context("SDA_query() -- requires internet connection") test_that("SDA_query() works", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() ## sample data # single-table result x.1 <<- suppressMessages(SDA_query(q = "SELECT areasymbol, saverest FROM sacatalog WHERE areasymbol = 'CA630' ; ")) # multi-table result x.2 <<- suppressMessages(SDA_query(q = "SELECT areasymbol, saverest FROM sacatalog WHERE areasymbol = 'CA630'; SELECT areasymbol, saverest FROM sacatalog WHERE areasymbol = 'CA664' ;")) # table with multiple data types x.3 <<- suppressMessages(SDA_query(q = "SELECT TOP 100 mukey, cokey, compkind, comppct_r, majcompflag, elev_r, slope_r, wei, weg FROM component ;")) ## TODO: mukeys change through time, figure out a better way to query a known record # table with multi-line records x.4 <<- suppressMessages(SDA_query(q = "SELECT * from mutext WHERE mukey = '2596937';")) skip_if_not_installed("sf") # point with known SSURGO data p <<- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(x=-121.77100, y=37.368402), coords=c("x","y"), crs = "EPSG:4326") skip_if(inherits(x.1, 'try-error')) skip_if(inherits(x.2, 'try-error')) # standard request expect_true(inherits(x.1, 'data.frame')) expect_true(inherits(x.2, 'list')) }) test_that("SDA_query() returns expected result", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if(inherits(x.1, 'try-error')) skip_if(inherits(x.2, 'try-error')) # table dimensions expect_equal(nrow(x.1), 1) expect_equal(ncol(x.1), 2) # expected results x.12 <-'rbind', x.2) expect_equal(x.1$areasymbol, 'CA630') expect_equal(x.12$areasymbol, c('CA630', 'CA664')) }) test_that("SDA_query() query too long", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") q <- paste0("SELECT '1", paste0(rep(0, 1e7), collapse = ""), "' as a;") expect_error(soilDB::SDA_query(q), "Query string is too long") }) test_that("SDA_query() SQL error / no results -> NULL", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # bad SQL should result in a warning and try-error result. expect_true(inherits(expect_message(SDA_query("SELECT this from that")), 'try-error')) # queries that result in 0 rows should return NULL x <- suppressMessages(SDA_query("SELECT areasymbol, saverest FROM sacatalog WHERE areasymbol = 'xxx';")) skip_if(inherits(x, 'try-error')) # if service is unavailable this returns try-error, not NULL expect_null(x) }) test_that("SDA_spatialQuery() simple spatial query, tabular results", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # test first using an sf object converted internally to sp skip_if_not_installed("sf") if (requireNamespace("sf")) { res <- suppressWarnings(SDA_spatialQuery(sf::st_as_sf(p), what = 'mukey')) skip_if(inherits(res, 'try-error')) # testing known values expect_true(inherits(res, 'data.frame')) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1) expect_match(res$muname, 'Diablo') } # test with what = "sapolygon" res <- suppressWarnings(SDA_spatialQuery(p, what = "areasymbol")) skip_if(inherits(res, 'try-error')) expect_true(inherits(res, 'data.frame')) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1) expect_match(res$areasymbol, 'CA641') }) test_that("SDA_spatialQuery() simple spatial query, spatial results", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("sf") # test with default db = "SSURGO" res <- suppressWarnings(SDA_spatialQuery(p, what = 'geom')) skip_if(inherits(res, 'try-error')) # testing known values expect_true(inherits(res, 'sf')) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1) # test with db = "STATSGO" res <- suppressWarnings(SDA_spatialQuery(p, what = 'geom', db = "STATSGO")) skip_if(inherits(res, 'try-error')) # testing known values expect_true(inherits(res, 'sf')) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1) # test with what = "sapolygon" res <- suppressWarnings(SDA_spatialQuery(p, what = "sapolygon")) skip_if(inherits(res, 'try-error')) # testing known values expect_true(inherits(res, 'sf')) expect_equal(nrow(res), 1) }) test_that("SDA_spatialQuery() spatial query of MUKEY with multiple features", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("sf") x <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(x = c(-120, -120, -120), y = c(37, 37, 38)), coords = c('x', 'y'), crs = 4326) res <- SDA_spatialQuery(x) # if the result set is empty rather than an error, SDA_query() result can be NULL skip_if(is.null(res) || inherits(res, 'try-error')) expect_equal(nrow(res), 2) res2 <- SDA_spatialQuery(x, db = "STATSGO") expect_equal(nrow(res), 2) }) test_that("SDA_query() interprets column names", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if(inherits(x.3, 'try-error')) # x.3 is from the component table expect_equal( names(x.3), c("mukey", "cokey", "compkind", "comppct_r", "majcompflag", "elev_r", "slope_r", "wei", "weg") ) }) test_that("SDA_query() interprets data type correctly", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if(inherits(x.3, 'try-error')) # x.3 is from the component table expect_true(inherits(x.3$mukey, 'integer')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$cokey, 'integer')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$compkind, 'character')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$comppct_r, 'integer')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$majcompflag, 'character')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$elev_r, 'numeric')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$slope_r, 'numeric')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$wei, 'character')) expect_true(inherits(x.3$weg, 'character')) }) test_that("SDA_query() works with multi-line records", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() skip_if(inherits(x.4, 'try-error')) # expect_true(inherits(x.4, 'data.frame')) expect_true(nrow(x.4) == 7) })