, vsr(dsr(Env),Name)) > # > # Z <- zz$Z > # > # Zind <- rep(1,length(Z)) > # > # A <- list( diag(41) )#rep(list(diag(41)),4) > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # tt = ((unsm(3)/5) + diag(.8,3,3)) * 10 ;# tt[lower.tri(tt)]=0;tt > # thetaI <- list( > # tt, > # diag(10,3,3) > # );thetaI > # > # ttc= unsm(3);ttc[lower.tri(ttc)]=0;ttc > # thetaC <- list( > # ttc, > # diag(1,3,3) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~Env, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$Yield) > # > # DTx <- DT; DTx$units <- as.factor(1:nrow(DTx)) > # ss <- with(DTx, vsr(dsr(Env),units) ) > # > # S <- ss$Z #list(diag(length(y))) > # > # Sind <- rep(1,3) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,50);weightInf # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=rep(1,50) > # weightEmInf=c(seq(1,.1,-.1),rep(0,50));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # res3$monitor > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # > # > # library(sommer) > # data(DT_technow) > # DT <- DT_technow > # Md <- Md_technow > # Mf <- Mf_technow > # Md <- (Md*2) - 1 > # Mf <- (Mf*2) - 1 > # Ad <- A.mat(Md) > # Af <- A.mat(Mf) > # DT$GY <- scale(DT$GY) > # ####=========================================#### > # ####=========================================#### > # mix1 <- mmer(GY~1, > # random=~vsr(dent,Gu=Ad) + vsr(flint,Gu=Af), > # rcov=~units, > # data=DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp[,1] > # > # Adi <- as(solve(Ad + diag(ncol(Ad))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # Afi <- as(solve(Af + diag(ncol(Af))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # > # mix2 <- mmec(GY~1, > # random=~vsc(ids(dent),Gu=Adi) + vsc(ids(flint),Gu=Afi), > # rcov=~units, return.param = F, > # data=DT) > # mix2$monitor > # mix2$sigma > # > # z1=model.matrix(~dent-1, data=DT); colnames(z1) <- gsub("dent","",colnames(z1)) > # z2=model.matrix(~flint-1, data=DT); colnames(z2) <- gsub("flint","",colnames(z2)) > # > # Z <- list(z1,z2) > # > # Zind <- 1:2 > # > # A <- list( > # Ad[colnames(z1),colnames(z1)], > # Af[colnames(z2),colnames(z2)] > # ) > # A <- lapply(A, function(x){x + diag(1e-3,ncol(x),ncol(x))}) > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # thetaI <- list( > # matrix(10,1,1), > # matrix(10,1,1), > # matrix(10,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # thetaC <- list( > # matrix(1,1,1), > # matrix(1,1,1), > # matrix(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~1, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$GY) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40);weightInf # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=c(seq(.9,.1,-.2),rep(0,36));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # # v2=rep(1,40) > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=FALSE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # res3$monitor > # > # dim(res3$Ci) > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # > # library(sommer) > # data(DT_ige) > # DT <- DT_ige > # Af <- A_ige > # An <- A_ige > # DT$trait <- scale(imputev(DT$trait)) > # ### Direct genetic effects model > # mix1 <- mmer(trait ~ block, > # random = ~vsr(focal,Gu=Af) + vsr(neighbour,Gu=An), > # rcov = ~ units, > # data = DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # Afi <- as(solve(Af + diag(ncol(Af))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # Ani <- as(solve(An + diag(ncol(An))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # > # mix2 <- mmec(trait ~ block, > # random = ~vsc(ids(focal),Gu=Afi) + vsc(ids(neighbour),Gu=Ani), > # rcov = ~ units, return.param = F, > # data = DT) > # mix2$monitor > # plotMonitor(mix2$monitor) > # > # g=(unsm(2)*-.15) + (diag(2)*.4) > # g > # mix3 <- mmec(trait ~ block, > # random = ~vsc(ids(focal),ids(neighbour),Gu=Afi, meN=2, meThetaC = unsm(2)),# + vsc(ids(neighbour),Gu=Ani), > # rcov = ~ units, return.param = F, emweight = rep(1,20), > # tolParConv = 1e-6, nIters=40, > # data = DT) > # mix3$monitor > # mix3$sigma > # mix3$rTermsNames > # plotMonitor(mix3$monitor) > # > # > # z1=model.matrix(~focal-1,data=DT); colnames(z1) <- gsub("focal","",colnames(z1)) > # z2=model.matrix(~neighbour-1,data=DT); colnames(z2) <- gsub("neighbour","",colnames(z2)) > # > # Z <- list(z1,z2) > # > # Zind <- 1:2 > # > # A <- list( > # Af[colnames(z1),colnames(z1)], > # An[colnames(z2),colnames(z2)] > # ) > # > # A <- lapply(A, function(x){x + diag(1e-3,ncol(x),ncol(x))}) > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # tt = diag(1)*10000 > # thetaI <- list( > # tt, > # tt, > # diag(10000,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # ttc=diag(1) > # thetaC <- list( > # ttc, > # ttc, > # diag(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~block, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$trait) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40);weightInf # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=c(seq(.9,.1,-.1),rep(0,36));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # # compare results > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # res3$monitor > # > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # # UNSTRUCTURED MODEL > # > # library(sommer) > # data(DT_ige) > # DT <- DT_ige > # Af <- A_ige > # An <- A_ige > # DT$trait <- imputev(DT$trait) > # ### Direct genetic effects model > # xx <- c(rep(1,4),rep(0,40)) > # mix1 <- mmer(trait ~ block, > # random = ~ gvs(focal, neighbour, Gu=list(Af,Af)), > # rcov = ~ units, iters=10,tolpar = 1e-4, > # data = DT, emupdate = xx) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # z1=model.matrix(~focal-1,data=DT); colnames(z1) <- gsub("focal","",colnames(z1)) > # z2=model.matrix(~neighbour-1,data=DT); colnames(z2) <- gsub("neighbour","",colnames(z2)) > # > # Z <- list(z1,z2) > # > # Zind <- rep(1,2) > # A <- list( > # Af > # ) > # > # A <- lapply(A, function(x){x + diag(1e-3,ncol(x),ncol(x))}) > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # tt = ((-unsm(2)/5) + diag(.8,2,2)) * 1000 ; #tt[lower.tri(tt)]=0;tt > # # tt = diag(2)*10000 > # thetaI <- list( > # tt, > # diag(10000,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # ttc= unsm(2);ttc[lower.tri(ttc)]=0;ttc > # # ttc=diag(2) > # thetaC <- list( > # ttc, > # diag(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~block, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$trait) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # > # ## apply the function > # > # weightInf=c(rep(1,100));weightInf > # weightEmInf=c(rep(1,4),seq(1,.1,-.2),rep(0.05,3),rep(0.05,30));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # # compare results > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # res3$monitor > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # # UNSTRUCTURED MODEL > # > # library(orthopolynom) > # data(DT_legendre) > # DT <- DT_legendre > # DT$Y <- scale(imputev(DT$Y)) > # mix1<-mmer(Y~ 1 + Xf > # , random=~ vsr(usr(leg(X,1)),SUBJECT) > # , rcov=~vsr(units), tolpar = 1e-6 > # , data=DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # mix2<-mmec(Y~ 1 + Xf > # , random=~ vsc(usr(leg(X,1)),ids(SUBJECT)) > # , rcov=~units,return.param = F > # , data=DT) > # mix2$monitor > # mix2$sigma > # > # xx=with(DT,vsr(usr(leg(X,1)),SUBJECT)) > # > # Z <- xx$Z[c(1,3)] > # > # Zind <- rep(1,2) > # > # A <- list( > # diag(100) > # ) # > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # tt = ((unsm(2)/5) + diag(.8,2,2)) ; #tt[lower.tri(tt)]=0;tt > # thetaI <- list( > # tt, > # diag(1,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # ttc= unsm(2);ttc[lower.tri(ttc)]=0;ttc > # # ttc=diag(2) > # thetaC <- list( > # ttc, > # diag(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~1 + Xf, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$Y) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40) # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=rep(1,40) > # weightEmInf=c(seq(1,.1,-.2),rep(0,36));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # # compare results > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # res3$monitor > # > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # > # data(DT_cornhybrids) > # DT <- DT_cornhybrids > # DT<-DT[which(!is.na(DT$Yield)),] > # nrow(DT) > # DTi <- DTi_cornhybrids > # GT <- GT_cornhybrids > # hybrid2 <- DT # extract cross data > # A <- GT > # K1 <- A[levels(hybrid2$GCA1), levels(hybrid2$GCA1)]; dim(K1) > # K2 <- A[levels(hybrid2$GCA2), levels(hybrid2$GCA2)]; dim(K2) > # S <- kronecker(K1, K2) ; dim(S) > # rownames(S) <- colnames(S) <- levels(hybrid2$SCA) > # > # hybrid2$Yield <- scale(hybrid2$Yield) > # > # mix1 <- mmer(Yield ~ Location, > # random = ~ vsr(GCA1,Gu=K1) + vsr(GCA2,Gu=K2),# + vsr(SCA,Gu=S), > # rcov=~units, > # data=hybrid2) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # K1i <- as(solve(K1 + diag(ncol(K1))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # K2i <- as(solve(K2 + diag(ncol(K2))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # Si <- as(solve(S + diag(ncol(S))*1e-6 ),Class="sparseMatrix") > # > # mix2 <- mmec(Yield ~ Location, > # random = ~ vsc(ids(GCA1),Gu=K1i) + vsc(ids(GCA2),Gu=K2i),# + vsX(ids(SCA),Gu=Si), > # rcov=~units, return.param = F, > # data=hybrid2) > # mix2$monitor > # mix2$sigma > # > # z1 <- model.matrix(~GCA1-1,data=DT);colnames(z1) <- gsub("GCA1","",colnames(z1)) > # z2 <- model.matrix(~GCA2-1,data=DT);colnames(z2) <- gsub("GCA2","",colnames(z2)) > # z3 <- model.matrix(~SCA-1,data=DT);colnames(z3) <- gsub("SCA","",colnames(z3)) > # > # Z <- list( > # z1,z2,z3 > # ) > # > # Zind <- 1:3 > # > # A <- list( > # K1[colnames(z1),colnames(z1)], K2[colnames(z2),colnames(z2)], S[colnames(z3),colnames(z3)] > # ) # > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # thetaI <- list( > # diag(1)*10, > # diag(1)*10, > # diag(1)*10, > # matrix(50,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # thetaC <- list( > # diag(1), > # diag(1), > # diag(1), > # matrix(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~Location, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$Yield) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40) # weights for the information matrix > # weightEmInf=rep(1,40) > # weightEmInf=c(seq(.9,.5,-.1),rep(0,36));weightEmInf # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp2(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=TRUE, > # nIters=20, tolParConv=1e-5, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # # compare results > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # res3$monitor > # > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # ############################################################################### > # > # library(sommer) > # > # data(DT_h2) > # DT <- DT_h2 > # > # head(DT) > # length(table(DT$Env)) > # nrow(DT) > # DT$y <- scale(DT$y) > # > # ans1 <- mmer(y~Env, > # random=~vsr(dsr(Env),Name) + vsr(dsr(Env),Block), > # rcov=~vsr(dsr(Env),units), > # data=DT) > # summary(ans1)$varcomp > # > # ans2 <- mmec(y~Env, > # random=~vsc(dsr(Env),ids(Name)) + vsc(dsr(Env),ids(Block)), > # rcov=~vsc(dsr(Env),ids(units)), return.param = F, > # # emweight = c(1,rep(0,20)), > # # stepweight = c(1,1,1,rep(0,30)), > # nIters=30, > # data=DT) > # > # plotMonitor(ans2$monitor, cex=.1) > # ans2$sigma > # > # d=ans2$monitor > # plotMonitor(d) > # plot(d[,(ncol(d)-1)], summary(ans1)$varcomp[,1]) > # > # DT2 <- DT[with(DT, order(Env)), ] > # library(asreml) > # ans3 <- asreml(y~Env, > # random=~diag(Env):Name + diag(Env):Block, > # residual=~dsum(~units | Env), > # > # data=DT2) > # > # plot(d[,(ncol(d)-1)], summary(ans3)$varcomp[,1]) > # > # > # xx=with(DT,vsr(dsr(Env),Name)) > # > # Z <- xx$Z > # > # Zind <- rep(1,length(Z)) > # > # A <- list( > # > # diag(41) > # ) # > # > # Ai <- lapply(A, function(x){solve(x)}) > # > # thetaI <- list( > # diag(15)*5,#+diag(rnorm(15)), > # matrix(10,1,1) > # );thetaI > # > # thetaC <- list( > # diag(15), > # matrix(1,1,1) > # );thetaC > # > # X <- model.matrix(~Env, data=DT) > # > # y <- as.matrix(DT$y) > # > # S <- list(diag(length(y))) > # > # H <- diag(length(y)) > # > # addScaleParam <- 0 > # nn <- unlist(lapply(thetaC, function(x){length(which(x > 0))})) > # nn2 <- sum(nn[1:max(Zind)]) > # ff <- diag(nn2) > # thetaF <- cbind(ff,matrix(0,nn2,1)) > # thetaF > # > # ## apply the function > # weightInf=rep(1,40) # weights for the information matrix > # > # weightEmInf =c(seq(1,.1,-.1),rep(.01,30)) > # # weightEmInf =rep(.01,30) > # # weightInfEMv=c(rep(1,8),rep(0,36));weightInfEMv # weights for the EM information matrix > # > # > # Z <- lapply(Z, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # S <- lapply(S, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # Ai <- lapply(Ai, function(x){ > # return(as(x, Class = "sparseMatrix")) > # }) > # > # H <- as(H, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # X <- as(X, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # y <- as(y, Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # tt=system.time( > # expr = res3<-ai_mme_sp(X=X,Z=Z, Zind=Zind, > # Ai=Ai,y=y, > # S=S, > # H=H, useH=FALSE, > # nIters=15, tolParConv=1e-4, > # tolParInv=1e-6,thetaI=thetaI, > # thetaC=thetaC,thetaF=thetaF, > # addScaleParam=addScaleParam, weightEmInf = weightEmInf, > # weightInf = weightInf, > # verbose=TRUE > # > # ) > # ) > # > # plot(res3$monitor[,ncol(res3$monitor)], summary(ans1)$varcomp[,1] ) > # > # plot(res3$llik[1,]) > # > # ####################################################### > # > # data(DT_yatesoats) > # DT <- DT_yatesoats > # head(DT) > # DT$Y <- scale(DT$Y) > # m3 <- mmer(fixed=Y ~ V + N + V:N, > # # random = ~ B + B:MP, > # rcov=~units, > # data = DT) > # summary(m3)$varcomp > # > # m4 <- mmec(fixed=Y ~ V + N + V:N, > # # random = ~ B + B:MP, > # rcov=~units, return.param = F, > # data = DT) > # m4$sigma > # plotMonitor(m4$monitor) > # str(m4) > # > # > # #################################################### > # > # library(sommer) > # data("DT_cpdata") > # DT <- DT_cpdata > # GT <- GT_cpdata > # MP <- MP_cpdata > # DT$Yield <- imputev(DT$Yield) > # #### create the variance-covariance matrix > # K <- A.mat(GT) # additive relationship matrix > # K <- K + diag(1e-3,nrow(K)) > # #### look at the data and fit the model > # head(DT) > # mix1 <- mmer(Yield~1, > # random=~vsr(id,Gu=K) > # + Rowf, > # rcov=~units, > # data=DT) > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # # Ki <- as(solve(K), Class="sparseMatrix") > # m <- GT[,1:300] > # mix2 <- mmec(fixed=Yield~1, > # random=~vsc(ids(m)) + Rowf, > # rcov=~units, return.param = F, > # data=DT) > # mix2$monitor > # summary(mix1)$varcomp > # > # > # > # ?overlay > # > # data("DT_halfdiallel") > # DT <- DT_halfdiallel > # head(DT) > # DT$femalef <- as.factor(DT$female) > # DT$malef <- as.factor(DT$male) > # DT$genof <- as.factor(DT$geno) > # > # A <- diag(7); colnames(A) <- rownames(A) <- 1:7;A # if you want to provide a covariance matrix > # #### model using overlay > # modh <- mmer(sugar~1, > # random=~vsr(overlay(femalef,malef), Gu=A) > # + genof, > # data=DT) > # > # Ai <- as(solve(A), Class="sparseMatrix") > # modh <- mmec(sugar~1, > # random=~vsc(ids(overlay(femalef,malef)), Gu=Ai) > # + genof, #return.param = T, > # data=DT) > # modh$monitor > # > # ##################################################### > # > # ?DT_cpdata > # > # data(DT_cpdata) > # DT <- DT_cpdata > # GT <- GT_cpdata > # MP <- MP_cpdata > # #### create the variance-covariance matrix > # A <- A.mat(GT) # additive relationship matrix > # Ai <- as( solve(A+diag(1e-5,ncol(A),ncol(A))), Class = "sparseMatrix") > # > # head(DT) > # DT <- DT[,-c(7:8)] > # DT$color <- as.vector(scale(DT$color)) > # DT$Yield <- as.vector(scale(DT$Yield)) > # head(DT) > # DT2 <- reshape(DT, idvar = "id", varying = list(5:6), > # v.names = "y", direction = "long", timevar = "trait", times =colnames(DT)[5:6] ) > # DT2$trait <- as.factor(DT2$trait) > # head(DT2) > # > # g=diag(2)*.05 + matrix(.1,2,2);g > # g2 <- diag(2)*.75;g2 > # mix1 <- mmec(y~trait-1, > # random=~vsc(usr(trait, theta = g),ids(id),Gu=Ai), > # stepweight = ss, > # emweight =rep(1,30), > # return.param = F, tolParConv = 1e-6, > # rcov=~vsc(dsr(trait),ids(units)), > # data=DT2) > # > # mix1$theta > # mix1$thetaC > # mix1$sigma > # mix1$b > # plot(mix1$u) > # plot(mix1$llik[1,]) > # > # # > summary(mix2)$varcomp > # # VarComp VarCompSE Zratio Constraint > # # u:id.color-color 0.7557346 0.15068202 5.015426 Positive > # # u:id.color-Yield 0.0848963 0.07171699 1.183768 Unconstr > # # u:id.Yield-Yield 0.1394332 0.07012037 1.988484 Positive > # # u:units.color-color 0.3779553 0.04195655 9.008254 Positive > # # u:units.Yield-Yield 0.8808832 0.07522796 11.709519 Positive > # # # > # > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.18 0.03 0.15