context("fetchSDA_spatial -- requires internet connection") test_that("fetchSDA_spatial basic mupolygon functionality", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("sf") # expect 3, relatively non-extensive join delineations single.mukey <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = "2924882", by.col = 'mukey') expect_equal(nrow(single.mukey), 3) # there are currently 3 MUKEY associated with this national musym # expect 48 delineations for this nmusymn # also test verbose argument expect_silent({full.extent.nmusym <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = "2x8l5", by.col = "nmusym", verbose = FALSE)}) expect_equal(nrow(full.extent.nmusym), 48) # mukey value from single result is in full extent result expect_true(unique(single.mukey$mukey) %in% unique(full.extent.nmusym$mukey)) # make sure additional fields get into result withname <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = "2x8l5", by.col = "nmusym", add.fields = "muname") expect_true(all(withname$muname == "Pentz-Bellota complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes")) }) test_that("fetchSDA_spatial sapolygon and gsmmupolygon", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("sf") # test SSA geometry sapolygon symbs <- c('CA077','CA632','CA644','CA630', 'CA628', 'CA649') by.areasym.bbox <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = symbs, # by.col = "areasymbol", # implied by datatype of x and geom.src method = "bbox", geom.src = "sapolygon", add.fields = "legend.areaname") expect_true(!is.null(by.areasym.bbox$areaname)) expect_equal(nrow(by.areasym.bbox), 6) ## this one is slow # by.areasym <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = unique(by.areasym.bbox$lkey), # by.col = "areasymbol", # geom.src = "sapolygon") <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = unique(by.areasym.bbox$lkey), # by.col = "lkey", # implied by datatype of x and geom.src method = "point", geom.src = "sapolygon", add.fields = "legend.areaname") expect_true(all($areaname %in% c("Amador Area, California", "Central Sierra Foothills Area, California, Parts of Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties", "San Joaquin County, California", "Eastern Stanislaus Area, California", "Mariposa County Area, California", "Stanislaus County, California, Northern Part"))) # test STATSGO gsmmupolygon (5 bbox around 5 delineations) statsgo.bbox <- fetchSDA_spatial(660848, db = 'STATSGO', method = "bbox", add.fields = c("mapunit.muname", "legend.areaname")) expect_equal(nrow(statsgo.bbox), 5) # test STATSGO gsmmupolygon (1 envelope around 5 delineations) statsgo.bbox <- fetchSDA_spatial(660848, db = 'STATSGO', method = "envelope", add.fields = c("mapunit.muname", "legend.areaname")) expect_equal(nrow(statsgo.bbox), 1) # skip_if_not_installed('sf') # suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("sf")) # suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("lwgeom")) # # test CLIPAREASYMBOL # an_extent <- fetchSDA_spatial(x = 660972, db = 'STATSGO', chunk.size = 1, add.fields = "legend.areaname") # tst <- sf::st_as_sf(an_extent) # expect_equal(nrow(an_extent), 7) # expect_true(all.equal(sum(sf::st_area(tst)), sf::st_area(sf::st_union(tst)))) })