context("ROSETTA() -- requires internet connection") # example data x <- structure( list( musym = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), cokey = c(20392868L, 20392868L, 20392870L, 20392870L, 20392870L, 20392870L, 20393517L, 20394343L, 20394343L, 20394343L), compname = c("Aluf", "Aluf", "Hitilo", "Hitilo", "Hitilo", "Hitilo", "Aransas", "Muskogee", "Muskogee", "Muskogee"), comppct_r = c(47L, 47L, 22L, 22L, 22L, 22L, 100L, 20L, 20L, 20L), hzname = c("H1", "H2", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H1", "H1", "H2", "H3"), hzdept_r = c(0L, 127L, 0L, 117L, 137L, 157L, 0L, 0L, 38L, 64L), hzdepb_r = c(127L, 203L, 117L, 137L, 157L, 203L, 152L, 38L, 64L, 203L), sandtotal_r = c(94.4, 91, 94.1, 55.4, 59.3, 62.8, 23.3, 11.7, 6.8, 23.3), silttotal_r = c(0.6, 1, 1.4, 17.6, 13.7, 19.2, 29.2, 69.8, 63.2, 29.2), claytotal_r = c(5, 8, 4.5, 27, 27, 18, 47.5, 18.5, 30, 47.5), dbthirdbar_r = c(1.6, 1.55, 1.55, 1.58, 1.58, 1.5, 1.45, 1.38, 1.35, 1.33), wthirdbar_decimal = c(0.117, 0.129, 0.106, 0.252, 0.261, 0.211, 0.369, 0.286, 0.308, 0.399 ), wfifteenbar_decimal = c(0.049, 0.062, 0.039, 0.181, 0.156, 0.122, 0.285, 0.134, 0.165, 0.255) ), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame", SDA_id = "Table" ) test_that("ROSETTA() works", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_not_installed("jsonlite") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # attempting to use all possible soil properties vars <- c('sandtotal_r', 'silttotal_r', 'claytotal_r', 'dbthirdbar_r', 'wthirdbar_decimal', 'wfifteenbar_decimal') # submit request r <- ROSETTA(x, vars = vars) # correct object skip_if_not(inherits(r, 'data.frame')) # input / output are conformal expect_true(nrow(r) == nrow(x)) # output contains new columns expect_true(all(c('theta_r', 'theta_s', 'alpha', 'npar', 'ksat') %in% names(r))) }) test_that("bootstrap standard deviation", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_not_installed("jsonlite") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # attempting to use all possible soil properties vars <- c('sandtotal_r', 'silttotal_r', 'claytotal_r', 'dbthirdbar_r', 'wthirdbar_decimal', 'wfifteenbar_decimal') # submit request r <- ROSETTA(x, vars = vars, = TRUE) # correct object skip_if_not(inherits(r, 'data.frame')) # input / output are conformal expect_true(nrow(r) == nrow(x)) # output contains new columns expect_true(all(c('sd_theta_r', 'sd_theta_s', 'sd_alpha', 'sd_npar', 'sd_ksat') %in% names(r))) }) test_that("correct model selection in the presence of NA", { skip_if_not_installed("httr") skip_if_not_installed("jsonlite") skip_if_offline() skip_on_cran() # sprinkle NA x$dbthirdbar_r[1] <- NA x$wthirdbar_decimal[2] <- NA x$wfifteenbar_decimal[3] <- NA x$sandtotal_r[9] <- NA x[10, ] <- NA # attempting to use all possible soil properties vars <- c('sandtotal_r', 'silttotal_r', 'claytotal_r', 'dbthirdbar_r', 'wthirdbar_decimal', 'wfifteenbar_decimal') # submit request r <- ROSETTA(x, vars = vars) # correct object skip_if_not(inherits(r, 'data.frame')) # missing 1/3 bar Db -> model 2 expect_true(r$.rosetta.model[1] == 2) # missing 1/3 bar WT -> model 3 expect_true(r$.rosetta.model[2] == 3) # missing 15 bar WT -> model 4 expect_true(r$.rosetta.model[3] == 4) # no records missing -> model 5 expect_true(all(r$.rosetta.model[4:8] == 5)) # missing sand -> NA expect_true($theta_r[9]) & (r$.rosetta.model[9] == -1)) # all NA expect_true(all([10, c('theta_r', 'theta_s', 'alpha', 'npar', 'ksat')]))) })