context("fetchNASIS() -- requires local NASIS and ODBC connection") # TODO: develop minimal test set for NASIS data, stored as static SQLite DB dsn <- NULL ## helper functions used to skip tests that rely on special conditions # # # * NASIS on the local machine # * pedons / component missing from local database check_local_NASIS_pedons_available <- function(dsn = NULL) { # attempt to load pedons # these functions will return empty data.frame objects when there are no data in the SS res1 <- try(suppressWarnings(get_site_data_from_NASIS_db(dsn = dsn)), silent = TRUE) res2 <- try(suppressWarnings(get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db(dsn = dsn)), silent = TRUE) if (nrow(res1) == 0) { skip("no Site/Pedon records in local NASIS database") } if (nrow(res2) == 0) { skip("no Pedon Horizon records in local NASIS database") } } check_local_NASIS_components_available <- function(dsn = NULL) { # attempt to load components # these functions will return empty data.frame objects when there are no data in the SS res1 <- try(suppressWarnings(get_component_data_from_NASIS_db(dsn = dsn)), silent = FALSE) res2 <- try(suppressWarnings(get_component_horizon_data_from_NASIS_db(dsn = dsn)), silent = FALSE) if (nrow(res1) == 0) { skip("no Component records in local NASIS database") } if (nrow(res2) == 0) { skip("no Component Horizon records in local NASIS database") } } ## tests test_that("fetchNASIS(from='pedons') returns reasonable data", { # test for conditions permitting this test to run if (!local_NASIS_defined(dsn = dsn)) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } # pedons must be present for tests check_local_NASIS_pedons_available(dsn = dsn) # get data # ignore warnings for now x <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASIS(from = 'pedons')) # expected outcomes expect_true(inherits(x, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_equal(nrow(site(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(horizons(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(idname(x), 'peiid') expect_equal(horizonDepths(x), c("hzdept", "hzdepb")) # no NA in total fragments using default arguments expect_equal(any($total_frags_pct)), FALSE) expect_equal(any($total_frags_pct_nopf)), FALSE) expect_equal(any($fragvoltot)), FALSE) # make sure fill and rmHzErrors work without error y <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASIS(from = 'pedons', fill = TRUE)) expect_true(inherits(y, 'SoilProfileCollection')) z <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASIS(from = 'pedons', fill = TRUE, rmHzErrors = FALSE)) expect_true(inherits(z, 'SoilProfileCollection')) }) test_that("fetchNASIS(from='pedons') nullFragsAreZero works as expected", { # test for conditions permitting this test to run if (!local_NASIS_defined(dsn = dsn)) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } # components must be present for tests check_local_NASIS_pedons_available(dsn = dsn) # get data # ignore warnings for now x <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASIS(from = 'pedons')) y <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASIS(from = 'pedons', nullFragsAreZero = FALSE)) # no NA in total fragments using default arguments expect_true(all(horizons(x)[$total_frags_pct),'total_frags_pct'] == 0)) expect_true(all(horizons(x)[$total_art_pct),'total_art_pct'] == 0)) }) test_that("fetchNASIS(from='components') returns reasonable data", { skip_on_cran() if(!local_NASIS_defined()) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } # must have components to complete test check_local_NASIS_components_available(dsn = dsn) # get data # ignore warnings for now x <- suppressWarnings(fetchNASIS(from = 'components')) # expected outcomes expect_true(inherits(x, 'SoilProfileCollection')) expect_equal(nrow(site(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(horizons(x)) > 0, TRUE) expect_equal(idname(x), 'coiid') expect_equal(horizonDepths(x), c("hzdept_r", "hzdepb_r")) }) test_that("get_text_notes_from_NASIS_db works", { if (!local_NASIS_defined(dsn = dsn)) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } res <- get_text_notes_from_NASIS_db() expect_true(inherits(res, 'list') && inherits(res[[1]], 'data.frame')) }) test_that("getHzErrorsNASIS works", { if (!local_NASIS_defined(dsn = dsn)) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } expect_silent({suppressMessages(getHzErrorsNASIS(dsn = dsn))}) }) test_that("get_soilseries_from_NASIS works", { if (!local_NASIS_defined(dsn = dsn)) { skip("local NASIS database not available") } expect_silent({suppressMessages(res <- get_soilseries_from_NASIS(dsn = dsn))}) # all calculated combined taxminalogy classes exist in corresponding taxclname over.idx <- grep(" over ", res$taxminalogy) expect_true(all(sapply(seq_len(length(over.idx)), function(i) grepl(res$taxminalogy[over.idx[i]], tolower(res$taxclname[over.idx[i]]))))) })